

As the others were all talking amongst themselves, Hiroto appeared once more. "Hey, I'm done."

The moment he appeared, most of his classmates ran and crowded around him, bombarding him with questions.

Seeing this, All Might took it as a chance to quickly slip away just before he transformed back, giving Hiroto one last glance. 'I thank you, young Hiroto. If it wasn't for you, I would've had to push myself, causing myself even more harm.'

"Hiroto, that was amazing! The way you defeated that Nomu thing was incredible!" Eijiro shouted, wrapping his hands around Hiroto's shoulders.

"The way you punched that monster into a pulp was great! Pap pap pap!" Mina exclaimed, punching her right arm forward as fast as she could to copy Hiroto.

"Yea, she's right, ribbit. You're like a kid version of All Might, ribbit." Asui said.

Izuku stood off to the side and was feeling complicated. 'I didn't even do anything. I'm supposed to be All Might's successor, but all I did was just stand off to the side while Hiroto fought against that Nomu alongside of All Might.' Gripping his fists, he muttered, "I'm going to get stronger. Stronger so that I'm no longer useless."

Katsuki heard what Izuku said but didn't say anything, only clicking his tongue and looking at Hiroto.

Todoroki watched Hiroto and then turned to the area around them. From Hiroto's actions, most of the area was destroyed from his 'Table Flip' and the 'Consecutive Punches', as he called them.

'Can I be as strong as him? Even if I'm just a bit as strong as him, maybe I could get father to finally back down.' Todoroki thought to himself, making a decision to train his quirk and physical body harder than ever.

"How are you not hurt at all?" Tokoyami asked Hiroto.

"Well, I'm just really durable," Hiroto answered simply.

"Did you really expect a different answer?" Hagakure said, joining in the conversation. Hiroto turned towards Hagakure and stared at her for a moment.

"W-What is it?" Hagakure aske, stammering a bit.

Hiroto shook his head and said, "It really is hard to spot you, with your invisibility."

"Students, are you okay?!" From the front door, Present Mic shouted as he was followed by some other teachers. Looking around, they were surprised to see that the students were fine, as well as all of the various Villains being knocked out.

"Whoa, this place was really trashed. Seems like it was an intense battle." One of the pro Heroes said, after seeing the rubber and destruction around the central plaza.

"Aizawa Sensei!" Present Mic shouted in concern, seeing the state that he was in.

'Oh yeah, I forgot about him.' Hiroto thought with a bit of guilt. 'I'll give him some banana's later, that should be enough as an apology.'

"Thirteen, Aizawa, I'm glad to see that you two are okay, thank you for protecting the students," Nezu said as he was dropped down by another teacher.

"The credit doesn't belong to just us, it also belongs to the students. They were courageous and fought together as a class, protecting each other from the Villains." Thirteen said while Aizawa was being carried away.

Thirteen then went over to Nezu and whispered in his ears, causing Nezu to widen his eyes as he gave a sneak glance towards Hiroto.

As the teachers were dealing with the cleanup and rounding up the other Villains, the class gathered outside of the dome as the police had also arrived and were doing a headcount.

"19...20... All the kids are accounted for, and are pretty much unharmed, except for the green-haired kid with the broken fingers." The lead detective said.

"How is Aizawa Sensei?" Asui asked worriedly.

"His arms were riddled with comminuted fractures, and something weird happened to his arms. That was all that I was told. It seems he'll fully recover in a day or so." The detective answered, alleviating everyone's worries.

While everyone was talking about the attack and the aftermath of it, Hiroto was off in his own little world.

"Say, what do you think he's thinking about?" Mina asked Momo.

"He might be upset that the main Villains escaped and is probably blaming himself," Momo answered.

"Man, you gotta respect him for that. Even after everything he did he's beating himself over it." Eijiro said.

Hiroto on the other hand had completely different thoughts compared to their misinterpretations of him. 'Could I use today as an excuse to have hotpot for dinner? Hopefully, mom and dad will agree.'

A police officer approached the detective and told him something, causing him to turn to Nezu and ask, "I assume you know what happened to that monster your students and teacher told you about? That, Nomu?"

Nezu nodded, saying, "Yes, I'm aware. I also am aware of what happened to it. However, please do consider that it isn't a human, but a beast. Killing it was the only way to get it to stop."

The detective nodded, saying, "Yes, we know. We weren't thinking of pressing you over this, since the lives of 20 students were at risk some extremes had to be taken."

"Thank you," Nezu said, bowing.

"I was also quite surprised, someone reported to me that there were even more criminals around the entire dome apart from the central plaza, however, all of them had been knocked unconscious. I assume this was All Might's work?" The detective said.

Nezu paused for a moment, before saying, "No, this time it was due to our students. Well, one in particular, but I would like to keep that a secret for now. I don't want people finding out about it before the sports festival, especially after an attack such as this."

The detective raised an eyebrow but kept his mouth shut, nodding his head in understanding. Years in the force already taught him that such matters should be handled with caution.


After getting home and being denied of hotpot, which Hiroto was quite discontent about, the school was closed the following day after the events of the attack.

With a free day, Hiroto decided to be productive and read TWO mangas instead of one. That was until a pan somehow found its way towards his head, with him being forced to go outside to fetch some groceries.

Leaving the house and entering the city center, Hiroto wondered around inside of a supermarket and went towards the aisle that had some items on sale.

"Hmm, this meat is 25% off, but this other one is 20% off, however it is higher quality… Aghh, this is harder than fighting." Hiroto said, facing his toughest opponent yet, Bargain Sale.


"Haha! You'll never catch me you stinkin Heroes!" A burst of maniacal laughter caught everyone by surprise as a person with a large build and sharp spikes protruding out of his back charged through the wall of the supermarket.

Everyone started to scream and run away, as the pro hero Mt. Lady was struggling to run after him while she was inside her giant form.

"Argh, he's gone inside the supermarket! Someone has to force him to come out!" Mt. Lady said to the other pro Heroes around her who went inside.

The deranged person spotted Hiroto standing there still trying to decide what to buy and gave a nasty grin. "Hah, did I scare you so badly you froze up?"

He walked up to Hiroto, who completely ignored him. Irked by this, he shouted, "Hey!! Are you deaf, you damn egghead?" The man raised his hand and slapped it towards Hiroto's head.

But, before he could, Hiroto turned around and shouted, "Stop bugging me! Can't you see I'm stuck in a moral dilemma here?!" He then kicked at the man's abdomen, causing his eyes to almost pop out of their sockets as he was sent crashing out of the hole he came in from.


"What the?" The pro Heroes stared at the figure of the deranged man who was stuck inside of a car after having been sent barreling into it, with him having a footprint on his abdomen.

"Is there another pro Hero inside of the supermarket?" Mt. Lady muttered, thinking to herself, 'Dammit, just as I was about to capture this guy someone comes and steals the spotlight once again. First, it was All Might, now who?'

However, after peering inside of the supermarket, she only saw Hiroto walking up to the counter and leaving behind some money on the table before leaving with his meat.

'I guess whoever it was must have already left the scene. Say, isn't that kid quite familiar?' Mt. Lady thought, but then put the matter to the back of her mind, 'Doesn't matter. We can just say that we captured him with some help.'

Hiroto arrived back at home, and with a satisfied look gave his mother his groceries, who only looked at Hiroto with a wry smile.

"Honey, we already have enough meat in the freezer. There was no need to buy any more." His mother said as she began to prep for dinner, leaving Hiroto to stand all alone, contemplating his existence.

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