
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

azzari · 电视同人
55 Chs

Chapter 32 Little Girl

 "Cut! Damn it, Ryan, you are playing a rebellious child, not an eighteen-year-old adult." Cameron stood up from behind the camera and reprimanded mercilessly, "I don't care how old you are. Precocious! Here, you must show me the liveliness, rebelliousness, and a little bit of cynicism that belong to your age!"

  "I'm sorry, Jim!" Ryan shook his exaggerated head and rubbed it hard again Rub your cheeks.

  After entering October, "Terminator 2" started filming, and Ryan had to ask for leave from the school again. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, he simply asked Kingsley to donate a large amount of sponsorship to the school in the name of Nicole. Money can make all the difference, which is even more obvious in a country of capital. Later, the school readily agreed to his request.

  But this filming was definitely not a pleasant experience. Not to mention the party-like "Home Alone", the atmosphere in the crew of "The Sixth Sense" was far more relaxed than here. The reason for all this was sitting The beardless director in the director's chair.

  Now the investment in "Terminator 2" has been increased to 90 million US dollars. This huge number is not only an honor, but more of a pressure. If it messes up, James Cameron will never have the face to hang around in Hollywood. Go down, you can imagine his temper and mood at this time.

  Arnold Schwarzenegger has always been on good terms with him, but now they both have their tails between their legs.

  Despite Ryan's humble attitude, the tyrant on the set had no intention of letting him go. You must know that this scene has been shot more than ten times, and his anger tank was already full. "Ryan, I don't care if you are a genius writer." He is still the most outstanding child star in Hollywood, now! In "Terminator 2", I want you to show your 200% state. "The Sixth Sense" is already a thing of the past. If you are still immersed in past achievements "Believe me, I will hand you over to God with my own hands!"

  "You know? Ryan, today you are the worst I have ever seen. If it weren't for the damn Children's Association, I would have thrown you away just now. Go into the sea and let you sober up." James Cameron's scolding words kept popping up. If he was really an ordinary child, he would definitely cry when he scolded him.

  "Don't mind, that's just how he is. He doesn't recognize his relatives when he's working." Arnold Schwarzenegger patted his back gently.

  "So he is a tyrant on the set." Ryan shrugged. How could he not know what Cameron was like on the set? He had been mentally prepared for it.

  "Tyrant on the set?" Schwarzenegger was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "Yes, this name suits him very well."

  Could it be that this guy's nickname hasn't spread yet? The corner of Ryan's mouth trembled. Seeing that Cameron finally stopped and his expression returned to normal, he deliberately sighed forcefully and said, "Jim, I remember there is a shovel in the crew, you can lend me one." "?"

  "What do you want that thing for?" Mr. Director was puzzled.

  "Go dig a hole on the side of the road and bury yourself." Ryan spread his hands with a look of regret on his face, "I feel extremely ashamed after listening to your reprimand. Firstly, I'm sorry for the efforts of everyone in the crew, and secondly, I'm sorry for the crew." The American people have been sorry for the federal government for the third time. They really have no face to show off to others, so they might as well bury themselves."

  Everyone in the crew burst out laughing, even James Cameron was happy, this little guy Every time after he reprimanded him, he always found a suitable way to fight back, leaving him speechless.

  "Okay, okay, everyone, hurry up. We have blocked this street for most of the day. If we continue, someone will come and cause trouble." Mario Casa pointed to a group of people not far away, " Another advertising crew is waiting. If we delay any longer, they will rush over to grab the territory."

  Ryan took the water handed over by the crew assistant, took a sip, sat down silently, and thought quietly.

  "Ryan." I don't know when, James Cameron came over, "In my opinion, your understanding of this movie is not inferior to mine at all. I still remember what you said to John Connor during the audition. Analysis? It shouldn't be a problem for you to be rebellious at the same time but still childlike and kind, right?" The

  scenes shot today were not very difficult, but almost all of them showed John Connor's rebellious side, such as Arguing with adoptive parents, stealing money from cash machines, and riding a scooter on the street couldn't be simpler than the scenes shot a few days ago that required showing off one's acting skills.

  However, no one would have thought that the genius child who had suppressed Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton in the filming of the past few days would suddenly become confused when faced with these simple shots. There is no more status.

  Strictly speaking, Ryan cut most of the memories of his previous life into two pieces with one knife. The useful ones were integrated into his consciousness in this life, while the useless ones were pressed into the deepest and darkest place in his heart. As long as he doesn't go Touch, it may be difficult to remember in this life.

