I am just a newbie to this whole , since I noticed that many of people do search for fanfic so I thought why not write one . I do not own any of publication reference of the source material .
As the voice rang, the forest stood silent as if nature is about to witness something that will rewrite the history of mankind. Karna sat quietly, hiding in his place observing the situation below. The sound of the horse walking became more clear as it came closer from the other direction.
Once closer, Karna observed the person coming in their direction. A light skin figure appeared in vision of Karna. The figure wore a aura of royalty and clearly of a king. His open hair reach down to his shoulders and looks indicated his age to be in mid twenties. The clothes on body may look simple but quite expensive with embroidery. Seeing him, a sense of gentle warmth and dominant feeling of a trained warrior spread across the body. All in all, the figure looked like a bigshot. If it was Kaliyuga, Karna was sure, the lad would easily be a battalion commander.
Approaching him was the figure covered in purple cloth. Face covered but one can see the eyes that drawn with Kajal. An eyes of a women, mature yet held gentleness, something that gave the feeling familiarity. Suddenly a electronic voice clicked in his head and the system screen appeared. Dismissing it for a second, Karna focus on both the figure below that are currently face to face and used his observe skill. The result obviously shocked him.
[Kuru Dynasty, Pandu
Title: Hastinapur Maharaj
Level: Maharathi]
[Kuntibhoj Dynasty, Pritha
Title: Kuntibhoj Princess , One who belongs to Yadhu's heritage
Level: Athirathi ]
Gesturing Gaurav to sit quietly beside him, Srivastav thought in his mind, 'Good Lord, Hey Narayan!! In what situation have I got myself trapped. Should I consider it a blessing to witness the groundwork of the history that will eventually to lead to the war against injustice, Mahabharata. Lord Krishna's play to departure his divine wisdom. Or a long awaited curse to reunite with my birth mother who abandoned me and became one of factors in the death of Original Karna. Through I understand her reasons, still it just hurts to remember about.'
"By looks, you look like a Kshtriya. Don't you know it is a adharma to hunt animals or kill them. It doesn't matter whether it's human or not, to kill a living being for fun is a crime." Huffed the figure removing the purple cloth covering her mouth, revealing her face to the world. A lotus petals shaped face with beauty unparalleled that may even capture the attention of the Devas.
Pandu who looking at the figure that sliced his arrow was stunned by her words and by her beauty. Quickly tugging a small smile on his face, he gently replied," Pranipat devi, I accept, it's my mistake to shoot my arrow towards a calf of a deer without confirming it. From next time I would remember about it. I apologise Devi."
Hearing the reply, Pritha nodded, covered her face back with the cloth and turned around to leave in the direction she came from but was stopped by Pandu who asked her about her identity. Not changing her direction, she looked back to reveal her identity as a traveller going to Kuntibhoj.
Following the suit, Pandu keeping his real identity secret sensing other party not revealing her's, revealed his identity to Kunti also as traveller who is currently staying at Rishi's ashram. He then picked up the wooden arrow and brought it upto her asking about the identity of the second arrow that she sliced. After confirming that it isn't Kunti's arrow, he picked up his bow and shooted in the direction of the trees causually.
Karna who was hiding in the tree, sensing the arrow heading towards him and Gaurav, picked up his own bow. Channelling some potential energy into the strings, he released the arrow with absolute precision destroying the the arrow heading towards him. The blow in a way, gave away his location in the trees.
"Whoever is hiding in the trees show yourself. It's useless to hide in the trees anymore. Come out before, I release my second arrow."spoke Pandu stood their with his arrow pointing in Karna's direction.
'Man!! This is troublesome!!' thought Vasusen. Initially he just want to leave this place after they left quietly and continue looking for the herd. But he end up discovered. Not wanting to reveal his skill or identity, he quickly rapped the cloth around his exposed portion of face and with a tap of his foot, swiftly landed on the ground. As he walked towards the both, sun shone behind him giving a godly look to Karna.
Stopping at a distance, Gaurav gently sat on his shoulder glaring at Pandu for his former act. Karna then just folded his hand and did a Pranipat to both of them later following with touching their feets asking for their blessings.
Looking at the feature of Karna, both of them were surprised as the one who was hiding in trees and shot that arrow was a child. Even through, the face was covered and only eyes are visible. Karna's beauty even with all the cloth warped around can't be contained. Especially his eyes to warrior of their calibre, held vast wisdom and experience uncommon for any child. Landing from their horses, both of them blessed him.
