
reborn as the apocalypse dragon of the multiverse (for adoption)

first of all, I am not the same guy that is writhing the other story. second English is not my mother language. third, I am writing this to get rid of the boredom so don't expect daily updates. _____________________________________________________________ the story is about someone who got screwd by a supervisor of his dimension for his amusement until one day he had enough and remembered the rules that the supervisor mentioned to him and by this one action his journey began. you want to know more read the picture the character belong to ther rightfull owner i only own my characters. first world highschool DXD

Noveltiger · 漫画同人
7 Chs

the deviation and the awakining of the true king

the underworld where the devils live this places contrary to what human thinks isn't a place full with death and flame to be more precise it resembles the human world in a medieval era even devils themself resemble humans with a little twist and that would be their wings and tails and their better physique without mentioning their demonic magic but anyway we are not hir to explain the existence of devils.

in a courtyard in the underworld in the territory of the Gremory clan, there stood a five years old child full of sweat while swinging his sword when suddenly he was assaulted with a sharp pain in his head causing to faint and fall headfirst this was our mc.

when he woke up he felt pain for a few moments then his eyes regained their clarity.

mc pov

opening my eyes I was confused at what I saw until a fold of memory enter my head from daying until reincarnated with my wishes as I start going through my memories I found another set of memories so I decided tho go over it and what I found shocked me I needed an answer so I did the only logical thing to do I asked the system.

me: "system are you there?"

[system debut .....10%...45%...87%...100% system launching successfully pleased to met you host and I am hir to answer all our quetion]

me:" first of all what timeline I am in right now"

ST[sir sorry to tell you this but you have been reincarnated 50years

before the plot]

me:" what!! this isn't what I wanted....sigh I can do nothing about

this I can only accept but before that system tell me why do i

only have so few memories of my family aren't the Gremory

known for their love toward their family?"

ST[ sir everything you said about the Gremory was right but you see

the being that sent you to this world want it to show what would

happen to you if you show no talent what so ever and that's how

you lived for the past 5 years outcasted by your parent and

grandparent because you showed zero magic and fragile body

as for your bael bloodline, it was devoured by your dragon

bloodline and also the creator asked to give you one last gift from

do you wish to receive it yes/no"

I proceed with the information in my head and go over my new memories seeing how no one cared about me all that time even my mother never showed me any love they didn't even give me a name. I was nameless I didn't even remember my previous name, going through a hell of training just to get a pat on the head from my parent only to be met with indifferent gazes remembering how they treated the previous me maid my blood boil I knew that my bloodline is awaking but I suppressed I wanted to live this place first and then awaken my bloodline after calming down for a moment I decided to see what that being gave me so I pressed yes.

ST[you have received the one time use skill eraser of emotion and

also, a message saying "I know what you want to believe me

the only way to destroy all your emotion and desire to acquire

their acknowledgment is by using my gift but once you do

that you will erase all the emotions related to love or love

it self you will never have those emotions again

but in the same way if you don't erase those emotions

they will be a barrier that will hinder youR growth unless you

acquire what previous you carved for but knowing you and

knowing your bloodline there is a fat chance of that happening so

it is your choice" end of the message.]

readig the message sent to me by him i took my time to thinke it over and i knew from my guts that what he said wasthe truth and in that moment somthing snaped in me realizing that this second chance was mine to do with what i ever i want i requiring someon to acnowlge me isn't the way i want it to live so in that moment i decided resolve my self and used the skill eraser of emotion erasing mu love and anything related to it and with it erasing my hiden deasairess as i did this i felt myself having chaged comlitly from a littile kid to an emontionless wapen my only goel is to live life as i see fit.knowing that no one will know even if i desapeared sudenly or even care if they knew i asked the system to transport me to an isolated island without life in the human world and my comand it did and before that happened i left a letter saying that i cut all ties with my family and they will never see me again and they will never find me unless i wanted to be found but what i didn't know is that in the few seconds that my bloodline was about to awaken befor i supress it has alarmed the powerfull devils espisaly a certain green hair devil who was even able to find the source of that phenominel was him.

general pov

five minutes before

in a labe full with deferent kind of equipment we can see a handsome man with green hair this man is none other then the curent mao belzabub ajuka.while he was working on his most recent reaserche materiel when he felt awave of terafaying enargy pulse making him go down on his knees just to dessapear in the next second standing from his previous posision the first thing he did was try to find the source of the energe only to find it matching two partuculair signals the first one belong none other then the son of his previous friend sirzech son and the other belong to the dragon that said he defeted both dragon gods and crushed terahix anlysing the energy proved that the two of them are fused together in the same maner as a sacred gear and it host by combining all tha data and going through some of the legend of the past he reach it the conclusion that the dragon has turned himself into a sacread gear xithout being controied by the system of haven seeing this he knew that he need to meet his previous freind sirzech even thought he had cut all ties with him knowing how he treated hi son like piece of shit he even made one f the maids desgaise as greifa sohe can give him the ilusion that no one love him not even his mother the only reason i didn't tell griefa beacause he beged not to do it i complayed with his request but i cut al ties with him after knowing what he has done and fro the data in my hand i know that this is going to bite him back not in the ass but in his neck making him pay by his soul i just hope he didn't chose yet or our rice is going extint.

returning to the current time

a magical circle appeared where our mc was and Ajuka Belzabob appeared from the circle looking around he found a note on the ground so he picked it up and once he read it he knew he was too late and the judgment will son fall on them once the kid is strong enough, sighting to himself he decided to go to his previous friend and inform him because it is time for his wife to know how her son is treated

this chapter has been written in haiste so sorry if it is full of mistakes

Noveltigercreators' thoughts