
Reborn As Steven Universe

What if the Villain in Steven Universe were even more powerful and stronger

Demontae_Woods · 奇幻
1 Chs

Reborn as Steven Universe Chapter 1- New Life

I wake up In a Bright white room, I wipe my eyes to see a large man with a Beard, come closer the man said, as I move forward the man starts to speak you have died, I will send you to a world of your choosing and make it to how you want.

I died how the hell did that happen, the guy snickers that breaks out into full blown laughter, my eye twitches in annoyance what the big deal, sorry the man said wipping a tear in the corner of his eye its just you died masterbating, I knew it'll be the death of me, but well can't do anything about it now I say with a sigh.

About the world I would like to go is Steven Universe but make the villians and the gems smarter and Crazy stronger and have the events of the show start when I'am sixteen and to be born as Steven, and for Connie and I to meet when we are seven, and for her to have a and for master steven and Connie to both go to school.

As for my first wish is to all of stevens powers and to have Black Flames, Water, Air, Earth, Black Lightning, and all of Rimaru Tempest's Abilities and Powers, also I want the Rinne-Sharingan withouts drawbacks and both abilities.

For my second I would like for rose's sword to be three Katana, All of the tailed beast and complet mastery of all of their powers and I would like to Have Silver hair, I also what all of minato's, Naruto's, and sasuke's jutsu's, and the Uzamaki bloodline.

For my third I would like The shadow clones but with every thing it can't do, I also would a kunai holster but have Infinite Kunai, for my fighting cloths I want naruto sage cloths exept the jumpsuit its black with a Scythe that I can channel the Elements into.

For my Fourth I would like to have all tranformations, abilities, and powers, and would to have a body build like goku and his hair but Silver hair.

For my Fifth Can I have a mastery of all Hugo's powers from wakfu and master Every japanese Fighting style and Every japanese sword Fighting style, and Have a mastery over the Scythe and for Lion to Be a White nine Tailed Fox and thats it I said.

Well if thats it then try not to die again he says with a chuckle as I growl fine, I wake up in a Van a woman with very puffy hair holding with a purple carseat with eyes an a mouth, there is also a women in a blue dress with very pale skin and a pearl in her forehead, I know them as Amethyth, Garnet, and Pearl hey rose if thats you change back, I hear Amethyst say.

thirty minutes later, I was given back to my father, oh steven I'am so happy you're okay this is why Im sending you to school, seven years later, I'am officaily seven years old and I start school when I get to class I sit next to a girl with long brown hair who I recognize as Connie.

Hi I'am Steven I say with a warm smile holding out my hand, I'am Connie she says, after school as I walk I see three fourth grade Boys and girls picking on Connie, leave her alone I yell as they turn to me and what the hell are you going to do about shorty as something inside me snaps as I jump and spin kick the guy who called me short in the face as I propel myself off him and punch the on the other side of him flipping off him and axe kicking the last on.

Take them and leave mess with my friend I say with a cold tone with a sickly sweet smile releasing a little bit of KI, they run off dragging the guys, I turn to Connie you okay?, I ask as I bent down and held my hand out as she took it standing up, thank you she says with a small blush.

You're welcome I say can I walk you home in case they come back, sure she says as I walk Connie home I show her some of my powers like My shield and my chakra chains, as I tell her not to tell anyone about them we get to her house as her Mom opens the door oh there you are were have you been school let up an hour ago she scolds her, sorry to interrupt but its my fault she was late some people were picking on her so I stopped them I walked her home in case they tried to pick on her again.

I am very sorry for any trouble I caused Mrs. Maheswaren, Its fine can I ask you a question is it okay if I walk connie to and from school in case the mess with her again sure thing make sure she is here before four-thirty P.M every day she says in a stern tone.

Will do Mrs. Maheswaren, bye Connie see you tomorrow, I say as I leave and head back to the temple when I get there the gems are waiting for me steven were have you been pearl ask School I say in a deadpan tone, He's got you there P amethyst says as she slaps pearl on the back well any way we're going on a missoin we shouldn't be back for two days, Garnet says fine as I walk up to my room and close the door.

I lay on my on my bed and fall asleep, the next day I go to Connie's house as we walk to school so Connie wanna go to Funland with me this weekend I got tickets as I show her them, yeah sounds like It'll be fun she says with a small blush.

At lunch time I next to Connie as I see that she is sitting alone with her head down, why do you look so down I say with a frown because I don't have any friends she says putting her head down even more I though we were friends I say in mock hurt with a pout as her head snaps up, we are she says with a huge smile as she hugs me a I hug her back, that saturday Connie and I went to Funland I wore a black jacket and shirt with a Skull on the front with black Cargo pants with some white sneakers, as Connie wore a blue jacket with a pink shirt and some black pants with some Nike Toddler Court Borough Low 2 Shoes, we play in the arcade for two hours after that we play Carnival games I won Connie a stuffed pink lion.

After we leave Funland we go into the forest so I can show her my other powers as I show her my shadow clones, Chidori, and rasengan I give her a The Flying Thunder God' Kunai and tell her to throw it if she ever needed help, I'll train you to do all of this I hear a ratlling come from the bush I look and see a lion sized Nine Tailed Fox that looked hurt.

I use a healing jutsu on it as it stands up and licks me on the face, as I chuckle I'll name you Kotaro as it yips with joy nine years later, Connie and I are sixteen years old three years ago we started dating.

That day when I got home Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl were fighting the centipeetles, I use a kunai to destroy one Um guys these things don't have gems Amethyst says, then the mother is somewhere near by Garnet says.

I walk to the freezer dodging the centipeetles as I take out a cookie cat and start eating it, a centipeetle rushes torwards me as I throw my shield at as the others defeat the others the rest and look at me in shock as I finish my cookie cat, what you never seen a shield before.

Thats rose's shield Pearl yells no shit sherlock I say with a deadpan voice,