"Ayushman bhava!!"
"Pragati bhava!!!"
After few minutes of staring at each other. Pandu broke the silence and asked," Putra, who are you?Why are you alone in dense forests? Where are your parents ?"
Srivastav calmly replied back," Sorry Shreeman, but according to my parents teaching, I cant reveal my identity to strangers. As for why I am here, I was searching for a Katsuri deer to hunt and bring back home."
"Putra, it is not Dharma to hunt a dear for fun. Children of your age should play in fields with other of same age. And as for you coming alone, wouldn't your parents worry about you?" said Kunti back to Karna.
"But Devi, I am following my mother's orders. My mother asked me to hunt a katsuri deer and return back before New moon night as some guest are coming to our place. I can't disrespect my mother's orders and return empty handed."
"Putra, for how long are you walking around in search of deer." Asked Pandu agreeing with Karna about following his elder's orders.
"For around 19 days Mahoday, I have been looking for them. Few moments ago, I just found them after a long search that meet the conditions but my opportunity got waste in order to stop arrow that was heading towards the little calf." said Karna looking at Pandu only to recieve sheepish grin.
Kunti who caught on to the point by their antics quickly questions Srivastav about his location of home so she could drop him by in which got the same response that his parents told him to not say about his home to strangers and he is old enough,so he can return back. She doesn't need to worry.
After some questions and answers or what can be called a conversation, Pandu invited both Karna and Kunti to ashram to have some food and rest before going. While Kunti after some apersuasion from Pandu accepted, Karna still remained reluctant to accept the offer.
He was about to deny the request but suddenly, the system screen appeared again. This time showcasing the mission, he had received few moments ago and ignored.
Mission! Make your appearance
Rank- S
(|)Play the role of matchmakers for both Pandu and Kunti
(||) Give Pandu a advice
Reward:1x stamina boost portion, 1x dungeon key and 1x random skill card.
After reading the specifics of the mission, through he want to deny and stay away but still accepted it. Looking at Gaurav who looked definitely hungry trying to be brave enough show he is not, he accepted Pandu's Offer and followed them. Kunti suggest to ride with her on the horse but Karna denied her request and stated that even without riding, he can earlier follow them. Both Pandu and Kunti not believing, still insisted to ride on the horses with them but Karna with a simple jump, leaped up on the branches of the tree.
Sighing Pandu, guided them to his ashram. At a hour of travel, Pandu-Kunti on their respective horses and while Karna jump or ran across the trees like a ninja. Due to Madara's memories, Karna felt much more comfortable while jumping across trees than riding a horse alongside them. He felt peace on top of trees. Soon, they reached the ashram where were greeted by the residents. Vasusen was in awe, while back in his time he did visited ashram but after rebirth, it was his first time visiting one especially in Dwapar Yuga.
Soon the of them sat under roof to eat. The volunteer layed washed large banana leaves and serves them with warm Khichdi and five different sabjis. All in all, the food looked contending. Karna meanwhile thought how to eat without showing his face, but in the end through end up removingthe cloth.
Looking at his face, all the people and animals around felt in love. The face that clearly showed the beauty that make anybody fell in love. Due to integration of the former template, features of Madara and Shank made their way. After seeing his face, in future it's reveal that it's a prince of some nation or even a demi god won't suprise the people. His face and body that is as if carved by Dev Viswakarma equipped with clarm unparallel, may easily even claim the title of most beautiful child.
Kunti who was in trans felt a sense of resemblence with her greatest secret, her son. If not trained as a princess, her eyes would easily flood with tears at memory of how similar her son, she in fear of society abandoned would have looked like. She who sitting next to him propose to feed him and Gaurav.
Vasusen would have rejected out of embarrassment, but when looked at her eyes which held dam of tear, something that she is trying to held off and guilt. Face of Radha and his mother from Kaliyuga warped her. He agreed. Soon she started feeding him and Gaurav while Pandu who was in sidelines not wanting to be left out, proceed to make conversation and tell storys of gods or warrior to Karna.
If one, were to look closely would be suprise at resemblence how much it looked as small complete family. But unfortunately fate have different plans for their future, may be this would be first or last time they would together sit and enjoy this moment. A family that could have been complete. Nature became witness to this scene that will make some reflect back to past. Who known what position they will stand in future, neither the audience doesn't nor does the author.
To be continued...
(A/N: Hey guy please comment below and send me vote along with your love to keep continuing this fanfic 😁😁😁)