
Reborn as Yuno in Black Clover

A 18 year old boy suddenly appear in a dark space as time passed and nothing to quell the boy's boredom he felt a sudden force that pushed him forward a the light appear seeing this he tried to reach it "Just push a little more Queen Ceil" "ARGGGG" As he left the dark space the light attacked his eyes making him close them "Congratulation it a boy my queen" "haa haa let me see him" Extending her hand to she take him. As his eyes adjusted to the light he could now see and the first thing he saw and the first thing he saw was a beautiful woman that had flowing black hair and a crown on her head. ************************** The cover art does not belong to me and i am a new writer so i would like to hear some of the flaws in my writing if anyone found anything

Kingjp1 · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Asta VS Arcas

[Back to Yuno POV]

"So how has Orsi been doing as of late"

Yuno was now in the kitchen drinking tea with the old lady the flavour of the tea was refreshing it reminded him of the tea he used to drink whenever he was stress out.

"You know ever since I got here you did not give your name miss?"

"Oh, how forgetful of me my name is Kira, Kira Evergreen" [LMAO I would have continued calling her old lady if I weren't planning to use her in the later chapters when the cannon begins]

"And to answer your question Father Orsi has been doing will although he can be overly dramatic sometimes"

Finish replying to her question Yuno took another sip of the refreshing tea.

"But I also have a question how do you know Father Orsi?"

"We used to live in the same town in the common realm its name is Kikka, he used to be such a troublemaker when he was younger"

Looking at her with more confusing Yuno asked another question

"Then why is he now in the forsaken realm?"

"Will since was a such a troublemaker his parents would send him to the church to get his behaviour fixed, overtime he became religious and become a pastor. That was around 20 to 22 years ago although afterwards he was sent to the forsaken realm to oversee church/orphanage"

"Then why are you here too did you follow him because you were in love~"

"Haha you are a joker, he is below my standard besides the reason why I am here is because commoners can't always stay prosperous my family and I went into debt because of an incident with a noble who fancied me and wanted me as one of his many lovers, I say beauty might be a blessing but it does attract trouble."

"I rejected him of course I did not want to be played with then tost aside like a doll. After I rejected him, he started to made problems with my family and I until we went bankrupt and had to live with a few of our relative in the forsaken realm that's why I am here"

Did not know to respond to her background story Yuno finishing the tea and place the tea cup on the table and looked outside the window it was still slightly snowing but suddenly a ball of fire passed the window and what came next was the sound of an explosion


"Damnit it's that brat Magna again does ain't he gets tired of troubling the villagers with his antics well let's go outside and see who he is provoking now"

Sighing to herself Kira got up from the table and went to the door with a tired expression as for Yuno, hearing a familiar name he decided he wanted to see how Magna looked as a child so he accompanied Kira to the door

"I will tag along I want to see what is the ruckus is about"

"Sure, just be careful Magna will attack anyone"

But as Kira open the door the first thing, they saw was a fire ball coming at them with high speed.

[Asta POV]


As the arrow hit the Arcas an explosion accrued and could be heard throughout the plain. But the Arcas keep running forward towards Asta protected by the ice on his body he was not completely affect by the explosion

'aren't this thing not supposed to be aggressive unless provoke. The only possible reason why it would attack could be because its hungry after all it crossed a Grand Magic Zone and traveling through one can be treacherous'

'Also, I am bite size compare to him so I make the perfect snack'

Taking out another arrow out of his quiver which had a green colour to it. Asta cocked it on his bow-drew it back-and released it. Unlike the first arrow this mana infused arrow when shoot was covered with razor shape winds and left behind a bright green hue trail, the arrow seemingly tore the air not being faltered by the wind nor the snow it went only in a single direction.

The arrow hit the same spot as the previous one but this time it penetrated the Arcas's ice like armor on its shoulder although the arrow was not deep it still cause pain and bleeding.


As a painful roar escaped the Arcas mouth, blood started to gush from his now wounded shoulder which caused him to fall to the ground stopping his charge towards Asta. Asta took out another mana infused arrow but this time aimed at the Arcas head. But as Asta release the bow string and the arrow shoot off the Arcas using his uninjured arm and slammed it on the ground creating a large and thick wall of ice.

The thick wall of I was able to stop the arrow although it still received large amount of damage, web like cracks spread across the wall seemingly ready to be destroyed.

'I have to watch out for that ice magic, the only advantage I have in this fight is my long-range attack and the fact that I am not starving. So, it is best if I keep him at a certain distance as long as possible'

Thinking this Asta pulled out an arrow with a mana stone as its arrow head and shoot it at the wall of ice. Hitting the same spot on the wall an explosion accrued destroying it and showing what was hiding behind of it. [A/N: anyone have any good names for the type of arrows Asta is using if so, type in this paragraph comment section and I will read it]

The Arcas that was once slumped to the ground was now standing back up, proud as ever. Its once injured and bleeding shoulder no longer had an arrow protruding from it and the wound it left was now covered in ice which stop the bleeding

The Aras that was now calm and focused observed it prey that was 150 meters away from him. It understood that it was at a disadvantage due to not having any long-range accurate attacks while his prey does. It realizes that it had to plan more intelligently instead of rushing forward otherwise he would get more injuries and die.

Now having a plan, the Arcas bear started to move slowly towards Asta as he made his surrounding start to snow heavier his fur slowly became unnoticeable.

'It is trying to use the snow to camouflage itself, it seems to be baiting me to use my arrows and miss so that I can run out of long-range attacks. Clever idea but even though you used the snow as camouflage I can just use the mana stone arrow head to hit the ground causing an explosion and blow away it'

As Asta planned he shoot an arrow with a mana stone as its head towards the heavy snowing area but ad the string was released the Arcas bear rushed out of the area. Its appearance had also changed, more ice covered its body especially at all of its paws.

"TCH it most have been waiting for me to shoot my arrow so it would have some time to close the distance will I WON'T HAVE IT!"

Taking out a mana infused arrow and shooting at the bear Asta watched it head toward it. But something unusual accrued the Arcas bear kept on running until it was only a few feet away from the arrow as it grew near the bear raised its right ice-covered paw and swung it at the arrow breaking it in the process. Asta was only in a daze for a short moment then shot another arrow but this time shoot two arrows at the bear


[A/N: 200K VIEWERS my fanfic is getting popular by the day thank you all for reading my fanfic and how is my writing skills now compared to the first chapter my develop I suppose anyways keep on supporting me and I will see you all next week bye]

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