
Chapter 125 A Retractable Laser Sword And Mark Armours

"Now as good as that sounds, there is a bit of a problem I realized after working on it.

The copper I will be using won't be able to carry too much energy, or else it will get overloaded and burn, potentially starting an electrical fire inside the suit.

If that were to happen, the chances of me dying would instantly rise up to 99%, the 1% being that I can eject and get as far away from the armor before it eventually explodes.

So, I will have to put a monitoring device on it so that the copper wire doesn't overheat, carrying the energy away from the attack.

I ran simulations to test just how much energy it could carry away, but it left me disappointed.

So I began to create a better copper attachment to carry high amounts of energy away from the energy attacks I get hit by.

I decided to use a pattern of thick copper wires crisscrossed within each other to form a braid-like entanglement to increase the amount of energy it carried away.

The end result was that it had a much higher amount of energy transfer, which left me satisfied with the results.

I added a few more features and called it completed.

It had taken me a lot of hours, but the armor was complete... not really.

I still didn't have an melee attack weapon I was satisfied with.

So, I decided to create a sort of retractable laser blade.

It would be attached to my hands, and a sword hilt would sort of pop out of a chamber in my arm.

This would be the weapon, I decided on.

It would have concentrated power of the laser, making it way better than my hand repulser blasts and also The best for close range battle.

Its energy laser would be given by the arc reactor, and it would be controlled by my voice.

Its energy blade would grow longer and longer the more energy provided to it and would keep the shape of a sword, however it would be weakened if it kept growing larger.

And It would simply retract when the energy supply is reduced below a certain point.

Once I was done building that and running simulations.

I waved my hands at the holographic screen, and all of the separated pieces of the armor all came together, forming a more streamlined-looking Mark 6 armor with its classic red and gold color.

I wondered if I should change it to the Mark XLII color scheme or leave it as it is.

I thought about it for a few minutes and then realized that this was basically an original armor with my own take on the technology.

So, I thought that maybe I should change the colors of the armor.

I didn't know how to feel about that, but I knew that would be the right move as this is the Only armor I have made by myself, and it's not an armor built by Tony Stark anymore.

No, rather, it was built by James Dunphy, I thought as I decided to change the color schemes.

I also remembered how that in the begging when I got this system one of my goals was to build an Armour by myslef.

And I felt a large sense of satisfaction at my accomplishment

I picked the color black for the entire armor with hints of grey and red details under the chest plate of the armor as an homage to the original Mark armor.

I also decided to change the color of the arc reactor and the eyes to purple.

Quickly implementing them, I was left with a new armor that looked to be like the Mark XLII, but I couldn't decide what to name it, so I left it up in the air for now.

Satisfied by what I have done so far, I realize that there are more Autobots and Decepticons, and probably more armors I will have to create.

I felt annoyed slightly and wanted to see what Jarvis could do, so I asked Jarvis to create the perfect types of counter Mark armors to battle the Autobots and Decepticons.

As I pit in the Abilities and features of the Autobots and Decepticons, In return Jarvis gave me a bunch a armour who would special features against that Autibot or Decepticon.

Taking those results I determined to create Mark Armours with similar abilities form the Iron Man 3 movie.

The Iron Man Mark XVII "Heartbreaker" could be a good opponent to Megatron, I thought.

As the Heartbreaker armor's heavy weapons and enhanced durability make it a good match for Megatron's brute strength and powerful weapons.

The armor may need to be modified with additional energy shielding and a more advanced targeting system to effectively engage Megatron in close combat however, all of which could be worked upon.

But an obstacle is that I don't know what the original Energy shielding and targeting system on the armor was.

Iron Man Mark XL "Shotgun" vs Barricade could be a fair matchup, as The Shotgun armor's heavy weapons and enhanced speed make it a good match for Barricade's ability to transform into a police car and chase down opponents.

However, I think the "Heartbreaker" would do just alright.

Iron Man Mark XXXV "Red Snapper" against Bonecrusher would be an interesting match as well as The Red Snapper armor's enhanced strength and durability make it a good opponent against Bonecrusher's powerful attacks and ability to transform into a bulldozer.

The armor may need to be equipped with specialized countermeasures against Bonecrusher's seismic attacks however, which sounds like it would be a total pain to come up with.

As for the Autobots' side,

I already have taken care of Bumblebee, so that leaves the rest.

The Mark XVII "Heartbreaker" would also similarly be a good matchup against Optimus Prime: it has powerful repulsor blasts and good durability.

It can use its repulsor blasts to quickly take care of Optimus if it ever came down to it.

Jazz can be easily taken care of with just the Mark XLII.

Now, Iron Man Mark XL against Ratchet would be good.

The Mark XL "Shotgun" armor would be a good match against Ratchet due to its heavy-duty armor plating and powerful repulsor blasts.

However, Ratchet's advanced medical systems and combat experience would still make him a formidable opponent.

And finally, Ironhide, the best matchup would be The Iron Man Mark XXXV "Red Snapper" Armor.