
Reborn as Stiles Stilinski in the Orange County

What happens when you reincarnate as Stiles Stilinski in Orange County with a cheat, making you even more of a chad? A super Alpha among ordinary humans. Bikinis, buttocks, sports, parties, no sleep... —Newport Beach Stiles Stilinski! One of those tired mornings. Looking at the super hot transfer student, Stiles went completely OOC, chadly thoughts blooming in his head: 'Please don't look my way. Please don't fall for me...' //Tagged: Orange County, Riverdale, Teen Wolf, Cheat, Supernatural, ETC. ****************** My thoughts on this book: I don't remember the main show in minute detail; I have a terrible memory, so don't expect master intrigue. The emphasis is on character growth. If we must say so. You get the picture. Hopefully, it'll be a slow Romance fic, restful and wholesome. I'll write it for the sake of heartwarming and sticky romance. Shouts: Except for Stiles' supernatural abilities, the Supernatural does not exist. In this fic, only a few TW characters will be relevant! You don't need to ask why...

25 Chs

Cute Future Girlfriend

"So?" Luke, eager to have his girlfriend Marissa join him in the copilot seat, loudly urged her to come along while eyeing Ryan.

"You coming or what!" In a moment of fidgetiness, he honked the horn of his large, elevated car.

"Give me a moment." Marissa stated.

She then said something difficult to hear to Ryan, conveying her desire for him to join the after party as well, and even taking a firm stance on it.

Marissa's behaviour was an enrapturing mix of playfulness, temptingness, and insistence, making it nearly impossible for Ryan to resist her charms.

Marissa's seemingly innocent approach captivated Ryan, who lacked experience in stupid love games, and he couldn't turn down her dangerous offer and the love game she was playing.

He was unable to decline or even say yes or no out loud because he was unaware of her true intentions.

He was simply silent, drawn in by her immature allure and unaware of the potential dangers.

Marissa exuded a beguiling charm that appeared harmless, drawing in others in matters of love.

She was born with a natural ability to navigate the complexities of romantic relationships, aided by the influence of alcohol coursing through her veins.

This seemingly safe and enticing pull, however, had the potential to lead others into unsafe territory.

Marissa's selfishness and negative love traits were amplified while under the influence of alcohol.

Because she was in a committed relationship, she had no business playing this seductive love game with Ryan.

However, the substance's influence made her even more unpredictable and self-destructive, posing a hazard not only to herself but also to those she became attracted to.

Ryan was the handsome and single new guy that was her perfect type, unlike her boyfriend Luke.

In the original episode of the show, when Summer showed an attraction towards Ryan, it caused Marissa to become extremely uneasy and uncomfortable.

"I'm coming babe!" When Ryan remained silent and unable to say no, Marissa smiled and exclaimed to Luke.

She felt victorious.

The next second, succumbing to her boyfriend's wishes, her little girl game still in mind, she got into the car and shared a long kiss.

—Right in front of Ryan.


"Let's go Seth…" Ryan gave Marissa and Luke a dark stare while saying to Seth.

Feeling jealous, Ryan didn't hesitate for long and swiftly hopped into another car that trailed behind Stiles' transport.

"Are you serious right now?! Hey, wait… what the hell." Meanwhile, Seth, still grappling with unrequited feelings for Summer, reluctantly, joined Ryan for this adventure outside his comfort zone.

Filled with anxiety, Seth also couldn't observe the people inside Stiles' pickup car. It was right in front of the car he was climbing in.

He hoped that nothing untoward would occur with Summer being in such proximity to Stiles…

After all, what aggravated Seth was the fact that it seemed that Summer was the more attracted of the two, as she made the move to approach Stiles and invite him.


Inside the car with Summer and other people who Stiles had never met before.

For a brief moment, Stiles thoughts were not on Summer, but on Marissa.

He didn't despise Marissa, but he did care about his cousin Ryan.

Ryan was going to suffer alongside her.

Stiles, on the other hand, couldn't warn Ryan, so he finally decided to stop overthinking it.

Marissa died as a result of the numerous love messes and love disasters she was constantly the source of.

Not Ryan.

Ryan had plot armor.

Whatever happened with Marissa had nothing to do with Stiles.

Stiles wasn't going to be her father-in-law anytime soon because he hadn't yet decided to approach Julie Cooper.

Julie was blissfully unaware of her partner's financial difficulties and deceitful nature during this time.

She was still in a seemingly happy but ignorant, misguided relationship with Marissa's father, who was about to go bankrupt.

She had not yet started a romantic relationship with Seth's grandfather, Caleb.

Julie's future stepdaughter Kirsten, Kirsten's family, or their close and old friendship had not yet been affected by the subsequent turmoil she would cause, involving succession, money inheritance, and deceptive practices.

