
Chapter 79 The Wendigo: A Family's Revelation

Claire wrapped her arms tightly around James, holding him close for a moment before stepping back to look at his Scar. Her eyes were red and puffy from tears, but her expression was one of worry.

"James, does it hurt?" Claire asked, her voice trembling slightly.James chuckled, trying to ease the tension in the room. "No, Mom," he said with a small, proud smirk. "It doesn't hurt anymore."As James spoke, the tension in the room dissipated slightly, and the worried expressions on the faces of his family members relaxed.

(James Pov)

Of course it doesn't hurt anymore, I thought to myself. I had solved the problem that had caused it. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as I looked around at the relieved expressions on the faces of my family.

My mom's first concern had been whether I was okay, not what the monster was that had tried to kill me. This was what a family should be like, I thought to myself, always looking out for each other first.

"Okay, but James, what was that thing?" Alex asked, her expression a mix of fear, curiosity, and confusion. I groaned inwardly, knowing that I would have to explain what had happened yet again.

I began to give a brief explanation of what the monster was, including its name which caused a few strange looks from some of my family members.

"Jamie is that thing an Immortal? Oh My God is that how it was fine even after your Car shot... Wait a Minute That's the Car you said you made yourself!"

Grandpa Jay, Mom and dad had a look of sudden realization as they were hit with the realization of what had happened in the video that they had completely skipped over due them not paying proper attention to it and there mind being occupied with other more important questions.

A furious look appeared on Moms face as she looked at me and spoke with her voice raised.

"Young man you better have a good explanation for this!"

Sigh.... I knew it was unavoidable but I was kind of banking of them not comprehending what they had seen in the video just yet.

"Its America" I said with a simple shrug causing Grandpa Jay to burst out laughing as Hayley and Alex giggled at my joke, Mom relaxed her sterness slightly however she didnt seem ready to cut me some slack so I could only Sigh and tell her some made up story of how I found the Guns at a Abandoned warehouse along with alot of bullets which I upgraded and added them to the car for Self Defence.

"Son I hope you left no evidence behind, when doing these kinds of things you have to be Like a Magician do the deed and then Disappear into the smoke leaving no evidence behind, It runs in your Blood" Dad patted my shoulder and started saying wise words I couldnt disagree with.

mom however smacked Dad on the shoulder looking shocked.

"Just What are you teaching your son, Dont encourage him, James That car of yours.. was it controlled by Jarvis?"

"Yes, it was controlled by Jarvis" I answered not really minding telling them about information of this level.

"Wait Jarvis can do that??" Hayley asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Jarvis can do much more than just control the Car Hale" I replied and didnt continue speaking and just didnt answer clearly when Hayley tried to ask me over and over again.

Gloria who had been quiet this entire time as she looked at James, clearly struggling to process the information she had just been given. "But.. how is that possible, James? How could something like this exist, and how come no one has ever found out about it before?"

I furrowed my brow in thought, trying to make sense of the situation. I wonder...perhaps it's because there have never been any TV shows or movies before that have been interrupted to cause another Immortal being to exist.

But that doesn't seem likely, does it? It's hard to believe that something like this could have gone unnoticed for so long.

The System that hadn't spoken for a long time finnaly spoke.

[Yes, there have been events throughout history that have resulted in the creation of immortal beings like the Wendigo. And since they are immortal, they still exist on this planet to this day.]

My eyes widened in shock as I processed the Systems words, unable to form a coherent response.

If these immortal beings like the Wendigo exist, then why hasn't the world already ended? I exclaimed in disbelief.

[Just because the Wendigo is a being of chaotic and murderous nature, that doesn't mean that all immortal beings are the same.

In fact, most people have heard of these beings, but they've passed them off as nothing buy myths, some of these myths are actually real.]

[It's important to remember that The creation of immortal beings like the Wendigo has always been happening throughout history, our existence in this world is not related to what was already happening in this world, You can interfere in these "events"]

I let out a low whistle, still trying to process the gravity of the situation. "Wow... this is a lot to take in."

As I sat there, surrounded by my family, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider. After all, in the Dunphy family there had never been a James Dunphy before. But as I looked at them, I couldn't help but wonder if my existence was a fluke, but I also understood what a waste of time finding this out would be as currently its irrelevant, I am already here and these people are already my family finding out Why wont change a thing so why waste time over it? But The thought that there were possibly multiple immortal monsters and beings roaming the earth with incredible powers I'm sure was a mind-boggling concept for me to wrap my head around, my mind raced with the endless possibilities of what these immortal beings could be like.

I couldn't believe that there were creatures out there that had been alive for centuries, possibly eons, I focused my mind towards the System and asked, "System, do you know of any immortal beings other than the Immortal Wendigo?"

I was just about to find out more when suddenly a loud sound of Gloria clearing her throat pulled me out of my thoughts and back to the present.

I turned to face her, feeling a twinge of embarrassment as I realized that I had been lost in my thoughts for far too long.

Everyone was looking at me, waiting for me to speak. I could feel their eyes on me, and I knew that I needed to say something, but I couldn't quite gather my thoughts currently

To all the people who may have thought that I didnt upload as promised , lol

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts