
The Beginning of the Heaven

[System Host need to appoint The Thunder tribulation Holy land and create the destiny stone first fragments again.]

Noah said Then Make The Destiny stone And The Holy land.

[System Creating That Need 1 hour.....]

[System Host Do you Want Make A Announcement About That The Heaven owership is Change and tell them about the repairing of the destiny stone]

Noah Said How Can i, Wouldn't i will get blast.

[System You are The Heaven and the god of all Universe So you Can Connect them For Talk And that wouldn't Bring Any Denger To you....]

Noah Said Then teach Me how can i connect with The Other universe.

[System First Hos need To focuse His Mind And Have To see The universe that host want to appear with inner eye.]

Noah Did The Same Thing What The System Told Him. He Saw That There Were People And Everyone look at Him. Everyone saw Noah Cloud body They Thought That Noah Was a Enemy. Because the devil Are attacking Them All time.

Noah Said To System i can See Everything but Why aren't there Any Devil.

[System Because the destiny stone of the host repairing The Destiny Stone give this realm 1 Mouth Protection..... Now that host Can See A Universe Try To Connect to other Universe]

Noah tried To do that But he failed he, then he tried that again the result Was The Same.

The Universe People was confused if it was a enemy or something else, Because noah Was Appearing an disappearing.

After a long Time Noah Finally able connected to whole 12 universe.

some Of the Higher rank god Come out that was protecting the universe.

One if the God lvl man and Women come Forward and said Who are you and what do you want.

Noah Didn't Sayed Anything For A moment because the connection still was very weak when the connection fully got connect every universe saw who was the parson that ask The Questions and The Cloud man.

Noah Started to talk i am the New Heaven.

Everyone got shock When they heard that.

The God Stage Man said What how can you be the heaven the heaven was distroyed by us.

Noah Said You Are Right the heaven was Distroyed bye You and he is Dead Only Some Of his soul fragment are still alive if he use any of his Soul Power he will disappear from this world after what all of you did he still Wanted to save you but he got killed and now your world has a ownerless Universe.He Did died fully but if he use his Last Souls Power He Will Disappear.

The god stage man said We know What we Did After that our races Has Already Going in the Path Of Distraction, But still how can you be a Owner Of our 12 universe.

Noah Said I am not A 12 Universe i am Only 1 universe Heaven and the owner.

The God Stage Man said What Do you mean.

Noah Said correctly I don't have that much power To be a god of 12 Universe and about how did i become the heaven the former owner transfer the ownersip to me because i contain essences of his blood and essences of this universe, I can get the ownership of 12 Universe when i get powerful about how i born you don't have the right to know that.

The God Stage Man said How can you prove That you will become the god of the 12 Univers.

Noah Said You are a Caltivator So you can feel the present's of the destiny stone, didn't you feel the qi are getting pure.

the people around Every universe start to feel the Qi of the Destiny Stone and the presentation.

Everyone Open their eyes and start Shout happily.

Noah Said Stop.

everyone got Quite don't be happy to much i don't have the power to protect your universe, for the time being i need time to become powerful.

Now 12th universe can Caltivat And Help You To fight the Devil, now i shall take my leave we will meet again.

Noah Said System how much time we need now .

[System Only 10mins]

Noah Ask How Will I able get Strong.

[System Host need To started Caltivating With a Body Host Only Has soul Only Lvl 1..]

Noah said so i need To Caltivat To become God of this universe,sahhh What Pain.

Noah Said How would i get Faith point and the body.

The Faith Point Will be Add When Host Can Finally Save The World and The Believer Increase And About A Body Host Can Create The Body With The Faith point.

Noah Said Then Create It.

[System Creating Host Body.]

After Some Time Noah Was Feeling he Is Sleepy,so he Fall Sleep.

When Noah Woke up He Saw That He was at a Forest, Noah said where am i system.

System It Is A Mountain Forest Call the Beast Mountain.

Noah Said what Fo you Mean Why did you Bring Me Here And why did You Sent Me To The Human World.

[The System Host Didn't told where he will send host And Host Need To Caltivat and get stong and Then Took Over the 12 Realm.]

Noah Said That Is right but why did you have to send me to a forest, What Would Happened If you Send me to a city.

[System Don't Complain And Start To Go To The City There Are Many Beast That Can easily kill Host]

Noah Shout Whose Fault it is But Seddenly A Sounds Come From Bushes Noah Get Scared And Run Away. After Some Time Of running he Git tried And He Saw A Lack Then he Got close To The Lack He start To Swa His Face.

He Was Like A kid who is 15 year old And He has a blue Eye And black Hair And He Got A Skin Of white He Thought In his mind Wow I look Good thank you System for giving me a good body.

[The System Said welcome Host]

Noah Said Who Thanks You.