Caleb Nichol, Kirsten's father, was not yet in the picture, but Stiles would sooner or later meet him.

Stiles would also get to meet Caleb's third child, a strikingly young and problematically well-favored girl born outside his previous marriage, one day.

Caleb had taken great care to keep her existence hidden from the rest of the world. Due to obvious reasons.

Stiles wasn't in a hurry.

Caleb had three beautiful daughters, each with their own set of flaws and nice qualities.

Kirsten, on the other hand, seemed to bear the brunt of his attention, constantly burdened by excessive workloads and subjected to his frequent outbursts of rage and petty retaliation.

She was also the only one who did not appear to receive enough affection from him.

Kirsten was far too intelligent and successful for her own good. Caleb always wished she was born a man.

All of their other issues between father and daughter were made up and stemmed from Caleb's illogical wish, which could never come true after so many years.

Caleb's affection for Seth exemplified his man-favoritism toward competent people.

However, he saw Seth as a socially awkward individual, as well as a useless nerd.

Furthermore, he also had a dislike for Seth's father, Sandy…

Summer's voice broke through the sound of the wind, drawing attention to herself in the crowded pickup truck with its open roof. "What's on your mind, handsome?"

She interjected, playfully reminding Stiles of her presence.

Her words mingled with the gusts of wind that brushed against their faces. "You got a pretty girl like me to invite you to a party; are you just going to show up and ignore me?"

"I think the new guy is just shy." Someone stated.

It was a girl, presumably one of Summer's party pals.

She was sitting directly behind the car's driver, another girl.

This car had only one other man in it, except Stiles.

Stiles couldn't see his face because he wore sunglasses.

However, the guy gave Stiles an odd, familiar feeling.

"I'm not shy." Stiles replied.

"That's the common refrain," The guy in the copilot seat inside the car made a remark, briefly lowering the music. "Just a word of caution from her best guy friend, don't let Summer devour you. She may lack experience, but she's a dangerous vixen. She's been yearning to find a guy who..."

"Stop talking, Jackson! Don't say anything more!" Summer jumped to her feet and slammed the guy on the head.

"Hey, I was just trying to offer some friendly advice... You're the most dodgy virgin I've ever come across," Jackson commented, touching his head.

Summer interrupted him again as he turned to face her. She screamed in rage the moment he revealed she was a virgin. "Damn you Jackson!"

"You had to screw it up again for me, did you!"

"Are you in love with me!?"

"Stop fucking doing that each time!"

Everyone in the car except Summer burst out laughing.

Stiles would have laughed as well, especially given that he was reading something even greater inside Summer's heart.

She was just as strange and superficial as the guy was talking about…

But Stiles was more distracted by something else…

With a frown and widened eyes, he asked the guy, "Can I see you without those shades for a split second?"

"Huh? Why?" Jackson replied with a concerned expression, prompting everyone's gaze to shift towards Stiles.

"I'm not hitting on you, and I'm not into guys, in case that's what you're implying," Stiles clarified right away for all to hear in the car.

Summer was exhaling a sigh of relief as he smiled and said, "You look just like someone I used to know."

Stiles' question perplexed Jackson.

But he removed his sunglasses immediately after Stiles assured that he had no sexual interest in him.

The second Stiles saw his whole face, he was shocked.

"I'm not really that hot, am I?" Jackson asked, apprehensive.

"Well... You could very well be. I'm still not interested in men, but how about we become good friends?" Stiles regained his composure and smiled as he proposed.

The person in front of him was Jackson from Teen Wolf.

Talk about coincidences.

"You like that guy over me?" Hearing Stiles, Summer suddenly scowled, feeling threatened by her only very good male friend. "What's even good about him?"

He was her only best friend aside from Marissa.

He'd seen enough of Summer since childhood to know he'd never be sexually interested in her.

Stiles made a slightly cringe-worthy remark, but his charismatic charm was not limited to women.

He was gaining popularity in the car, stirring curiosity and interest even from the girl driving and trying not to look back.

In response to Stiles' comment, Jackson said, "Well, that was quite forward of you to ask this way, but sure, we can be pals."

Jackson suddenly considered the plusses of befriending a good-looking guy like Stiles.

Stiles was the same way, even if he genuinely wanted to be friends with Jackson.

In this world, Jackson seemed to be a basketball player, there was no Lacrosse team on Harbor high…

Stiles was probing Jackson's mind when Summer said, "Leaving me out, huh? I didn't think I'd picked up such a cold hunk, but I think I shot myself in the foot tonight."

"You know I always win. But I have to say, I really like this one," Jackson replied confidently. "You can have him if he wants you,"

As he stopped sabotaging Summer, he told her sincerely.

The next thing Summer knew, he was ignoring her, laughing and conversing with the girl named Nina who had spoken earlier.

