
8 Rat Part 2

Two months after Ron turned three, the Weasley family welcomed back their eldest child from his first year at Hogwarts and the originally happy family's mood became even better. When Bill was brought back from the King's Cross Station, he was surprised with a party celebrating his return!! ``Oh My God!! Wow, there's so many different things here! Mum! Dad! What's all this?!!'' looking at his family's smiling faces, Bill knew he had missed something huge.

Although he had seen the start and end of year feasts at Hogwarts, the amount and quality of food in front of him was something only available to those in the upper echelon's of Wizard Society!! ``Well, there's a lot of things you need to catch up on but first! let's dig in!!'' hearing their father's words, the younger siblings bottled their questions and happily ate the good food in front of them. But as soon as everyone finished eating, they started shouting questions at Bill! Ginny who was turning two this year saw her brothers acting crazy and started giggling and laughing at their antics.

``So! What was it like?! Did you learn a lot of spells?!'' pushing Charlie's face out of the way, Percy butted in and asked, ``What were the exams like?! Were they hard?!! Did you have to study a lot?!!''. Just like he had done with Charlie, Fred and George jumped over his questions and barraged Bill with their own, `` Did you find any secrets about the place?!!'' ``Yeah! oh and did you manage to get one of your teachers?!!'' seeing where this was going to end up, Molly stepped in and stopped the kids before they ended up hurting one another.

``You lot! Stop it, he's going to be here for two months! Plenty of time for you to ask your little questions. Now! your brother has just gotten back from a long trip, help him put his stuff back in his room and let him rest!!'' although neither Molly or Arthur had ever physically punished their kids, they still never wanted to see their parents being angry at them. The Weasley kids quickly got up and took Bill's stuff up the stairs to his room. For the next few days, the whole family got together during the day and the kids would shoot questions at Bill left and right but he never got angry or annoyed at them.

He had spent a whole year away from his family and had spent most of his time buried in books and focusing on his studies. Although he had wanted to visit during the holidays, he instead decided to focus on his studies and it had paid off!! He was one of the top students of his year and was praised by all of his teachers except of course Snape. Honestly, everyone at Hogwarts believed it would be easier to find the legendary Godric Gryffindor's Sword than seeing him smile! During this time Ron had shortened the duration of his stays in the shed. It wasn't just because his brother had come back home but also because the his goal was so close to being accomplished! He had prepared everything he needed to finally sort Peter Pettigrew out!!!

Ron had started making one of the simpler but effective potions, Sleeping Draught!! He knew the recipe from one of the books that were lying around the house, Magical Drafts and Potions and had used ingredients from his private stockpile. While he had been helping his family find Magical Ingredients to sell for money, he had also kept some for himself. While it took some tries and required Ron to waste many precious ingredients, he had accomplished his goal!! He had made the advanced level difficulty Sleeping Draught potion before he had turned three!! But that was only one part of his plan, the other step required him to dive into the mind of a Criminal!!

``Legillimens!'' the `rat' Ron was pointing his finger at was convulsing in pain as he struggled in vain to resist the invasion of his mind!! But Ron had previously practiced this spell on various living creatures around his house and was well adept in using it. Unlike Voldemort's use of the technique to acquire information from Harry, Ron wanted to practice a certain spell that would allow him capture Peter but the traitorous rat would have no recollection of it!! Most if not all Harry Potter fans knew the spell Gilderoy Lockhart had used in his attempt to wipe the memories of Ron and Harry but the current Ron only wanted to wipe a certain section of Peter's memory not completely make him into a bumbling idiot, he deserved something far worse! Ron had managed to successfully make a vial of Sleeping Draught Potion after three months of trying but during that time after every failure, he took out his frustration on Peter's mind and increased his proficiency in Legilimency.

And a month after his success with the potion, he finally managed to separate the memories of Peter's stay with the Weasley's and create fake memories of him living in the sewers of Muggle London! He even created memories of Peter getting booted and getting hit across the head to create the illusion of a damaged mind. Without any warning, a couple of weeks after Bill's return from Hogwarts, the whole family heard Ron shouting, ``Mom! Dad! Hurry!! There's a person floating in the river!!'' Arthur who was just about to leave for work heard his son shouting and quickly came over to the place his son was pointing at and use a levitation spell to bring the `perosn' on land. ``Arhtur, Ron!! What's going on?! Who is he?!'' As Arthur was carefully treating the person laying on the ground, he suddenly asked his wife to call the Aurors while casting the `Incarcerous Spell' on the `Person'. At first Molly wanted to ask why but as she carefully took a look at the wet, smelly and disgusting person on the floor, she remembered who he was, ``It can't be!! Arthur, he's supposed to be dead!!!''

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