
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

azzari · 电视同人
55 Chs

Chapter 41 Pizza Advertisement

Ryan doesn't know and doesn't care whether it is unprecedented to receive two Oscar nominations at the age of eleven, but he knows that his net worth will definitely increase.

  Taking advantage of his break, Patrick Kingsley quickly negotiated an advertising contract. For Pizza Hut's pizza commercials, he could get US$500,000 for just two commercials. In Ryan's opinion, it was a very good deal. After all, This won't take long.

  Originally, Asprey wanted to ask him to endorse children's clothing, but Ryan's free time was either spent on music, or on scripts and creations, and he did not have that much time to support merchants. If he could just shoot advertisements, the endorsement would still be forget it.

  In order to make the most of his time, the shooting time of the advertisement was specially chosen on the weekend. Ryan was sitting in Kingsley's car and flipping through a stack of documents. These were all the information about the assistant candidates that the agent had interviewed.

  "Ryan, you want one person to serve as your driver, bodyguard and assistant at the same time. This is unrealistic!" Kingsley obviously had a headache.

  "Isn't there anyone who can do it even with double the salary?" Ryan scratched his head, "Well, let's find a driver and bodyguard first, and then an assistant. I'm really fed up with those guys."

  Since the film academy announced the nomination list , Ryan enjoyed star-level treatment. Reporters and paparazzi chased him at home and at school. They said they would not let him go if they couldn't produce evidence to prove that you are not a Martian. Many media even reported that they would not let him go. His past events were uncovered and analyzed one by one, from his life to his personality, and there was a chance that a long serial on "How Geniuses or Monsters Are Made" would be published in newspapers.

  What's more, he also has a pretty and outrageous female star sister. They stay in the same place, but they can catch two fish at once, which is a great deal.

  The commercial was filmed at the Universal Studios studio, and he had a little girl as his partner during the filming. When he saw the little girl introduced by the director, Ryan grinned and thought, what a coincidence.

  The little girl's face was dotted with freckles and she had fluffy brown-red curly hair. She was the Lindsay Lohan he had met once.

  "The guy who only knows how to do it!"

  Rui En waved to her, but she didn't expect that the response she got was such a sentence.

  "Hello, Mr. Jenkins, I am Lindsay's father, Michael Lohan." A middle-aged man came over. Although he had a strong smell of cologne, Ryan still smelled a faint smell of alcohol.

  "Hello, Mr. Luohan." He didn't want to have anything to do with this superb father. He just said hello and sat aside to read the script.

  The advertisement is very simple, far less complicated than those of later Pizza Hut advertisements. What Ryan wants to show is the bright smile in "Home Alone". For him, this is too simple, oh... and eating pizza.

  Unfortunately, no matter in his past life or in this life, he has no interest in these Western fast food. Even though his stomach has long adapted to Western diet, he still can't taste the taste of pizza. As a result, something went wrong in the first test shoot.

  The seafood pizza, which was obviously specially processed, made Ryan frown the moment he entered it, and the director could only shout to stop.

  "Pat, water." Ryan quickly spit out the weird-tasting food, took the water glass handed over by Kingsley, and rinsed his mouth twice before feeling better.

  "What happened, Ryan?" asked Pie Kingsley.

  "I have never eaten anything so terrible. Even the food in the orphanage is better than this." Looking at the people around him, Ryan lowered his voice and said.

  "Hmph! He is indeed a guy who only knows how to ng." The little girl sitting across the dining table snorted disdainfully.

  Ryan glared at her hard, but couldn't say anything. After all, it would be rude to argue with a five-year-old girl.

  Kingsley was a bit dumbfounded and could only offer a few words of comfort. Fortunately, Ryan was not ignorant. He pointed at the newly replaced piece of pizza and said, "I've never eaten something like this before. I didn't expect it." The taste will be so bad. Now that I am mentally prepared, there will be no problem."

  The next shooting was just like what Ryan said. He rarely had problems again. Several shots were passed at once, and the little girl Lindsay was obviously a A veteran of advertising, even though he has done it a few times, he doesn't have all kinds of problems like ordinary children.

  It was just that the crew ran into trouble again when serving lunch. Since it was a commercial for Pizza Hut, lunch could be expected. Looking at the boxes of pizza, Ryan only felt unappetizing and had no appetite at all. This was simply the only restaurant except KFC. And outside of McDonald's, the food couldn't be worse.

  Fortunately, Universal Studios not only has a studio area, but also a huge amusement area. Ryan simply said hello to the crew and walked with Kingsley towards the restaurant in the amusement area. But just as they reached the entrance of the studio, another The little girl blocked his way.

