
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

azzari · 电视同人
55 Chs

Chapter 45 Oscar 2

 "The winner of the Best Supporting Actor is..." Jodie Foster slowly opened the envelope in her hand. After looking at it, she seemed to be in disbelief. She blinked hard twice and finally said, " Oh, God, it's so surprising. Well, it's not too surprising. After all, everyone has seen what achievements he has made in the past year..."

  The people in the audience had already realized something at this time and began to express their opinions frequently. Looking at Ryan's direction, the crew of "The Sixth Sense" were overjoyed, but the final result had not yet appeared. They could only suppress their excitement, even Nicole Kidman's stunning look. Her expressions were like ice and snow exposed to the sun, blooming with brilliant brilliance. It seemed that the boy was more happy to win than she was to win the prize.

  Different from everyone's reaction, Ryan still kept smiling. There seemed to be no change in his expression or heart. Only Nicole, who was connected hand to hand with him, felt the uncontrollable slight shaking of his body.

  "Congratulations! Ryan Jenkins, "The Sixth Sense"!" Amid high expectations, Jodie Foster read out the final result. Due to the mental preparation just now, everyone was not too surprised. Suddenly there was a burst of warm applause.

  Although losing to a child who is only eleven years old makes people feel very unwilling, but the defeated people still gave the same warm applause. No one can deny that the talented little guy, in "The Sixth In "Sense", Cole, a little boy with mysterious sensory abilities, is played almost perfectly!


  Ryan shook his fist vigorously, jumped up from his seat, and gave Nicole, who was also standing, a big hug. However, Nicole Kidman was nearly six feet tall, and he had just stood up. As puberty began to develop, his head happened to fall on Nicole's chest. All he saw in his eyes was white flowers. After saying "look no further" in his heart, he quickly let go of the Australian beauty.

  "Thank you, Nicole!" As a person whose soul comes from across the Pacific Ocean, Ryan is not the kind of ghost who never repays his kindness. If she hadn't taken him in four years ago, what would he be like now? It was unimaginable, but after more than four years of getting along day and night, the two of them had already developed a tacit understanding. Nicole patted his arm gently and said, "Go, don't let the people who like you down!"

  Ryan left his seat. , hugging the crew one by one, including David Fincher, who was nominated for Best Director for his first film, and Al Pacino, who co-starred with him in the film but was helplessly not nominated for Best Actor. , and finally came to producer Harvey Weinstein.

  "Thank you, Harvey!"

  After hugging the founder of Miramax Pictures, he turned to the other side, "And you, Pat!"

  Ryan rarely said a sincere word. He was very It is clear that without the full public relations efforts of Pie Kinsley and Harvey Weinstein, he would never have been able to obtain this statuette.

  Even if Harvey Weinstein did this more for his own Miramax, and the two had reached a verbal agreement beforehand, Ryan is not an unscrupulous person, and there will be many places where he will be used in the future. .

  What's more, he also promised him that the two sides will cooperate again this year.

  Ryan steadily walked onto the stage of the sacred auditorium, his excitement gradually calmed down. Different from the image of a thin boy in "The Sixth Sense", he was obviously taller at this time and kept a smiling face. , paired with a somewhat naughty big parted hair, it looks like it has a unique temperament.

  "Congratulations, Ryan!"

  Jodie Foster and Ryan hugged each other gently.

  "Thank you, Judy, it's such an honor that you can award me the award!"

  "I never did such outstanding achievements at your age."

  "You are a role model for all child stars, and we should all learn from you!" Rui En lowered his voice and said this half-truthfully.

  Jodie Foster naturally understood the meaning of the boy's words, but she didn't say anything. Even though everyone thought she was the most successfully transformed child star, only she understood the bitterness and sweetness in it.

  "Ryan, I want to ask, you are only eleven years old. You can write novels, create scripts, and star in movies. Are you a Martian?" After Ryan took over the statuette, Judy asked ?Foster did not step away from the microphone, but instead made a very rare joke.

  Ryan didn't mind either. He shook the statuette in his hand. It was not as heavy as he imagined. His emotions of excitement and excitement were vented as early as the moment the award was announced. At this time, he seemed very calm and didn't look at all. He looks like an eleven-year-old child, but more like an old actor in his late teens.

  "Okay, I am indeed from Mars. Now that I have the statuette, I am going back to Mars. The earth is too dangerous!"

