
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

azzari · 电视同人
55 Chs

Chapter 54 Interview 2

 Compared to the talk shows she and Ryan had watched, Kate was quite polite. She only touched on some sensitive issues briefly and did not delve into them endlessly. This had something to do with Pie Kingsley's public relations beforehand, and also with the It's about his age.

 Besides, regarding the conflict with Tom Cruise, although he was the final winner, the media and the public still placed him in the position of the weak. Adults are more or less sympathetic to children.

 "Strictly speaking, "The Sixth Sense" was your first exposure to acting, but you showed amazing acting skills. How did you do it?" Kate asked.

 "It has something to do with my experience. After all, apart from the scary parts, a lot of the movie comes from my life..." Ryan pulled off the tiger skin again since lying doesn't cost money anyway.

 "Have you been abused in the orphanage?"

 "Not before the age of six." Ryan shook his head first, then frowned, "The orphanage is indeed a very indifferent place with emotions. Let's put it this way, except for Katie I'm not familiar with anyone except the old dean. As for what happened after Dean Katie retired, I don't want to mention it again."

 "Okay." Kate changed the subject, "What about Miss Nicole Kidman? What about?"

 "Nicole is my only relative and the most important person to me." Ryan replied without thinking, "Can you imagine that I escaped from the orphanage and was penniless? , I was at a loss and asked for help everywhere, but was rejected as a homeless person. In that case, I met Nicole on the Avenue of Stars. She almost didn't hesitate and tried her best to help me. To win me over She spent all her savings, sold her house and car, and owed a lot of debt."

 Although many media have reported on the affairs between him and Nicole, this kind of They did not dig out the secret that only a few people knew. At this time, the audience exclaimed. They couldn't do all this for a stranger in a different place.

 "I know that some people never mind looking at other people in the worst possible way. In their view, Nicole fought for my custody because of the huge benefits, but Nicole didn't know it at the time. Regarding my writing matters, and in the past few years, even in the most difficult times, Nicole has not touched a dollar from me. Instead, she is actually responsible for all my expenses."

 Ryan just finished speaking, The audience burst into warm applause. Is there anything more reliable than the words coming from the person involved?

 "Ryan, I don't know if you've noticed that many couples have published statements in newspapers and magazines, saying that you are their lost child."

 "I said that I only have one relative in this world, and that is Nicole Kidd. Man!" Ryan looked solemn.

 The director of the show probably informed Kate of something. She touched her earbuds and quickly changed the topic, "Your achievements last year were so dazzling. Many people are saying that you are God's favorite. What do you think?"

 "Definitely not. ." Ryan lowered his lips pretending to be helpless, "I do have a very keen sense of art, and I also have some talent in this area, but God is fair to everyone. If he gives you a pearl, you will be able to do it. Taking away a diamond, I actually have a very bad side, but others don't know it."

 "Can you tell me about it?" Kate's eyes shined.

 "It's hard for me to concentrate and I may lose focus at any time." Ryan spread his hands. "Also, I found that I couldn't go to the kitchen. The only time I made coffee, I almost lit up the entire apartment building. For this reason, my neighbors even came to the door to protest."

 The audience laughed. In their opinion, such a boy is a normal person, with a good side and a bad side.

 "Is there more?"

 "Hmm..." Ryan thought about it and finally said, "Okay, this is my biggest secret."

 "Wow~" There was a burst of admiration from the audience, followed by boos. sound.

 "I can't touch alcohol. I am severely allergic to alcohol. Don't worry, I have never drunk alcohol secretly. That was discovered by my family doctor when he was disinfecting me with alcohol. He once warned me and Nicole that if we don't want to endanger Life, stay away from alcoholic products in the future."

 Kate's opposite, as well as the audience, all opened their mouths. Although the law has regulations on drinking, everyone understands what is actually going on, and a person who cannot drink Life, what a miserable life it is!

 "This... is incredible." Kate was stunned for a moment before saying.

 Ryan shrugged playfully but said nothing more.

 "Okay, here's a new section of our show, where guests' income is revealed!" Kate pointed to the big screen above the stage, which listed a series of data.

 She looked at Ryan and said, "You don't mind if we take stock of your family assets?"

 "It doesn't matter." Ryan curled his lips. No one had communicated this to him beforehand. Obviously, the producer wanted to give him a Surprise, or maybe a little embarrassment.

