
Reborn Heiress: Taking Back What Is Rightfully Hers!

Ella always believed she was living a blissful life with a loving father, stepmother, and a doting husband. Even her half-sister seemed to treat her with kindness. But it was all an illusion. They were all after the vast inheritance Ella was set to receive from her grandmother! The so-called family affection and love were fake. Her stepsister and husband had been secretly together for a long time, plotting to seize Ella's fortune. On her birthday, they poisoned Ella’s drink and pushed her into the ocean. Ella has been reborn! Given a second chance at life, she won't fall into their tender traps again. Instead, she will rise and fight back, reclaiming everything that rightfully belongs to her!

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252 Chs

Friend or Foe?

After parting ways with Ella, Mrs. Taylor's face immediately darkened. Turning to a group of nearby ladies, she asked, "Did anyone record the incident when Hannah made a scene?"


One of the ladies replied, "Mrs. Taylor, I just happened to record a video."


Mrs. Taylor smiled, "Could you please send me that video?"


Considering the business connections between her husband and Mrs. Taylor's husband, the lady eagerly handed over the video, seeing it as an opportunity to benefit her family's business in the future.


After the group dispersed, Mrs. Taylor sneered, "Dare to bully my friend's daughter! Brianna, just wait and see how I deal with you in the future!"




In the lounge.


Ella sat on the sofa with a cold smile on her lips, thinking, Brianna, Hannah, the show has just begun!


At that moment, the door was gently pushed open. Ella thought it was Mrs. Taylor, but when she looked up, she was taken aback.


A stranger stood before her!


The man was tall, dressed in a tailored black suit that exuded a cold aura. His handsome face was sharp, with eyes like deep, glimmering gems, and thin lips pressed into a slight line. His perfect chin lifted slightly, but upon seeing Ella's surprise, his devilish lips curved into a faint smile.


Ella froze, quickly searching her memory. Did she know this man? She was certain she had never seen him before.


The man appeared in front of Ella like a breeze, lazily leaning against the sofa. "Ms. Davis, your cleverness is truly admirable. During that little scene, it was clear Younger Ms. Davis intended to drug you, yet you turned the situation around completely."


Ella's heart skipped a beat. She hadn't expected this man to notice her subtle switch of the wine glasses.


Though Ella had indeed swapped the glasses while Hannah picked up her earring, something had blocked everyone else's view.


"Sir, I don't understand what you're talking about."


Ella gazed at the man in confusion, internally debating if he was a friend or foe. In her past life, this man had never appeared.


"Oh? Whether you admit it or not is irrelevant. I'm not bored enough to expose you," Eric chuckled softly.


Ella's heartbeat quickened. She rubbed her temples, "Sorry, I'm not feeling well and don't quite understand you. I'll just go back to my room to rest."


"My name is Eric Nelson, Ms. Ella. You are quite intriguing."


Eric swirled the wine glass in his hand, his smile growing more devilish as he moved closer to Ella.


Ella's cheeks reddened further, and she discreetly took a step back.


But as she stepped back, Eric followed.


What on earth does he mean by this?


Ella lowered her head, "So it's Mr. Nelson. I've heard a lot about you!"


This Eric was the eldest son of the Nelson Group and one of its future heirs. He had just returned from studying abroad in Country W, where he had spent several years. His abilities were highly regarded, having laid a solid foundation for the Nelson Group's presence overseas, which is why his father held him in such high esteem.


There were very few rumors or reports about him. Whenever he appeared in the newspapers, he always wore sunglasses, so it was no wonder Ella hadn't recognized him at first.


Noticing the wounds on Ella's face and the blood marks on her wrist, Eric's expression darkened as he reached out and grabbed her wrist.


Those were injuries caused by Hannah during her frenzied reaction to the poison.


Startled, Ella forcefully shook off Eric's hand. "Mr. Nelson, what do you think you're doing?"


She couldn't decipher Eric's intentions, but instinctively felt that his approach was not good news.


Ella thought, since she had never met him before, he was so concerned about the entanglement between her and Hannah, maybe this Eric was interested in Hannah.


If this man really loved Hannah, then he was her enemy.


Ella did not want to face such a powerful opponent!


"If you agree to one condition, I can keep your secret," Eric said playfully.


"Keep what secret?" Ella feigned surprise, looking at Eric. "Mr. Nelson, what are you talking about?"


"Are you still going to deny that you switched the wine on purpose? If your stepmother and sister find out you did it deliberately, do you think you could stay in the Davis family?" Eric raised an eyebrow lazily, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. This clever girl had piqued his interest; he wanted to see how she would react under pressure.


"Mr. Nelson, you're quite the joker. I switched the wine? I simply put down my glass and picked up my own again. How did that turn into me switching Hannah's wine in your story?"


Eric's voice lengthened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Isn't that what happened?"


"Mr. Nelson, despite your status, you can't slander me like this!" Ella stood up abruptly, a flicker of anger in her eyes.


Even in her own Davis Manor, Ella was reluctant to face this dangerous man. She feared his interference in her affairs with Hannah and Brianna. If that happened, would her fate end up the same as before?


Ella stood up and hurried to the door. As soon as she opened the door...


Eric, almost unconsciously, reached out and grabbed her arm, a sudden worry about hurting this intriguing girl crossing his mind.


Pulled back by Eric, Ella lost her balance and fell softly into his arms.


A passing maid, peering through the half-open door, was stunned by the sight of the tightly embracing pair. This was the renowned Eric, a man of few scandals! Even a famous actress had once fallen for him at first sight and pursued him with all her might, only to be coldly rejected and left heartbroken. Yet here was Eric, holding Ella so tightly?


Ella's heart raced as she struggled to free herself, only to find Eric's arm securely wrapped around her waist.


"Ella, am I really that terrifying?" His icy voice whispered in her ear, his displeasure evident as he noticed her attempt to escape.


"Mr. Nelson, please let go of me! If you're worried about Hannah and want to check on her, I can take you to her..." Ella's words were cut short by Eric's cold interruption.


"Who said I was worried about her?" Eric's tone was frigid.


Ella was taken aback. He wasn't interested in Hannah? Then why was he so concerned about her conflict with Hannah?


A knowing smile played on Eric's lips. "Little one, I'm not interested in her. But you... you fascinate me."


Ella masked her inner shock. "Mr. Nelson, I don't feel well. Please let me go."


Eric raised an eyebrow and, with a teasing smile, leaned down to plant a light kiss on her lips. "Remember, don't casually claim I like your sister, and don't get jealous."


Ella was both angry and flustered. In this life, all she wanted was revenge, not entanglement with anyone irrelevant. With her abilities, she was confident she could make those two women pay. She still had the inheritance designated by her grandmother and her father's favor, even if only superficially. With a bit of maneuvering, those two women would be at her mercy.


But if this man was testing her reaction for Hannah's sake...


Ella forcefully pushed his hand away. "Mr. Nelson, even if you're not worried about Hannah's condition, as her sister, I am. I'll go check on her now. Goodbye!"


With that, Ella quickly ran out.