
9 Rat Part 3

While his parents were outside talking to the Aurors who had arrived to take Peter Pettigrew into custody, Ron was watching from the windows alongside his siblings. ``Who is that man?! I have never seen mom or dad that worried before!!'' Normally the twins would have made fun of Percy for being `worried over nothing' but they themselves were in shock and quietly looked outside in worry and wonder. Bill, the eldest Weasley present spoke up and said, ``we shouldn't worry too much!! The Aurors are already here anyway even if that man is a dangerous criminal, he won't be able to do much of anything.'' Looking at his big brother trying to calm everyone down, Ron felt a warmth in his heart that brightened his mood. Even without his brother's encouragement, he knew that the slippery `rat' wouldn't be able to do much anyways!!

After giving him the Sleeping Draught Potion, Ron had proceeded to add more layer of protection onto Peter's body, he had directly carved a rune onto the rat's body!!! In the Ancient Tomes that were present at the Weasley Household, there was one that was focused on Runes and there were no low level Runes in this book!!! `Magic Sealing Rune!', the effect of the rune was apparent from the name and so was the difficulty. But Ron wanted to challenge himself as he had grown bored of drawing the low level Runes he had been adding onto his Ring, Cauldron and Carving Pen and a High Level Rune that was to be drawn without any Magical Ingredients Reagent had its difficulty lowered by a lot! Although it was still a challenge, Ron showed how his hard work of drawing runes for a year had paid off.

`Humph! Even if he somehow gets out of dad's spell and manages to grab a wand, the Rune will keep him from doing anything dangerous! I wanna see how you get out of this one, Peter!!' although Ron had been worried Peter would try something, it seemed his worries were for naught as he was instead shown a hilarious scene of Pettigrew begging the Aurors and his parents! The kids opened the door a little bit to hear what he was saying and heard him wailing like a pig, ``Please! Please! Please! You can't take me to the Ministry! You can't! I won't live past a day at that place!!!''. The implication behind those words was so huge that every Wizard and Witch present was startled and looked at Pettigrew waiting for him to explain. Everyone except Ron was wondering what he meant but Ron was in shock himself, `How could I not have thought of that?! So many of Voldemort's lackey's are in the Ministry!! They would never let off Pettigrew, someone who knew about them and was in the custody of the Aurors!!!'

This was the first time Ron had felt like he had failed and was chastising himself in his mind but he soon came to realise, it wasn't that big of a deal!! He was someone who had literally died and had been reborn, a minor detail left of an otherwise perfect plan was not something to be sad about. He was a three year old wizard who had made an advanced level difficulty potion, had learned to cast magic at the age of two, turn a ring made from trash into a basic version of a wand and he had turned himself into a natural Occlumens as well and this was all just a start!! While Ron was going through his little episode, the situation outside had turned from a comedy into a serious drama, ``Is the Ministry of Magic really so corrupt that it would let criminals walk free and instead imprison an innocent man?!!'' every person present on scene felt both ashamed and angry at the same time but they didn't let the emotions cloud their judgment as they slowly thought of ideas to combat the situation.

Bill who had judged that the situation was getting a bit too serious for kids had brought his siblings away from the door and into the living room to distract them with games. although Ron wanted to know the ending to his play, he let his Occlumency run and quickly changed his focus to the Wizard's Chess match between Bill and Charlie. ``Come on Bill! That was such an easy move to counter!! How could you let him get your Rook so early in the game!!'' Bill looked at Percy with annoyance in his eyes but Ron saw through his mask instantly! `I can't believe my eyes! Bill's probably been playing the game with older students at Hogwarts's. meanwhile, the only decent opponent for Charlie is me!!' as the kids held their own little chess tournament while swapping the duty of taking care of little Ginny, the adults outside welcomed one of the Highest ranking figures of the Ministry of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office of British Ministry of Magic!!!

``This better be worth my time or all of you even you Weasley…'' Scrimgeour didn't need to finish his words as the threat behind them wasn't hidden at all. But no one present had anything to worry about as they did indeed have something worth the time of the Head of the Auror Office! Produfoot, one of the Auror's one the scene stepped up and brought Scrimgeour up to speed, ``That's why sir, we wanted you here! This involves way too many High level Ministry members and it's too big for us to handle ourselves!!'' everyone present understood what the consequences of this getting out would be, chaos, utter and total chaos both in the Ministry and in the British Wizard World!! Imagining the chaos Rufus Scrimgeour sighed and said, ``*Sigh*! And you thought that I alone am big enough to handle Twelve of the most powerful figures in the Ministry!''

Although the Weasley Adults felt that Scrimgeour was getting mad at the wrong people, the Aurors felt differently. ``Come on sir, we know you have something in mind and I think we have the same thing in our heads as well!'' Scrimgeour looked at his men and sighed once again before presenting a solution that would let the Ministry keep its image and deliver at least some criminals to justice, ``We cannot let this disgusting excuse of a wizard die nor can we openly bring him to the Ministry. There's only two things he's useful for at the moment, bring back Sirius Black and send him to Azkaban along with some minor figures or full on war with some of the richest, most cunning, evil and politically powerful figures in the Wizarding World!!''

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