Reborn as klaus mikaleson at the beginning of the show originals. Read as this new klaus while still vicious, merciless and manipulative, however, more calm, not prone to anger and attains everything the original klaus wanted, family and loyalty. no harem,
- So what do we do now? Haley asked as everyone sat down in Klaus study.
- We could take it back from the witches, Davine suggested?
- No that would reveal that Klaus and i are working together and then they might actually iill Haley and the child, Marcel retorted with concern.
Klaus got up and went to the window showing his back to the others. He was tryng to remain calm but this annoyed him to no end. they never mentioned anything about using the original knot for the spell nor does any of Klaus memories suggest it.
because of the witches and vampires keeping constant eye on him wherever he goes, its almost had made it very difficult for him to enact his plans especially here in new Orleans. What got to him the most was that both Haley and his unborn child was still a hostage under those filthy witches.
Several interesting and amusing ideas came to mind on how to to torture them once she finally got Haley freed from the spell, when suddenly he was reminded that it was not long before Rebekah would arrive. She would be perfectly able to carry out his plans, in both retrieving the knot and some other matters she did not need to know about.
Marcel was looking at Klaus from behind with concern. While he still didnt quite buy this ''change'' of his he had to admit he was different, but now he was concerned klaus might to something rash. No matter how much me may have changed, there were some things that would always stay the same. if someone threatened him or anything he cared for, he would show no mercy or thought and go straight to slaughter.
while Marcel did was not sure about his relationship with Haley he did notice he cared for her, at least he viewed her more than just an object or a tool. that much was evident as how Haley was able to comfortably speak to Klaus without fear or how he not once threatened her or raised his voice through all of this.
Haley was concerned as well, but more about her child than Klaus. While she knew about Klaus ruthlessness and cunning mind, he had also showed him a side she neevr tought existed within him. he was always kind and gentle with her. his presence made her comfortable, where they would even tease each other from time to time. while she could not be sure she knew he would not do something right now that would result in her harm, or at least the baby's.
Davine was the odd one out here. She did not know hot to feel about the situation or Klaus. Everyone from the witches coven were told the horrors of the Mikaelson led by Klaus himself. A man without mercy or humanity. One who would slaughter innocent, woman and children to appease his own boredom. While she understood some may have been exaggerated, Marcel had confirmed several of stories and told her of his ruthless behavior, yet she could not quite see that evil.
There was no question in her mind about Klaus power. That much was evident on how he commanded the room and how everyone was tense, as if awaiting his judgment. Even Marcel the strongest vampire in New Orleans, directly sired by Klaus was clearly nervous and given the fact he knew about her powers spoke magnitude.
Klaus sights bringing everyone out of their thoughts. - Marcel is correct, klaus says as he turns looking at all 3 of them, each showing small hint of surprise. We cannot reveal our alliance as of yet, it will make them feel cornered and force them to act out in desperation, Klaus said having everyone attention.
- for now i suggest we play our part, act as we are still at odds with eachoher to make the witches believe everything is going according to their plans, until an opportunity reveals itself to take the knot away from them.
Marcel took a minute to think this through. - Ok, so you want us to pretend we know nothing about each-other situation, you about Davina and me about your child, asked Marcel witch Klaus only answered with a nod.
- that would work, but it would mean i would have to occasionally send my vampires here to keep up the act, and since i wont be telling them about your situation i suggest you hide Haley when they come around, Marcel said.
Klaus looked over to Haley to see if she was comfortable with this, she understood and gave a nod in approval. - Very well, klaus said to Marcel, - that should be fine
- Great, Marcel said as he got up from his chair. satisfied that while they could not unbind Haley they came up with a plan that would not endanger anyone and that Klaus listened to his suggestions.
- We will be leaving then, said marcel offering Davina his hand witch he gladly took and got up.- it would not be wise to stay here for to long.
- just a moment, Klaus said as they were about to turn toward exit.
