
Reborn As The Blind God In The Multiverse Of Madness

Visual evidence of Wang Lui murdering a reporter is uploaded online and his father, who already has a strained relationship with him, strips him of his position as the President of Weng Hu Group. Worse, a delivery boy arrives with a package at an inopportune time and it's almost like the world is conspiring against Wang Lui. Upset, he opens the robotic package and it blows him into pieces. But this is a whole new beginning for Wang Lui. His soul is transported into a multiverse where he’s reborn as a God whose fragrance alone is extraordinarily endowed with powers bestowed from his mana. But he’s blind. Wang Lui is forced to adapt to his new circumstances and face challenges in the chaotic multiverse teeming with several other gods, beasts and demons, and mere mortals.

SavagelyYourxx · 奇幻
8 Chs


The tremendous sound of thunder cracking in the sky was enough to capsize the ship as the heavy downpour came out in a rush.

The gust of wind made Wang Lui's white hair fly over his face, as held onto the wooden ship railings for support when the rain whipped him. He didn't want to hide in some corner like Stoneman. Birdboy was long gone. The rain eventually plastered Wang Lui's hair to his body.

He thought maybe if he stayed in it, the blindness would wither away. His mind drifted back to the voice in his head earlier, which told him he was reborn as this Kai, and cursed to be blind.

Was he truly reborn by some air goddess and grew into a man within ten hours?

Worse, he was without clothes. Just a tiny piece of rag covering his front and bare butt. Little did he know it was the clothes he had worn as a child on the previous day's evening.

Another thunder growled like an enraged giant right before three big eyes appeared in the sky and peered at Wang Lui.

[You've passed the first trial, it is now time to receive your mana]

Wang Lui recognized the voice from earlier. It was this same deity who had claimed to be his creator.

"I need to know how I got here if I'll be able to return home."

[You already died in your past life]

Wano Lui clenched his jaw upon hearing this from Dhamdax.

"Who killed me?"

[Your death was deserving, Kai] Dhamdax's response was cold and matter of factly.

"I need to know who this person is. Was it my father or an enemy?"

[It's not important. You blew into pieces but I was able to capture your soul and recreate you] Dhamdax explained.

But Wang Lui was persistent. He couldn't adapt to this new reality. Being blind and dealing with Skeletons was already enough.

"I'd like to go back. I can't stay blind and live this bizarre lifestyle with stonemen, birdies, and skeleton pirates. Weng Hu groups need me, and I need to find who's behind my death."

[No one will recognize you as Wang Lui. You're a different and mysterious being. Returning to Earth is not an option]

It was obvious this deity didn't care about Wang Lui's needs, only his own selfish purposes and plans. To Wang Lui, it was as if he was fighting an uphill battle, trying to assert his humanity and individuality in a world that didn't care about him. Just the exact way he treated his employees in his past life.

What he was yet to know was that Dhamdax was like the embodiment of pure, unfiltered honesty. There was no sugar coating or beating around the bush, just the cold hard truth. Which meant Wang Lui was not getting any breaks. He was to face reality head-on, with no illusions or comfort. Still, it was a real test of his resilience and strength of character.

[Am I communicating?]

Wang Lui tilted his head toward where he heard the voice clearer.

"You don't own me, I never asked you to recreate me and use me as your toy."

[I understand that you're not used to this type of region but within a short period of time, you'll adapt. There's so much ahead of you, as your life is about to begin]

"I never signed up for this," Wang Lui chided.

[Now is the time to receive your mana. You're unaware of your powers so they keep wavering]

"What powers?" Wang Lui frowned.

[You tapped into a certain energy force and utilized it without your awareness. Healed your wounds, broke chains off your body and then the cage.]

Of course, Wang Lui remembered this.

[You are not a human anymore] Dhamdax added.

"Then what am I? A hair follicle in the armpit of this parallel world?" Wang Lui scoffed bitterly.

Dhamdax was amused by this.

[You're a straight descendant of mine]

"Technically, that makes me a god too? Tell me, can I recreate humans who died horribly in their past lives and turn them into blind people who will suffer at each breath intake?" An exasperated Wang Lui was able to squeeze out dark sarcasm through the sneer on his face.

Dhamdax knew if he continued answering Wang Lui's questions, they would go nowhere, upon knowing Wang Lui was already angry at everything and everyone.

He stopped the rain on Wang Lui's side of the ship and sent a Griffin(half eagle, half lion) to deliver the orchid mana to Wang Lui.

[Stretch out your right hand] Dhamdax instructed.

"Why?" Wang Lui's frown deepened.

[Just do it] Dhamdax snapped.

Wang Lui reluctantly stretched out his hand and immediately, the Griffin placed the mana in his hand, it vanished into his open palm.

This stirred up a wind force in Wang Lui's body, causing the ship to roll on its side when there wasn't even a wave action.

"What's happening!? Wang Lui yelled through the rain as he slid forward, along with helmets, swords, and scrap metals.

[You have mana within you. Obstacles will appear along your path; how you deal with them and the decisions you make will influence your mana to weaken or heightened into full-god mode].

"Truly, I am a god?" Wang Lui was puzzled.

[You were reborn as Kai, the blind god in the multiverse of madness. Now, your scent gives out that you're distinct from everyone.]

"The ship is sinking, how do I get out of it?"

[Help is already on its way.]

"Wait, how do I even cope with no sight? It's torturous and pointless."

[Being blind makes you unique because you're still ten times perceptive and quick-witted. Your powers will help you.]

Dhamdax's voice faded before his eyes disappeared from the sky.

The ship was splitting into halves and sinking lower into the sea. Stoneman's running footsteps could be heard, and Wang Lui chuckled.

"You'd be no different from the drowned skeletons if you dive into the water to swim for survival. After all, you're made of stones. Denser than water so there'll be a downward net force."

"Now I see why you were struck with blindness." An offended Stoneman retaliated.

A blowing horn caught their attention. It was a larger ship sailing in their direction full of pirates. This time, humans.

"Ahoy, there!" Stoneman waved his hands to get their attention.

Cold surged through Wang Lui's body as he rushed to the ship's stern, wordlessly asking for rescue because he had nowhere else to go and didn't think he'd be able to swim with his deformity. He waited for Stoneman to do the talking because he had never requested help.

"Help, my friend is blind and can't swim!" Stoneman yelled as the large ship drew closer to them.

The pirates in front were astonished to see a pale-skinned man with white long hair. Two men leapt into a small boat and propelled their oars to Wang Lui and Stoneman's rescue.