
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

TranslatorKun · 漫画同人
35 Chs


Satoru could feel her cold gaze.

He answered," Yeah I want to be a shinobi, Oka-san"

Aina was a bit overprotective of Satoru and did not want him to get hurt.

She replied," Hmm, I see Satoru-chan. But, do you know how dangerous it can be to be a shinobi? You could get hurt or worse. I don't want you to put yourself in that kind of danger. Besides we are just common people not a noble clan of Konoha."

Her worries were not unreasonable. Her son didn't have a Kekkai Genkai that could give him an advantage over other people, nor were they from a clan of Shinobi. They couldn't afford an expert who could teach him Ninjutsu at a young age. She was just afraid that she might lose him.

"Oka-san, I want to protect people and make a difference in the world. There is already so much sadness in this world, I want to bring an end to that sadness." Satoru said with a determined look on his face.

"I might not have a Kekkei Genkai but I do have an advantage over others." Satoru thought to himself while looking at a black-colored rhombus on the wrist of his right hand.

Aina wanted to refute and change her son's mind but before she could say anything Yamamoto touched her shoulder and nodded a 'No' with his head. "Parents should encourage their children's dreams and aspirations, not discourage or destroy them." Aina thought and reluctantly agreed with her son.

Two years later......

" It has been two years since I arrived in the Naruto world. Although I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact year, I have a basic understanding of the timeline. When I last looked at the Hokage Rocks, there were only 'three' faces carved into the mountain, indicating that the Third Shinobi War had not yet taken place. At least that was my understanding initially. However, I soon realized that the Second Shinobi War was already underway." Satoru thought to himself as he walked towards the balcony.

Satoru was not worried about the Second Shinobi War because he knew there was nothing he could do about it. "How am I supposed to defeat my enemies with the smell of my diapers?" he thought.

However, he had faith in Konoha and its strength, since it did not lose the Second Shinobi War in the Naruto series. As long as he didn't interfere with anything, the outcome would be the same.

Satoru looked out at the peaceful village and couldn't help but reflect on the horrors of war. "The village is so peaceful," he mused out loud, "you wouldn't even know a war is happening right now."

As he gazed at the landscape of Konoha, Satoru couldn't help but think of the horrors happening in Amegakure. "People of Amegakure are dying there even at this moment, while the people of this village live their normal lives. It's no wonder Nagato wanted to destroy Konoha," he muttered to himself, his heart heavy with the weight of the ongoing war.


He could see a vibrant marketplace, numerous restaurants, and shops that sell everything from ninja gear to local delicacies. There are lush green forests on the edges of the Village. The village is divided into several districts, each with its own unique features and landmarks. The central district is where the Hokage's office is located, as well as the village's main marketplace, where locals and tourists can find a variety of goods and services.

To the east of the village lies the training grounds, where ninjas from the village come to hone their skills and abilities. The west side of the village is home to the residential district, where villagers live and work.

North of the village is the forest of death, which is a dangerous and forbidden area where ninjas come to test their skills and compete against one another. South of the village is the riverfront district, where visitors can enjoy scenic views of the river and participate in various water activities.

The Konoha Police Department has three locations: one in the east near the Nara Clan, one in the west near the Uchiha Clan, and one in the south near the Hatake Clan. Satoru resides near the Konoha Police Department in the west. Most of Konoha's noble clans are situated near the Hokage building, except for a few such as the Uchiha, Hatake, Inuzuka, and Aburame Clans, which are located further away. Inuzuka and Aburame had to be located close to their respective breeding grounds for dogs and insects, hence the distant location. The Hatake Clan is almost extinct, with only a few remaining members. And, the Uchiha Clan never had a good relationship with the Hokage faction.

Satoru gazed out at the serene landscape. As he glanced at his right wrist and saw the black rhombus-shaped seal, he couldn't help but wonder, "I still haven't figured out what it does?" He could only recall the words of the Otsutsuki god, stating that it would take at least 30 years for him to become as strong as an Otsutsuki. He had no clue how the seal could help him achieve that, nor did he know how to use it.

He realized that he couldn't rely on the seal alone to become stronger. The third Shinobi war was approaching, and he needed to figure something out soon, or he might not survive until the thirty years were up. With a deep breath, he thought to himself, "I need to come up with a plan."

Suddenly, he stretched his arms up in the air and exclaimed, "Yosh!! Let's train!" He knew that he had to start somewhere, and training was the best option.