Stiles was finally able to speak with Summer when he sat down, approached her, and teased, "You shouldn't be so mad. I don't want to be your friend."

Summer was scowling when he got closer and said, "You and I can't just be friends. I'm sure that wasn't what you had in mind for me."


Summer faltered when he cut her off and uttered, "No need to pretend with me, I'm not after that thing you keep precious. I just think you're lovely."

She was too cute, and Stiles now knew more about her.

Things he didn't remember or notice while watching the show.

Seth was a very lucky dog.

The girl and her rare Californian breed, on the other hand, were too much for him.

Stiles decided to tease her tonight, knowing he couldn't force anything tonight and for a while.

Underneath their outward appearance, girls who appeared shallow and frivolous could still have a set of morals.

Like Summer.

To protect herself and her dependable qualities and trustworthy nature, Summer was wearing a mask of emptiness and frivolity.

Rare girls like her were just as well-behaved as their intellectually inclined counterparts, the pretty nerdy girls, in many ways.

"Woooo!" Nina, Summer's friend, exclaimed loudly upon overhearing Stiles' charming words, teasing playfully.

"Good-looking guys really don't need to try hard…" Jackson butted in and shook his head, remarking with a long sigh.

Despite being attractive, he felt inferior.

Stiles possessed potent hormones that made it challenging for to differentiate between charm and beauty.

Men were naturally drawn to beautiful women, whereas women liked men with charm and charisma, even if they had bad looks.

Men relied heavily on charm and pheromones, as their attractiveness couldn't be solely limited to standardized beauty.

Aside from their sinewy physiques, judging men's faces was subjective.

They could move icebergs and date super babes as long as they had charm that outweighed simple beauty.

Stiles was handsome.

He could even be called beautiful.

But his charm mixed with love hormones made him unfair now.

Even if he was suddenly ugly, the hormonal manipulation was enough to give him the upper hand with the ladies.

"Hey, take it easy, handsome!" Summer exclaimed in a panicked tone.

She stood up, blushing, to hide her newfound happiness and sudden shyness.

"Don't you think we all need some drinks?" She suggested.

"Jackson, where's that bottle you always keep hidden?" She asked, eager to add some refreshments to the smoldering atmosphere that only she could perceive.

She was filled with joy and a strong desire not to give in to Stiles' romantic advances.

"Ask Nico, this isn't my car." Jackson reacted, casual.

The entire group arrived at a beach house minutes later.

This was Holly Fischer's beach house.

The person hosting the after party and a recurring side character in the OC.

Stiles was also physically attracted to her, but he only had enough energy to socialize with Summer tonight.

Holly had a boyfriend as well, and she was a completely different animal than Summer.

She could be described as a young thot who had yet to be properly educated and adjusted.

She was an actual freak.

Stiles wasn't in a penury of women right now, so he wasn't particularly curious.

As Seth and Ryan approached Stiles, stepping out of their respective cars and preparing to enter the house, Seth asked Stiles with concern, "How's it going with Summer?"

When he asked, his attention was drawn to the black-haired girl in a bikini and jeans who was entering the house with Jackson and her other two friends.

Ryan regarded Stiles with unusual curiosity, most likely because he felt out of place in the unfamiliar and rich Newport setting, which made him feel inferior.

In response to Seth's question, Stiles replied smirking, "I think it's going fine. But let's head inside. I have a feeling that tonight might be the night you lose your virginity."

Stiles was already planning to cause his own trouble.

Since he owed one to his future foster brother Seth, he could give him a W.

After all, Stiles planned to seduce and date Seth's aunts even if he gave up on Seth's mother.

He could avoid guilt by assisting Seth in losing his virginity.

"Who… Who said I'm a virgin, bro!" Seth exclaimed, discomposed.

Ryan fixed Seth with a long, amusingly skeptical stare, tinged with sarcastic, respectful doubt.

He didn't have to say anything to be translated.

"Any… Anyway, what do you mean?" Seth asked, fumbling his words, feeling too exposed under Ryan's ruthless gaze.

He was sexed and thinking loveable thoughts about making love to Summer.

Stiles didn't want to tell him the truth so quickly and force him to face reality.

Summer was gone for good.


Author's Note.

Rest assured, the main character is not a passive onlooker, so there is no need to worry.

The girls he has in mind to potentially set up with Seth are not part of the future interests.

They're just random girls who have nothing to do with his future plans. However, one is considered a part of the original Orange County side characters.

I had a basketball question for you.

Should he forego college to get drafted early?

Also, which teams would you like to see him on?

Which teams do you want him to avoid?

What position do you want him to play on the basketball court?

Which players should he not play with?

What team should he join?

A troubled one?

Should he have one made for him?

+2561 words

FOUNTAINOFYOUTHcreators' thoughts