
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

TranslatorKun · 漫画同人
35 Chs

A Dangerous Mission! Journey to the Land Of Silence - 6

Satoru's mind buzzed with thoughts as he pondered the words spoken by Gekko. His previous beliefs and convictions were challenged, leaving him deep in contemplation. He couldn't help but question the very essence of their existence as shinobi.

"Remove their handcuffs"

Gekko motioned to one of the Kakushinsha, silently instructing him to remove the handcuffs that had tightly bound Satoru and his teammates. It was a seemingly small action, but its significance resonated deeply. At that moment, Gekko aimed to bridge the gap that separated them, to foster a connection that transcended their respective roles.

Gekko's intention was crystal clear - he sought to engage them in conversation as equals, as kindred spirits bound by the shinobi way.

Satoru met Gekko's gaze, his eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and caution.

It seemed as if flames flickered in Gekko's eyes, captivating Satoru's attention. "Well, there's one more thing I'd like to ask you," Gekko interjected.

"But you said one question--"

"Allow me this one more," Gekko insisted, his voice firm.

"Ninjas possess abilities that set them apart from ordinary individuals. Would you not agree with that?"

Chakra and ninjutsu...

Ninjas possessed extraordinary powers that set them apart from ordinary individuals. Satoru silently acknowledged this fact.

Gekko observed him, a sense of satisfaction evident in his gaze, before continuing. "The powers of ninjas are so immense that they transcend the limitations of a human vessel."

Once again, Satoru nodded, affirming his understanding of Gekko's words.

Satoru couldn't help but contemplate the presence of immensely powerful individuals like Hashirama and Madara in the world. These figures possessed god-like abilities, far surpassing the capabilities of ordinary humans. To equate them to mere mortals would be a grave disservice, a lack of recognition for their exceptional powers

"Why do those who surpass the limits of humanity need to hide their true abilities and reside in hidden villages?" Gekko's words echoed through Satoru's mind.

The questions struck a chord within him, challenging the status quo. He couldn't help but acknowledge the truth in Gekko's statements. The great Shinobi wars were won by the extraordinary efforts of the ninjas and not by the daimyo or ordinary citizens.

"Ninjas have sacrificed their lives to protect this world, but how many people truly acknowledge their contributions?" Gekko's words resonated deeply with Satoru.

Satoru couldn't help but reflect on the disparity between the world of the ninja and the world beyond. The sacrifices, achievements, and legends that existed within the ninja realm were largely hidden from the knowledge of ordinary people. It stirred a sense of injustice within him, prompting him to question why such remarkable individuals and their deeds remained confined to the realm of secrecy.

"Yes, you're absolutely right, Gekko-sama, Shinobis are not acknowledged by the people." Anko chimed in, her voice filled with agreement.


"Is she plotting something?" Satoru couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. Was she up to something? He glanced back at Anko, but her unwavering gaze was fixed on Gekko. Anko had always been mischievous and skilled at deception.

But then, to his astonishment, Bob spoke up with a resolute expression on his face. "I want to help Gekko-sama achieve his ambitions," he declared confidently.


Satoru nearly choked on his words, unable to believe what he was hearing. He had known Bob for a long time, and he knew that Bob was a straightforward person who couldn't lie if his life depended on it. Looking at Bob's determined face, Satoru realized that he was serious.

"How can they be so easily swayed by his words?" Satoru murmured to himself, a mix of disbelief and skepticism filling his thoughts. While he couldn't deny that some of Gekko's words held truth, the idea of completely changing one's ideology and life ambitions based on someone's speech seemed far-fetched to him.

In his mind, there was only one person capable of such a feat, and that was Naruto Uzumaki.

"Why must the ninja, with their incredible powers, be forced to live in secrecy within hidden villages?" Gekko's voice resonated with conviction as he stood tall, taking a step forward. Each stride brought him closer to Satoru, the intensity of his words hanging in the air.

With each ascending step on the staircase, Gekko's presence grew more imposing. Satoru felt a mixture of anticipation and unease as Gekko closed the distance between them. Soon, he would be standing directly in front of Satoru, demanding his attention.

Gekko's penetrating gaze locked onto Satoru, and he spoke with unwavering determination. "Listen brat, what I am about to ask you is the question that burns within me." Gekko's proximity was palpable, his words hanging in the tense atmosphere.

"Shouldn't a world with these 'ninja' powers be governed by those who possess them?"

Satoru found himself unable to utter a definitive "No." His convictions wavered, caught between the complexities of Gekko's proposition. At that moment, he questioned what he had always believed to be right, unsure of the path he should now choose.

As Satoru observed the responses of Anko and Bob, a nagging suspicion crept into his mind. Something peculiar was unfolding before him. The unwavering loyalty of the citizens as well as Kakushinsha, devoid of any fear, raised his eyebrows.