  "You're a guy who only knows how to do it." The little girl put her hands behind her back and held her head high, "Remember? You owe me a banana boat!"

  "Banana boat?" Ryan had already forgotten what happened before.

  "Last time, when I was filming a commercial, you kept having sex..." Lindsay was very sharp-tongued and told everything about that day. Ryan had no choice but to say, "Well, as long as your father agrees, I will I'll take you to eat a banana split."

  The little girl said a few words to her father, and Michael Lohan quickly nodded. When he came over, he wanted to go with her, but Ryan pushed him away without any trace.

  Please! This kind of person would even curse his daughter for money. Ryan had no doubt that as long as he followed, he would sell what he said and did to the tabloids.

  Speaking of which, Lindsay is just a little too lively and a little smart now, so she doesn't see much of a character flaw, but Ryan knows what she will become when she grows up, and that will be more than Paris Hilton. And Britney Spears, the most talked-about queen in Hollywood, takes drugs, drinks alcohol, and degenerates herself.

  Even Drew Barrymore, the fallen girl who is being hyped by the media now, cannot compare with her when she grows up.

  Of course, she became what she was later, maybe because of the big stain in Hollywood, but mostly because of her family, not to mention her top-notch father, alcoholism, drug abuse, and domestic violence. Xiaoyi finally got herself into jail for playing tricks, and her mother was indeed a little better than her father, but only a little bit.

  Lindsay Lohan sacrificed her childhood and started shooting commercials at the age of three. Her income was almost the family's income. Throughout her childhood and adolescence, what she got from her family was not warmth and care, but violence. Drugs...

  They all say that rescuing a young woman who has fallen off her feet is a very fun thing, but Ryan understands that unless she is given two responsible guardians, her fall will still be inevitable.

  After all, not every child is Natalie Portman and Kirsten Dunst, who can understand what they want in the midst of praise and admiration and continue to work hard for it. Likewise, not every child can It's Drew Barrymore, who has a super-famous director as his godfather and Sophia Loren as his godmother. He was able to stand up again when he fell to the bottom due to drug abuse.

  In fact, whether Lindsay or other child stars in Hollywood, what they need most is a professional agent who can plan and guide their future.

  However, how many agents will give up immediate interests and pursue things that may not be available in the future?

  The entertainment industry has developed to this day, and the importance of a professional agent and behind-the-scenes team is self-evident. Think of Tom Cruise in his previous life. If it weren't for Patrick Kingsley, with his blind and arrogant surname, Ge, he has offended everyone in the circle a long time ago. After Cruise and Kingsley terminated their contract in 2004 in the previous life, his career quickly fell to the bottom, and eventually he could only rely on the "Mission: Impossible" money. Thinking about the successful operation of Yao's team behind Yao, we can see the importance of a professional agent team.

  "Okay, Ryan Jenkins, for the sake of you treating me to a banana split, I won't laugh at you anymore." Sitting opposite Ryan, Lindsay was stuffing ice cream into her mouth, which was very big. He quickly wiped out the grievances between the two.

  "Then do I want to say thank you?" Ryan was dealing with a very mature steak. Although it was a bit old, it was still more appetizing than the bloodshot steak.

  "No need to thank you." The little girl thought for a while, "If you treat me to a banana split again, maybe I will praise your superb acting skills in the future."

  "Don't even think about it, Lindsay." Although Los Angeles is not It's not cold, but it's February now. "If you have a bad stomach..."

  Ryan stopped. He almost blurted out, "Your father will definitely blame me." He said this to a very innocent girl. do what?

  "How stingy, it's just a two-passenger banana boat!" The little girl snorted again.

  However, although this girl was young, she was somewhat clever and not ungrateful. She lowered her head and concentrated on dealing with the ice cream.

  The two commercials were shot in just two days. Ryan also looked at the samples that had not been post-processed. He still retains a bit of innocence and cuteness, but as he grows older, his appearance in roles like "Home Alone" Cute and purely funny movies will soon be insulated from him.

  In a few years, he will enter the most embarrassing period for a child actor. At that time, he will be too young to play adult roles and too old to play child roles. This period will often become a turning point in the fate of Hollywood child stars.

  A successful transformation can lead to a meteoric rise like Jodie Foster, but a failed transformation... well, that's unlikely for Ryan.

  Before returning to the crew of "Terminator 2", he still has to attend a premiere. Since he provided the script, Nicole is the heroine, Harvey Weinstein also sent an invitation, and now there is no filming assignment. , it would be unjustifiable not to participate.

  After all, you have to interact with each other, and only when you have friends, you will have contacts, and connections are accumulated slowly.