 This is normal. To prevent accidents and unpleasantness, this kind of program will usually communicate with the guests before starting, but most of them will still keep it secret. Of course, it will not go too far.

 Kate looked at the big screen and began to read, "The script of "The Sixth Sense" is US$50,000, the salary is US$150,000, and the share is US$100,000, totaling US$3.1 million. Is this figure correct, Ryan?"

 "No. Wrong." Ryan could only nod his head. After all, this was a public expenditure made by the crew, and anyone interested could find out by checking it. However, they obviously did not take the red envelope into account.

 "The script of "Home Alone" plus the salary is US$3 million, and the share is US$5.7 million, for a total of US$8.7 million. The salary of "Terminator 2" is US$5 million, and the split is unknown."


 The audience began to exclaim.

 "Your income from movies last year was... well, let me calculate, $16.8 million! Oh, God! Sitting across from me is an eleven-year-old multi-millionaire!" Kate made a very exaggerated statement expression.

 "Actually, it's not that much." Ryan waved his hand, "Don't forget, you still have to pay taxes!"

 The Taxation Bureau is the most powerful agency in the United States. The CIA and FBI are weak in front of it. If they are caught with tax evasion and tax evasion, what awaits them will be an extremely miserable life. You know, the Taxation Bureau has a Reading court and no jury!

 "Don't forget, you also have a share of royalties from books. The publisher of "Alien" refuses to disclose the specific figures to us. Can you tell us, Ryan?"

 "Sorry, I rarely care about these things. I'm going to ask my accountant." Ryan declined very simply.

 It was only the early 1990s, and his income from movies alone was astonishing. If other incomes were included, he would attract the jealousy of countless people, and he did not want to become the target of kidnappers.

 "Okay then!" Kate blinked, "Then can you tell me what new works you are creating recently?"

 "An action drama script, and another script to be perfected." Ryan made a you understand gesture.

 "Then we are waiting for your good news!" Kate continued, "Now is the audience question time. We will choose two live audience members and one audience member who calls the hotline."

 Below the stage, the audience has been waiting for a long time. They all raised their hands.

 "The lady second from the left in the third row!" Kate randomly clicked on one.

 This is a girl of about fifteen years old who looks very playful. "Ryan, do you have any plans to find a girlfriend? Can you tell me what the criteria are?"

 "Not yet! As for the criteria, I haven't thought about it yet." Ryan's face looked somewhat unnatural.

 "The gentleman fifth from the left in the seventh row!" The

 a person who stood up this time was a middle-aged man. He said, "Ryan, I have two children who are fans of your books and movies. They can't do it because of their age. Come to the scene and sign autographs for them?"

 "No problem." Fans have to be managed. After living for two lives, Ryan knows very well, "After the show is over, can you please stay for a while?" "

 Thank you!"

 " The next question is for the audience outside the venue, please ask the staff to take the phone in!" Kate said.

 Soon, a phone call came in. It sounded like a man of quite a certain age, "Ryan Jenkins, your works are rubbish. There is nothing praiseworthy except for being able to coax children."

 Including Kate, Everyone at the scene was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting such an accident to happen.

 "Can you please stop looking at my works in the future?" Ryan said calmly. "I don't think the federal government will make it mandatory to read or watch any of Ryan Jenkins' works, right?"

 "Okay, thank you, Ryan, thank you to the audience in person and in front of the TV, this ends today's face-to-face program, See you next week!"

 This was just a small episode at the end of the show, and Ryan handled it easily. After satisfying the father's autograph request, he left the studio.

 After the "Face to Face" column, major newspapers and tabloids began to interpret what Ryan said, which to some extent satisfied the public's desire for gossip. The topic of him gradually became less popular, especially among the reporters gathered at the door of the villa. , most of them have disappeared. Of course, occasionally there will be desperate paparazzi standing outside, trying to dig out exclusive news.

 As for Ryan, he returned to school, but the way his classmates looked at him had completely changed. Even Jerry and Peter rarely interacted with him anymore. This situation was normal, just like Natalie at school. It's the same thing as before. Children who are too smart and precocious find it difficult to be popular among their peers.

 Ryan didn't care and continued to live his own life. Besides, he didn't have that much time to interact with these little brats. To him, they were just passers-by.

 It's just that he didn't expect that "Face to Face" would cause him considerable trouble by exposing his income.