  As soon as Ryan finished saying this, the audience burst into laughter. Everyone knew He was countering Jodie Foster's teasing. Of course, the jokes should be stopped in moderation. His expression gradually became serious, "Thank you, the judges. This trophy is the greatest affirmation and recognition for an eleven-year-old child." Proof! Thank you, Harvey, for believing in the whims of an eccentric boy! Thank you David and Al, you are my mentors and helpful friends! Thank you to everyone on the "Sixth Sense" crew, you are the best team! Thank you Jinsi Ms. Li, in my eyes you are the best agent! Thank you, Dean Katie, for warming the heart of a lonely child! Thank you to everyone who loves me, you are my biggest motivation to move forward."

  At this point, Rui En suddenly stopped. His bright sapphire-like eyes passed through a distance of dozens of feet. Among the densely packed heads, he instantly found the cold and charming face with a warm smile. Two pairs of blue pupils. That's right.

  "I am an orphan, and my life before the age of seven was only cold and dark!" Ryan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his expression became more and more sincere, as if he was speaking with his own heart and soul, "Until that day, The day I will never forget, Nicole, it was you who brought sunshine to a child's world. It was you who held up a sky for a child who was in danger and had no connection. Here, on the Oscar stage, I don't want to say thank you, because it's too weak to express my feelings for you. I just want to say... I love you, Nicole!"

  As the most dazzling child star last year, the media has long dug into Ryan's past. came out, especially with Nicole Kidman, the kind of sibling relationship that is not relatives but is better than relatives. After it was exposed, it has touched countless people. At this moment, facing the boy and the boy who spoke affectionately on the stage The excited girls in the audience could only respond with even warmer applause.


  The urging music of the band on the other side started. After finishing speaking, Ryan was about to leave the stage when he suddenly showed a bright smile. Isn't now a good opportunity to respond to Dean Black Pig? Besides, when he came Plans have been made on the road, it would be a waste not to use them.

  He stood back in front of the microphone, "The last sentence, thank you to everyone who hates me and those who hate me. If it weren't for the dark past you created when I was six and seven years old, I wouldn't be where I am now!

  " Unexpectedly, Ryan would finally say such a sentence, and for a moment, the scene was filled with silence.

  In contrast, the reporters and paparazzi who heard this sentence jumped up with excitement. Obviously, Ryan Jenkins must have an unknown dark past in the orphanage where he once stayed, and As a "conscience" reporter, they have the obligation to dig out those secrets and expose them to the public one by one, in exchange for more money for themselves.

  On the way back to his seat, a man as tall as a mountain suddenly blocked Ryan's path. Before the boy could react, the current t800 future governor had given him a celebratory hug.

  "Congratulations, Ryan!"

  "Thank you, Mr. Bodyguard!" Before the two separated, the boy winked at Schwarzenegger.

  After congratulating with the crew, Ryan sat back in his seat and saw Nicole next to her with watery eyes. Although there were no tears shed, she was obviously moved by what he just said and said deliberately, "Hey, this is not the Nicole Kidman I know. She is cool, noble, proud and... deep-minded. How could she be moved to tears by a few words from a child?"

  "Ryan!" Nicole scolded. She had been with him for more than four years and was very familiar with the boy's personality. This annoying guy was like this every time. When you were so moved by him, his next words of attack would always be like this. It would make people fall from the clouds to the ground. If it were not a public place now, she would really want to pull him over and give him a good look.

  "I apologize, Nicole!" Ryan obviously understands that enough is enough. After all, he is weak now and will definitely not be the opponent if he really makes a fuss. It is better to wait until he grows up to settle some accounts slowly.

  The big winner of this Oscar is destined to be Kevin Costner and his "Dances with Wolves". After winning the Best Director and Best Picture, the annual awards ceremony also came to an end.

  After a routine group photo and a brief interview, Ryan said he was too young and needed to rest early, while Nicole used the excuse of having to take care of the boy to turn down some party invitations and drive directly with the agent. Returned to the apartment in Westwood District.

  After taking a shower, Nicole used a hair dryer to blow her golden-red curls as she walked out of the bathroom. She saw the Oscar statuette casually thrown on the sofa at a glance. She couldn't help being speechless. The Oscar statuette was regarded as a treasure in the eyes of others. , being thrown around like this by that annoying little guy, I really don't know what to say to him.

  Perhaps in his heart, these honors are not as valuable as the manuscripts and scores he wrote, right? Nicole sighed, gathered her mood, walked to the boy's door, and pushed it gently, just like she did when she adopted him two years ago. The door was not locked, so she pushed it open with a little force. Come.

  Ryan's life was very regular. In the dim light, he was facing her with his back, and he was obviously fast asleep. Nicole stepped lightly on the floor, slowly walked to the bed, and carefully lay down on the bed on the other side. As if facing the most expensive treasure, he held the sleeping boy in his arms.