I'm still working on the synopsis, read it if you want. Jet x Qrow. They even have a kid though Qrow doesn't find out until season 5 Or maybe Jet x Sapphire, I am Not sure yet
Team RWBY cried as they watched the cam footage with audio play out the story of the villain they managed to unmask. They were sobbing as they watched how she lost everything. Her lover died in her arms and the trembling lips tried to say one last thing only for her lover to die. She had to watch her die helplessly.
"Sapphire? Sapphire! Sapphire... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The footage cuts and shows the villain gazing at the mask and she put her lovers outfit on and gently/lovingly put her own armor on her dead lover, finally the mask... She took off her helmet and put the mask on. The helmet showed footage of the hot tears endlessly flowing out of the eyeholes of the mask. It showed how the mystery villain held the dog tags in her hand and then fashioned them into a necklace and put them around her neck.
"She lost not only the one she loved... But her team... Her friends... She lost everything." Blake spoke with sobs.
"And only an outfit to show for it..." Yang spoke bitterly.
The villain turned her back and the last thing the cam footage recorded was her the villain walking down a dark hallway and started to cut down all her enemies with emotionless efficiency.
"She's going to come for us... All of us," Ruby said, both scared and sad.
"her mask..." Weiss said as she choked up.
"Why is it playing from the mask when it was from the helmet?" Yang asked as she wiped her tears away.
"She transferred them to the mask. Probably to preserve the..." Weiss choked up and wiped her tears from her face.
"That atrocity... And who knows how many more... Just to bring back her girlfriend to life. An A.I. based on herself only to be tortured so terribly. What else has BK-201 done? You heard her..." Ruby said while trembling.
"Offices around the world, meaning even beyond remnant as we know it. Possibly other landmasses we know nothing of," Weiss said with a shaky breath.
"their technology is far more advanced than anything Atlas has ever created, almost like their technology is centuries more advanced than Atlas." Blake held her head in her hands.
"Not to mention those soldiers we encountered. It took two professors and us four just to defeat one of them." Yang gave a shuddering sigh as she traced the scars that she got from strange bullets that went through her aura like paper.
/// Team RWBY and Ozpin.
"This is very concerning." Ironwood was frowning.
"I find it hard to believe she would turn to acts of terrorism and even became a mercenary who does the bidding of whoever pays more than the other. She has no qualms about betraying her current employer. She has lost all morals." Ozpin sipped his hot coco with a frown.
"She was a war hero... The Human Faunus War is relatively recent, 30 years recent. She was a child soldier who grew up on the battlefields. She earned many medals of honor throughout her time in the war. She was the one that put an end to the war with one savage strike by pressing a button." Glynda sighed sadly.
"That was her?" Blake bit out as she clenched her fists, remembering the massive bomb that killed hundreds of thousands of Faunus in one devastating Dust Nuke.
"It was 23 years ago, Blake. A lot has changed. It's all in the past." Weiss spoke solemnly.
"Don't tell me you actually condo-" Blake was interrupted.
"I don't! It was monstrous and inhumane! The loss of life was immeasurable, most of the bodies were turned to ash without getting a proper buriel! She clearly has gone off the deep end due to grief. That dust bomb ended a war that could've lasted another 30 years, Blake. We both could've been on 1 side of the battlefield and trying to hurt and kill each other! Replay the most recent message please, Headmaster. Show her just how far Jet has fallen!" Weiss huffed and puffed.
"Do not disappoint me again." Jet spoke to Yang as they both took a glance at their weapons that were on the ground, a single shotgun gauntlet and a SMG without mechashift features.
"Why do you continue to help these people miss Xiao Long? You have nothing to gain from them. No reason to fight for them. And yet here you stand, your life for them." Jet spoke in that same machine-like voice which startled even Ironwood.
"Is that so hard to understand? I'm a huntress in training, I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing this." Yang spoke heatedly, and the response was a burst of machine gun fire.
"Your mother was so much more. I figured you'd have that same passion she used to have. But all I see is a brat in over her head, stepping into an old conflict decades old without a damn clue who to fight for." Jet kept speaking like a machine.
"..." Qrow drank heavily from his flask as he remembered how his sister used to be before she decided to leave everything behind and become a Bandit Leader instead.
"Your mother was once an enemy to these men you yourself have decided to aid. She was ruthless a survivor." The machine spoke again.
"She... Was a different person back then." Qrow drank from the flask until it was empty.
"She was a soldier. Fearless, unrelenting, a force to be reckoned with, and now she is a disappointment just... like... you." Qrow growled when he heard the machine talk down to his niece.
"When a true soldier is told to kill, they kill. They do not question why, they do not mourn the fallen. They fulfill their roles and move on to the next." Ironwood frowned.
"You couldn't be more wrong... old friend." Ironwood bit out.
"Is that what you want to be? A true soldier?" Yang said to gather some info.
"No... That is what I am!" Machine gun fire managed to draw blood, which shocked Yang and now one arm was unusable now.
"Damn it!" Yang's eyes turned red from Lilac, as she moved around the obstacles while bandaging her wounded arm.
"I'm a professional, Yang. I comp-" Yang cut the older woman off.
"yeah, yeah, yeah. You complete your missions at all costs. You can say that as many times as you want, but I know what you really are! You're a coward." Yang finished tying the tourniquet.
"Ridiculous." Jet spoke.
"You keep trying to play yourself off as some sort of weapon that you don't care about anyone or anything! But the fact your trying so hard to understand me breaks your entire act! No matter how much you may want to be, you're not a machine. You're a murderer! But you hide behind the idea in your head because you're too afraid to take responsibility for everything you've done!" Yang spoke with a fire in her voice.
Jet slammed into yang and beat her down mercilessly and finished it with seven gunshots. Three took down her aura and the other four fragmented inside her body.
"I hope this burns a lesson into your mind. Don't speak as if you know someone when you only just met them!" The pistol was pressed to Yang's forehead, and the trigger was going to be pulled and Qrow growled.
~Click~ "Life and death are separated by the smallest stumble. Remember that Yang. I'm not a machine, I'm a soldier. I always have been even before you were even conceived." The woman activated her cloak and proceeded to dismantle the rest of team RWBY and even beat down the two professors.
"See! She's completely insane!" Weiss pointed at the hologram recording.
/// Hideout.
"Cinder, that team of children is becoming a nuisance. You told me you had everything under control, but I do not see that. Show me results or me and my men are gone. We will return every last Lien with interest. We are professionals, not street thugs trying to one up teenage girls!" Of course Jet channeled her inner Locus, which truly did frighten Cinder and her bodyguards and all the thugs.
"You'll see results Locus, just have a bit more patience." Cinder regained her confidence due to her being in the same boat as Salem with the Grimm Queen as her captain.
"Patience... Is a rare commodity Cinder. If you believe you can fall upon the backing of the Grimm Queen then you are sorely mistaken!" Locus grabbed Cinder by the throat and started choking the life out of the Half-Maiden.
"That will be enough. You've made your point Locus." A floating Orb Grimm floats over to Locus.