  However, when I acted in "The Sixth Sense", the heavy atmosphere and the feeling of a play within a play opened the door. Although I later got rid of the influence of certain things, there was a gap in that door after all.

  Now, during this meditation, the scenes from his past life came to mind again, and some things that he had ignored finally returned to his memory. There is no doubt that this will be of great help to the next shooting. However, as As more and more scenes pop up, can his state of mind remain stable?

  In his consciousness, it seemed like a century had passed, but in reality it was just a blink of an eye. The extravagant hope that he had ignored suddenly became extremely clear.

  No! I'm not an ungrateful bastard! Ryan clenched his fists unconsciously and suppressed those thoughts that might ruin everything again.

  However, after two lifetimes as a human being, he has never understood the truth that once a seed sprouts, it will one day grow into a towering tree.

  Although NG is still unavoidable, Ryan's condition has obviously begun to improve, and some scenes have even been passed in one go. The progress that has been somewhat delayed today is starting to go smoothly.

  Most of the scenes of crazy sprints on small motorcycles are side and back shots. For such dangerous shots, stunt doubles will naturally appear. Even if it is a close-up of the front, Ryan only needs to maintain his stance.

  Two huge fans started to buzz, and the wind blowing in front of him almost made it difficult for Ryan to open his eyes, but he still had to keep his eyes open and try his best to show a natural look. The back of the motorcycle On the seat, there was another young actor holding a tape recorder, while the motorcycle stayed motionless while the camera mounted on the slide rail was moving.

  Shot in this way, coupled with post-production, it became a close-up of two rebellious teenagers racing in the movie.

  Today's shooting is finally over. Although it took a lot of time at the beginning, I managed to get some back and it didn't last until dark.

  When Ryan changed his clothes and got out of the trailer, another crew filming a commercial had already occupied half of the street.

  After standing on the outside for a few glances, Ryan was about to leave, but unexpectedly a little girl ran out of the diagonal and stopped in front of him.

  "You... stop!"

  The little girl was only five years old at most. Her rare brown-red hair was slightly curly, and her puffy little face was dotted with freckles, making her look extremely cute.

  Ryan scratched his head, as if he didn't recognize her.

  "You idiot, you kept ng! ng! ng! You made me wait until now. Do you want me to finish shooting the commercial when the sun has fallen into the sea?" The little girl's accent was still very childish. , but it's really not polite to be sarcastic.

  Am I that bad? Ryan raised his head subconsciously. Although the sun had moved westward, it was still hanging high in the sky, still some distance away from falling into the sea.

  "What's your name? Don't think I'll let you go just like that!" The little girl put on a vicious look.

  Just when Ryan was dumbfounded, a couple came out of the commercial crew and said, "Lindsay, filming is about to start, go put on makeup!"

  "You are not allowed to leave!" After the middle-aged woman picked up the girl, she still said Don't give up.

  "Okay! Then I'll go over and see if you, the little guy, are okay when taking pictures!"

  Ryan followed the couple and walked over. He smelled a faint smell of alcohol in his nose. The smell of alcohol was From that man, look at his face. His eye sockets are sunken, his eye bags are droopy, his eye sockets are blue, and his nose is a little red. He is either a drug addict or an alcoholic, or even both.

  The little girl was filming an advertisement for children's clothing. It was actually very simple. She just changed a few clothes and ran through the street with a bright smile on her face.

  Compared with children of her age, the girl is really amazing. Excluding the time for makeup, it only took more than ten minutes to shoot all the front, side, and back shots, and there was not a single NG.

  "Interesting!" Ryan looked very interested.

  "What's interesting?" The assistant who came over didn't understand what he said.

  "Don't you think this girl is very talented and has potential?"

  Not long after, the little girl, who had changed back into her own clothes, came over and stared at Ryan, "You! Tell me how you can compensate for my time?"

  "How do you want me to compensate?" Ryan asked.

  "Hmm~" The little girl pinched her chin and circled around him, acting like a grown-up, "I'll pay you two banana boats, and I'll just pretend that what happened today didn't happen!

  " ~"

  There was a crisp sound from behind Ryan. When he looked back, he saw the couple who were supposed to be the little girl's parents arguing together. The man slapped the woman hard on the face and grabbed her. He took the woman's bag, got into an old Ford on the side of the road, and sped away. ;