
Reborn in Doupo Cangqiong (BTTH Fanfic)

Universe travel fanfiction, starting in BTTH

ChaoticDaoWriter · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Wen Renqiu

Looking at the suspicious expression of the woman in front of him, Su Mo couldn't think of an easy and plausible explanation, anything he came up with would be weird, an inheritance was out of the question, he comes from a first class family, if he has any. an inheritance, why doesn't the rest of the family have it?

At that moment, Su Mo had the chance to get a good look at this woman.

She wasn't very tall, only 1.75 tall approximately, her hair was straight and black, held in a single ponytail with a beautiful light green bow, her size extending to the middle of her back.

Her figure was slender but very curvy, with pretty legs, a slim waist, a pair of E-type breasts, her skin was white as snow, her face was flawless, thin eyebrows, fine eyelashes and pretty, her nose was small and her lips were thin and rosy.

Su Mo was impressed by this wife's beauty, needless to say, he had thoughts about her.

In the end Su Mo opted for one of the oldest and most clichéd excuses possible, he then faced the beautiful woman in front of him and said:

"I don't have much to say, I was lucky enough to meet a veteran a few months ago when we left the sect, at the time he asked me for some information while I was walking around the city, before saying goodbye he passed this technique to me directly by telepathy, he Said it was your thanks."

Hearing the story Su Mo had just told, Wen Renqiu looked him up and down, then looked at his face with eyes filled with suspicion. She just secretly thought:

'Humph, does he think I'm three? We'll see how this lady unmasks him.

Su Mo knew immediately that this excuse hadn't worked, that was easy to see when looking at his wife, her pretty face had a frown full of dissatisfaction.

"If it's been a few months, then why did you only demonstrate it today? Now are you going to tell me that you needed a life-or-death situation to trigger such a technique?" she asked after a while, she looked even angrier than before.

"Hahahaha" Su Mo couldn't take it anymore and laughed heartily as he listened to Wen Renqiu's words.

"Bastard, what are you laughing at? Does this lady look like a clown?" Wen Renqiu made an even uglier expression, then asked while grinding his teeth.

"I laughed because you got a little bit right in everything you said, I really had to go through a desperate situation, but it wasn't a life or death situation that made me wake up to this technique." Su Mo replied calmly, he had an amused look in his eyes as he said those words.

"Humph, so what the hell triggered this?" Wen Renqiu asked impatiently after facing Su Mo again.

"Being close to death was really stressful, but the thought that you might die drove me crazy, and it unleashed my potential, allowing me to access the technique given to me by that senior."

Su Mo thought for a bit before giving each answer, he wants to tease this girl a little bit and make sure if she has a thing for him or not, he had a glimpse of it before when she insisted on prolonging the fight just so she wouldn't abandon him , but he wants to be sure.

"You!!!" Wen Renqiu at that moment just exclaimed one word aloud, after which his face turned red like an apple, giving his appearance and figure a bit of charm.

'Hahaha, does she really feel something for me, or should I say she feels something for the former owner of this body? It doesn't matter, this body is mine now, the woman is mine too, as long as her attitudes don't displease me, I'll make her my empress, otherwise leaving her won't be a problem.'

Su Mo only thought when he saw the woman's reaction, but it was still too early to be sure of anything. Su Mo might take the chance to attack her, but what kind of man was he? Something he would never do in his life was force himself on a woman.

"Let's rest for the rest of the night, tomorrow I'll take you back to the sect, besides I have other things to take care of in the sect."

Su Mo said lightly as he returned to immerse himself in cultivation. Wen Renqiu in turn was only surprised and curious to hear Su Mo's words, what the hell would he solve in the sect? But in the end she just chose to get some sleep, she was completely exhausted.

Su Mo slightly opened his eyes to look at her a little, and then closed them again, then went back to probing his own body.

In his storage, Su Mo saw something that caught his attention, it was a book whose cover was green, it very much resembled ancient grimoires he had seen in his world on the internet.

Su Mo then checked if Wen Renqiu was actually sleeping, seeing that she was in deep sleep he first felt peaceful, this girl seems to trust him a bit as she fully let her guard down and fell asleep heavily.

Then Su Mo took the book out of storage and held it in one hand, on the cover of the book there was something written, "Holy Medicine Scriptures", just reading these words made Su Mo very excited, besides an unparalleled cultivator he could also become a respectable alchemist in this world.

But instead of studying it right away, Su Mo just put it away again, and then went back to focusing on his current cultivation technique, and why?

Very simple, to succeed at something, you first need to know your limitations, and Su Mo has just started to cultivate, it wouldn't be wise to enter the path of alchemy already.

Su Mo then used the rest of the night to try to understand this technique a little more, with that morning came, that's when Su Mo opened his eyes, he first looked at Wen Renqiu again, noticing that she was still sleeping peacefully, he just got up silently. and left.

The reason he left the cave was very simple and necessary, to find food, fruits and meat, although he was not used to eating meat in the morning in his past life, this is something that needs to be changed in his current life.

Su Mo quickly encountered a wild boar, which to his surprise was an ordinary wild beast, not even a first level magical beast.

This surprised him initially, but it soon ceased to be surprising, if in this world there are ordinary human beings who cannot cultivate, why shouldn't there be ordinary animals? With that Su Mo killed him quickly, not even a scream was heard.

Walking around for a while Su Mo found some strange fruits, he didn't have much knowledge about anything in this world, but there was some information in his memories, the old and useless Su Mo liked to read various books, and that made up for the lack of information of the current Su Mo.

This even made it possible for him to harvest some herbs to use them as seasonings, he still doesn't know what wild boar meat tastes like, but with seasoning it will definitely be better.

Su Mo then turned to return to the cave quickly, upon arriving he found Wen Renqiu still sleeping, he then left the cave again and lit a fire, then started to prepare breakfast.