
Chapter 52 Jarvis Gets Caught Lacking

A few hours flew by and Wednesday was just looking at the things that could be done with the holographic Table and designing something on there.

Although she does not have knowledge like James she herself is not that bad, in creating contraptions and traps.

She was currently making traps for this warehouse as she does not know just how protected this Warehouse actually is, as that information is privy only to James alone.

She was creating a hidden trap with the assistance of Jarvis, the hidden trap was one that could be mechanically activated, Jarvis had judged that there was nothing wrong with more protection of the warehouse so he allowed Wednesday to Design a Trap but since she isnt the best in matter relating to mechanics and all Jarvis was helping her.

James on the other hand was still lying down in the Healing pod when his eyes suddenly opened and he sat up and looked around him only to see Thing Besides him.

Thing started communicating with James and James also understood what Thing was trying to say.

< So, can you understand what I am saying now?>

(I will be using <> to describe what Thing us saying from now on)

"Yes, Thing I can Understand what you are saying, As a matter of fact I can understand so many diffrent Languages as well which is just so cool"

James got out of the car and saw Wednesday who had stopped Designing when she had heard of James's voice speaking to Thing.

"Hey, Wednesday how long was I out for?"

"You were Asleep for 5 Hours"

"Oh, Then we should get going to School now"

"We should be fine classes dont start until 8am"

James walked up closer to Wednesday and saw the hologram being projected of the thing Wednesday was creating.

"Wednesday, I have already slept but you stayed awake doing all of this, I think you should get some rest"

Wednesday looked towards James with a straight face showing no signs of tiredness visible to the naked eye.

James however knew that it was only a natural thing for a human to feel sleepy no matter how trained they are, this is due to the fact that they have been trained to stay awake that however does not mean they dont feel sleepy like any normal human being.

This was just one of the many Things James now had information about and just by looking at Wednesday, James noticed the slight sloppiness in Wednesdays actions and reaction speed, James knew she was feeling sleepy.

"I dont feel the requirement to sleep, so I will not be taking rest"

"Wednesday... you know that you dont Need to stay awake right"

When James said this he put Emphasis on the Word Need and Wednesday seemed to be considering when she heard his Emphasis on the word "Need"

"Very Well, you are right I do not have a Need to be awake"

"Great Jarvis will drop you off at School"

She had just stood up to head towards the car when she heard what James had just said stopped herself from walking further.

"Arent you coming aswell?"

"Uhh, No there is plenty of hours left until 8 am and I am already feeling well rested and I want to really get to using my New Knowledge"

"Okay, Take care of your self"


When James said that Wednesday headed inside the car and shut the door, The Car started up and exited the Warehouse driving of into the night.

As the door to the warehouse closed a feeling deep inside James grew, but he did not focus on the matter of the heart and took it as the feeling of accomplishment.

James walked back to the table and saw what Wednesday was working and couldnt help but be impressed with how well the entire contraption mechanisms and engineering was done.

"How come I didn't not know that Wednesday was pretty good in engineering"

Jarvis wanted to say that it assisted Wednesday and due to it, the Mechanics and Engineering was on point, but Jarvis decided against it as, during it's time surfing through the Internet Jarvis had found that Love Blossoms between two Individuals and it is sealed with a kiss and since James now has a better opinion of Wednesday, it decided that it was beneficial to James.

So Jarvis did not say anything and Let James Think that Wednesday could do it.

However Jarvis also decided that it now had to teach Wednesday the Basics of Engineering to make it believable that she did it and not him.

"Sir can I request that you allow Miss. Wednesday access to Information of a basic Level from around the world?"

James didnt even give it a second though as to him, he now trusts Wednesday much more than he did previously.

"Yes I'll allow it, Change her Authorization level to the same level as my Family"

"Yes Sir"

Jarvis felt the synthetic version of Happines at his accomplishment of covering up its Lie but in the end decided to overrule its Lie and tell the truth to James.

This was due to the fact that, doing things like this will just create a web of lies and will defenetly affect James's relationship with Wednesday, and Its main function was to never Lie to James.

"Sir, It was me who had assisted Wednesday in Her engineering"

"I know"

James had a smug smile on his face, he knew very well that Wednesday was not capable of doing such a well job in Engineering and this was a technological related matter and Wednesday, according to his previous experience with her, she was not the best at technology nor at accepting help from Jarvis.


"Jarvis, do you want to explain yourself?"

Hope you guys are looking forwards to what James will now do in the next chapter, I tried a new style of writing so let me know what you think :)


Oh and also a friend of mine wrote a Fanfiction, It has a intresting idea for a Fanfic based on the world of One piece so If you want to you can check it out his username is Cookie_Smh

He is a decent writer so i think it would be great if you guys gave his Fanfic a shot :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts