
reborn as the riser phoneix (dxd )

cosmicRider · 奇幻
38 Chs


After the battle with rais when riser win  and announces that he cancelled the marriage contract everyone one was and when when he showed why he cancelled the marriage contract many where not happy with rias actions and specially devil high council they where furious with Rias actions

Because she was the high class devil and was considered as a role model for many young devils and try to sleep with a low class réincarnated devil they where furious.

I think the reason because they believe in the old devil system and follow traditions a alot

In the aftermath of the Devil Civil War the Anti-Satan Faction splintered into two factions as the aces of the faction became the new  Four Great Satans   while Zekram Bael and his Bael Clan were able to gain greater influence in the Underworld due to supporting the Underworld in the aftermath of the Original Four Great Satans deaths and the loss of influence among the original Satan clans after their defeat in the Devil Civil War. The Bael Clan created the Great King Faction Or devil high council in order to continue to increase the power of the Bael Clan and maintain the society of nobles that the pureblood High-class Devils created as the Great King Faction would engage in a political tug-of-war with the Four Great Satans and their supporters for the next several centuries.

Devil high council wanna take a strict actions against her but they  needed a big and strong case against her because she was the sister of the devil king sirzech Lucifer.

They held a special secret meeting of devil high council to discuss about this

(Devil high council secret meeting location)

Many high council where Arguing about what to do

Random council member :- Lord bael what do you think about this matter what should we do

The  Zekram Bael unofficial leader of devil high council

Lord bael :- we need more evidences against rias gremory so we can take stri--

Suddenly a man comes and tell something to Lord Bael right  ear and hand him a device A evil grin comes in the Lord Bael face

Random council member :- what happened Lord Bael why are smiling suddenly

Lord Bael :- we got a important evidence against gremory girl go and play this video

Lord Bael give the device to the servent he bowed and go and starting playing the video

With projecteur

After the video ended all the devil high council members have a evil grin on their faces

Lord Bael :- This should be sufficient to take a strict actions against her we will have a meeting in the devil high council place inform everyone about this

(Devil high council location)

Lord gremory :- you know what is the purpose of this meeting Lord Phoenix

Lord Phoenix  :- No Lord gremory devil high council just informed us this is an important meeting

After every one was gathered Lord Bael cames along with devil kings and sit in his place then a high council members started

Random council member :- we all gathered here to address a great crime and things done by a certain high class devil

Many people started talking to themselves

Random council member :- please bring the criminal

Then two guards bring rias she was wrapped around with Cain's from her neck to toe and she was crying

Lord gremory and devil king sirzech Lucifer was furious at they . They shouted

Lord gremory and sirzech :- WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS

Random council member :- Rias gremory have done a great crime and things while she was the heir of the gremory

Sirzech was radiating red aura he was very angry at this state of her sister

Sirzech :- EXPLAIN

Random council member the started showing the video where where you can see rias familiar giving issei hyoudou à summoning paper

then how issei hyoudou was killed

and rias cames from the magic circle and said since you are about to die I make you my servent

and enter 8 pawn pieces Inside issei hyoudou chest and revived him video end

Sirzech and Lord gremory was shocked how can rias let someone die

Random council member :- I would like to call rias gremory entire peerage as well

From a magic circle cames Akeno, Kiba, issei, asia , koneko and gasper

iseei shouted  :- where is President

Random person member :- silence just tell me is the video is correct or not

Issei :- yes it is this how President rias save me

Random council member :- can you tell me young man about Asia Argento who you meet her and how she became devil

Issei then started telling how he meet aisa in a park then then he was on devil duty how fallen taken her he wanted to save her but rias refuse then how he was about to go inside crunch to save aisa but rias refused his idea then he go there alone and save Asia but she died and how rias revive her

Random council member :- as you can all hear that how rias gremory have used her title of heir and the power of the owner of that place how she planned to let those human die and revive them to add them as her servent

Issei :- nooo thaattt can't be possible

Issei was beyond shocked and was on his knees crying

Aisa fainted when she hear about this

Sirzech and Lord gremory can't argue about this matter because the prove was infornt of them

Random council women :- this means not only  planned to kill those humans but because of her stupidity shinto fraction can start war with devils

Rais :- how and why they will start a war with us

Random council men :-  because  if shinto gods came to know about this how humans where killed and revived as devils they can start war against devils because it was originally there territory which devils have taken for few years for a contract

Many high class devils started cursing rias for the things she has done  and many where demanding her to be executed

SIRZECH :- I can't let you executed and please dont forget she is an high class pure blooded devil which are less in numbers after the war

Random council men :- we can't let her free sirzech for her sins only because she is a pure blooded devil

SIRZECH :- we will decided about this by voting she should be executed or she have a different punishment

Many people agree with this. this was playing live in  the underworld in all devil territories

The voting start





You people have to tell me what do you please vote


               HAVE RIAS EXECUTED






Voting will end in next week please vote for rias fate