It felt reminiscent of the scams he encountered in his previous life—an air of persuasion masking hidden agendas.

"I will unify this continent under the power of the ninja. I will end this era of warlords and infighting, an era that has gone on for astonishingly long. It is possible with the power ---------"

Satoru couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Gekko's words than met the eye. Yet, lacking crucial information, he found himself with limited options. Taking a chance seemed like the only course of action, especially since Gekko had kept him alive thus far, suggesting a purpose in preserving his life.

"You talk too much," he remarked, swiftly weaving hand signs in a fluid motion.

"Wind-release: Vacuum Spheres!"

At such close proximity, it was impossible for Gekko to evade the attack. Satoru's instincts urged him to act swiftly, realizing the need to kill this potentially dangerous individual.


To Satoru's astonishment, the vacuum sphere he unleashed abruptly vanished into thin air, mere inches away from striking Gekko.

"How?" he questioned, his mind racing to comprehend the unexpected turn of events. Yet, dwelling on the mysterious occurrence was a luxury he couldn't afford. If ninjutsu proved ineffective, then it was time to rely on taijutsu, the art of hand-to-hand combat.

Without hesitation, Satoru propelled himself towards Gekko, his movements swift and agile. However, as he closed in on his target, a disconcerting sensation overcame him, reminiscent of the rooftop encounter. His body seemed to resist his commands, momentarily impeding his agility. Nevertheless, he managed to overcome the brief setback, only with a slight sluggishness in his movements.

In that fleeting moment, a Kakushinsha, loyal to Gekko, sprang into action, intercepting Satoru's advance. A powerful kick to the gut sent him hurtling toward the entrance of the room


Satoru was in pain but he still managed to glance at the person who kicked him.

As Satoru observed the unfamiliar face before him, resembling an adult Asuma but with subtle differences, questions swirled in his mind. "Asuma?! Or perhaps someone related to him? Who is this guy?" he pondered, seeking answers within himself.

Gekko, sensing Satoru's curiosity, addressed his inner inquiries with a hint of amusement. "You're quite the spirited youngster. Your companions have already embraced my cause, yet you remain steadfast in your refusal to join me," he remarked.

Drawing closer to Satoru with measured steps, Gekko continued, his voice steady and persuasive. "Allow me to introduce the man standing before you. He is Asura Sarutobi, the son of the third Hokage. Even he, hailing from one of Konoha's noble clans, recognized the flaws in this ninja world."

Satoru's thoughts raced as he processed this new information. "Ah, so the Hokage had another child? Considering Konohamaru was his grandson and Asuma wasn't his father, it's certainly plausible," he mused, piecing together the puzzle.

With each step Gekko took, closing the distance between them, the tension in the room grew palpable.

Satoru's mind raced, analyzing the situation and considering various possibilities. He pondered the nature of the jutsu being employed against him, carefully weighing his options.

"Ninjutsu," he thought, "Wind release is invisible to the eye. It's possible to counter wind release with another wind release jutsu. But if he used wind release at such close range, I should have felt some change in the air or noticed his hand signs. None of that happened."

"Taijutsu," Satoru mused further, "It can block wind release, but I didn't see any discernible body movements. Is this guy truly that fast? And even if he was blocking, there should have been some sound. But silence prevailed."

"Sensjutsu," he contemplated, "It could explain the mysterious occurrence, but the idea of a stranger wielding Senjutsu seemed too far-fetched."

"Genjutsu," Satoru's eyes widened as the realization dawned upon him. "Yes, that's it! Genjutsu can manipulate a victim's chakra and distort their perception. But what kind of Genjutsu is this?"

As Satoru pondered over the perplexing situation, he recalled that genjutsu could be unleashed in two main ways. The first method involved intricate hand signs, which Satoru quickly ruled out in Gekko's case. There were no signs performed during the encounter.

This led Satoru to consider the second possibility - a vision-based Genjutsu. However, most vision-based Genjutsu relied on special eye techniques like the Sharingan, Rinnegan, or Ketsuryugan. Strangely, Gekko didn't possess any of these ocular abilities.

Despite racking his brain, Satoru couldn't recall the missing link that could explain Gekko's Genjutsu. There was indeed a third way to release such a technique but Satoru couldn't quite recall it at that moment.

Though he considered his options, Satoru couldn't arrive at a definitive conclusion. However, one thing was certain - there was definitely some shady jutsu at play.

As Gekko approached Satoru, his voice barely above a whisper, he divulged a secret, attempting to foster a sense of mutual trust. "By the way, let me share a little secret. I too come from a noble clan," he confided.

Gekko's words struck a chord within Satoru, prompting curiosity.

"The Kurotsuchi clan of Iwagakure? Have you heard of them?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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TranslatorKuncreators' thoughts