
29 Cure

Author: Sorry i missed yesterday. i am starting Uni and the posts won't be as regular. i will try my best to post as frequently as possible and once again, sorry!


After that incident, Lucius and the other `Dark' Families all were slowly forced out of the Ministry and even the spies they had placed in the Ministry were forced out. Slowly but surely the British Ministry of Magic was improving and becoming an actually helpful governing body for the Wizarding World. Just Pollux and his friends would have been enough to change the political landscape but getting the other families involved ensured that they didn't feel threatened and it even helped draw in some of the Neutral Families. Fudge was of course extremely happy with all of this but it was also because of the genuine change he saw in himself after his `talk' with Pollux and the others. ``Lord Black, I am very thankful for your recent help in the recent hearings. I am afraid that without it, Lucius and the others may have changed the outcome.'' For Scrimgeour and Kingsley, who had seen the Minister's behaviour for the last few years, it was shocking to see the change in his behaviour. If someone had helped him before, Cornelius wouldn't have hesitated to become extremely subservient and servile to please them. Now, he held his head up high and was talking to probably the only group of people who could easily replace him as the Minister of Magic.

``It's not an issue at all Cornelius. Although I don't like the Wizengamot, it's a good learning experience for the kids.'' Cornelius looked at the `kids' Pollux mentioned and saw the future leaders of the Wizarding World. He knew that there was an alliance between the different Wizard Families and the Wealth and knowledge shared between them, both old and new, was something to behold. And then they also had Dumbledore who also said a few words, ``It's a good thing that changes are being made here because Lucius is using his status as a Hogwarts Governor and stomping on any plan I present.'' While he said the words like he was sad, no one present believed that Dumbledore wasn't able to accomplish what he wanted. The old fox had both Magical and Political power he needed to get rid of Lucius and the others but alongside Pollux, Gareth, Eon and Augusta, he was playing the long game. They all wanted to slowly change the Wizard World, to ensure each change was fully tested before implementing and making that change seep into their civilisation. While the adults were trying to make the world a better place, the kids were working on something that accomplished the same goal.

Ever since the Libraries of over Nine different Wizard Families were combined, the kids, even the Twins, spent a lot of time reading the different books. Although the twins main goal was usually to find something they could use to prank someone, like a Transfiguring Potion they fed Remus that turned his hands into spoons! Or a simple Jinx that they used on Percy to make him extremely slippery and unable to hold onto anything. But like the others, they also found some useful things, like a possible cure to Remus's furry problem. ``How did you guys even come across this book? It's got nothing in it that you could use to prank someone.'' Listening to Percy's words, Fred and George smiled and Fred replied, ``See, that's where you are wrong!'' George continued where his twin left off and said, ``a book named, `Obscure Potions', is the perfect place to find a method of pranking someone.'' Fred laughed and continued, ``and because it's an obscure book, the treatment for the prank is also `obscure'.'' Even with his Magical Sense Ron was still wary of his brothers. He never knew if he might be the target of their pranks one day and even after they were curated, the kids had access to so many books that it was scary to think what the Twins might think of next.

``Alright, now I know that everyone's excited to begin experimenting with the new Potion recipe, especially because it's a possible cure for Uncle Remus. But we have to keep it under the radar and no one is to do any research without supervision!'' Percy said that looking at Ron and everyone else looked at him with the same eyes. Ron just nodded his head and sighed to himself, `I can't believe I am the one that's put under supervision! One time, one time I fell unconscious due to mental strain. It's not that big a deal!' . Ron was brought out of his thoughts when Harry tapped his shoulder and said, ``are you thinking it's not a big deal to fall unconscious like you did?''. Although the tone was stable and showed no anger, Ron wasn't stupid enough to say yes to that question. Even if he was scared that Harry was a born Legilimens and could read his thoughts, he still was not going to say yes to that question. The time he fell unconscious after drawing an Exceptional level Spatial Rune, no one was happy with his accomplishment and he was instead grounded from doing any study or work for a month! Looking at the sad, angry and worried faces of the people around him, Ron didn't bother to do the work secretly and accepted his punishment.

It would be wrong to say that Ron wasn't annoyed at the punishment but the annoyance was washed away by the love and care his family and friends showed him and to ensure he wasn't punished again, ``Of course I wasn't thinking that Harry! You don't have to worry about me so much, okay.''


Author: I will soon be posting the chapters on Patr*on in advance for the Patrons. i am sorry that i haven't done it yet. But I will do so soon.

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