Klaus looked at Davina causing her to be a little nervous while Marcel narrowing his eyes to Klaus. He was worried Klaus may try something to take her away from him.
- i may have something for you, klaus said to Davina while walking to one of the bookshelf and looking around for something in old drawer.
Klaus had already prepared this beforehand as he knew about Davina, but pretended like he needed to look for it a minute before picking up the book and walking towards Davina.
- This is a old gremoir my mother once used, Klaus showing Davina the book witch she did not hide her intrigue. - Its nothing special but it is the one she used to teach my brother Kol about basics in magic, how to cast different spells, change it up or even make your own. Honestly i am a bit ignorant on the subject but it could be of great value to you, to learn the basics.
-Really?! Davine almost squeeled catching everyone by surprise, even Klaus. She took the grimoire as carefully inspected seeing how old it. Haley was touched by this act but Marcel looked at klaus in suspicious, something that did not go unoticed.
- Relax Marcelleus, i just thought it would be a good idea for one of her power to at-least basic and fundamental understanding of magic, klaus explained.
Marcel was going to refute but seeing the smile on Davine he stopped himself. He knew how lonely she was and how much she wanted to learn about magic. He would inspect the grimoire later to make sure there really was no foul play but decided to thank Klaus leave as they said their goodbyes. Davina also tanked Klaus personally, something that made him happy. Having a powerful witch like her on his side would be quite useful.
(in the evening)
- OK you win Elijah, i am here and worried, now would you answer me!!
Haley walked towards the sound of the voice and saw a blond with long hair - ah you must be the maid. the bags are in the back of trunk, the blond said as she noticed Haley
-no maid... but you must be Rebekah, said Haley
Rebekah eyed the Haley up and down - ah you must be the wolf girl my brother knocked up
- Haley, she responded trying to ignore the comment Rebekah made.
- Where is Elijah? asked Rebekah with worried tone.
- dont know, haven't seen him since last night, why? haley asked causing Rbekah expression darken and turn into worried one before she shouted.
- KLAUS!! - get out here you narcissistic backstabbing wanker
- ahh my dear darling sister, Klaus said appearing from the door connecting the hall and the study.- the one who brightens the darkest of days, Klaus teased with a smirk.
Rebekah seemed more angered by his comments. - Where is our brother, what have you done with him?
- well sister, i have decided that after 1000 years, our brother is not only grown enough but also mature to do as he please without a me being his chaperon, Klaus continued teasing - within reason ofcourse, Klaus said keeping his iconic smirk and even gaining small smile from Haley.
- Enoguh of your games brother!! i have been calling him since yesterday and he has not taken a single one of my calls so i want to know what you have done with him at this instant.
Klaus was a bit worried now, he knew Elijah to be many things but not someone who would ignore his family. He looked towards Hayley and asked, "Has he not come back since morning?""No he hasn't."Klaus looked back at Rebekah still worried. Rebekah was relieved to see that Klaus was just as worried as her, this meant that he had nothing to do with his brother's disappearance."I will go look in the city since they are aware of my presence, Rebekah you go in the forest and search for him, do not let anyone know you're here." instructed Klaus. "Hayley you stay here and call us if he returns." Hayley nods and the two siblings head out.Klaus already knew where his brother was as he had put a tracker on his card the first night they arrived, but wanted to show Haley and Rebekah he was concerned for his family.Rebekah and Klaus were heading towards their car when Rebekah halted and asked, "So you are helping to find a family member instead of taking over the city? Having an off day.""I have always cared about my siblings, i just been afraid to properly show it, to be left behind, replied Klaus as he looked back towards Rebekah.Rebekah was shocked to say the least upon Klaus's reply since he never wanted to admit he cared for anyone much less his own family. She smiled at her brother's development. "Oh and I forgot to congratulate you on having a kid." said Rebekah as an afterthought."Thanks." replied Klaus as he was going towards his car he says, "Also thank you for coming back."Rebekah's smile grew wider at that comment.