
The Healer, Sato Iyashi (I).

Chapter 84: The Healer, Sato Iyashi (I).

Kein's POV

"Sato… Iyashi."

Kazari looked shocked upon hearing the name.

Avery and I stopped eating and stared at her in concern. It may have come into a shock, after all with our knowledge no one is to go out of their hero island.

"Are you alright, Kazari?" I asked, but clearly she didn't look fine.

I just wanted to know if there would be a need to derail the conversation or request for another healer Big Sister Valentina could recommend to us.

Kazari stared at everyone in the table, taking the spoon that fell, hands shaking slightly and tried her best to act all normal.

"Y-Yes… I'm alright. It's just that I was not expecting someone very high profile to be joining our journey." she forced herself to smile at the couple and to us.