
Reborn Relive

A young adventurer had fallen during battle but came back to life due to unknown circumstances, knowing the feeling of death he realized he still has a lot to live for and had so many regrets, that now he wants to live life to the full with no regrets hanging behind

Alight · 奇幻
18 Chs

The Memories Of The World Outside

After his journey began through the tower of hell, he met various kinds of monsters ranging from strong to stronger as day by day, he killed all those monsters he began to understand his powers even more clearly and how he can use them to do various kinds of stuff other than just teleporting for example If thought of to reveal things hidden to normal eyes, the left eye will immediately show things that have left behind small traces in the area.

Luke continuously fought monsters day by day taking rests on floors where he had already killed the monster, eating food that he has never before seen which wasn't of good taste, and on the constant worry about the monster on the next floor and how strong it would be. All these thoughts slowly started changing who Luke was before he had entered the tower to a tired individual who wanted it all to end so he can go back home to meet his family

But that all changed when he entered a floor held by a familiar face

"You are… If I remember, Jisku?" as the giant lay on the ground, he looked up at the sky and said "Yes, welcome to my floor, human ghost" 

Luke was ready to fight this monster as well as any he had encountered before but Jisku said "Btw what is your name?" he was surprised to hear such a question because until now each and every monster he had encountered went straight to the fighting as Luke responded accordingly he said "That's a nice name…Luke, can you tell me about the human world?" "Huh, what do you mean?"

"After all these years, I have completely forgotten how the real world looked and I really want to remember Luke, so can you tell me how the real world is right now?" as Luke thinks about it for a second and replies 

"Well first off, from my perspective, the mornings were always a great time for me… I woke up to hear birds chirping and feel the fresh air of the morning as the sun rays fell on me. It truly was a moment that I miss the most here, the afternoons were full of people talking and crowding, it was irritating at times but felt weird if it didn't happen, the outside of the city was filled with quiet roads and beautiful trees, and at night the one thing I truly miss the most was lying on the grass and looking off at the moon… as the cold air fell on my body, I felt a peace… a peace that could easily make me fall into sleep"

As Jisku hears this, tears falls from his eyes "Its all as I remember, the same old world" as a smile appears on his face he looks at Luke and says "Sorry I can't help you train Luke, I don't want to fight nor do I want to live here anymore… what I want to return back to my old world as soon as possible so Luke, kill me… " with a kind smile on his face, he looks straight towards Luke as he replies "Okay" and ends it for him in a matter of mere seconds and thinks "even if a 100 years had passed, your humanity still lived on didn't it Jisku?" 

As he rests on that floor for the night remembering that beautiful moment of the real world as he quickly falls to a peaceful sleep worrying about nothing as the next morning, he woke up fresh with energetic look as he slaps his face and thinks "I wonder how many floors are left now, but I know one thing… I can't wait to clear them all" and with determination he moves once again as waits for him on the next floor was a spiky hair monster he met back at the first floor as he turns around with a smile and says "Finally, you have arrived" as Luke tightens his fist, he gets ready to fight the monsters once again and the battle begins

The spiky haired moved quick heading straight to his face and begins with a barrage of fists which Luke skillfully blocks one by one, all his melee attacks had no effect on Luke as he learned quite a lot from the floors below as when he finally got an opening, he covers his fist with yellow light and charges it to the monster's stomach and blows him back 

The monster gave a wide smile "Amazing, Amazing, Truly Amazing" as he then joins his palms and and shoots out multiple spikes from his hair towards Luke who shifted his left eye to look right behind the monster and teleported away as the spikes quickly turn around heading back at Luke, noticing which, he blew the monster towards them to take them all back. They hit the monster in various places as he turns around and takes the spikes off from his face "Good, give me more" 

Luke, hearing this says "A sadist huh, and here I thought I already seen it all" as Luke quickly moved towards the monster, he took out two long strands of hair and turned them into blades as he tried to slash Luke but he wasn't taking a single hit. For him all these hits felt easy to dodge but The monster knew this and with a wide smile shoots out the spikes once again from his back which go around Luke and were about to attack him from the back when he teleported and all those spikes hit the monster once again.

"How many times are you gonna hit yourself, I know you are trying to make it easy for me but please I need a challenge" hearing this the monster was now angry, Luke had hit his nerve as he quickly heads towards him as Luke with a smile teleports away from there, first behind him then next to him then above him then right in front of him and kept repeating this as the monster got confused on how to hit him as finally when he let his guard down, Luke appeared right in front of him and with a shine in his palm, penetrates his neck as the monster suffered, he took his hand and replied "Rest in peace" and charged another punch to his chest….to end the fight right then and there.

As the monster turns to dust, Luke gives out a deep sigh when suddenly he closes his left eye which suddenly started to hurt "ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch" said Luke in pain as he sits down and puts his palm over his eye thinking "I never thought about it but, I should have known that this eye also has its limit" and then proceeds to lie down and sleep for the rest of the day as another floor came to an end

And the adventure continues….