
Reborn as Chara in the Multiverse

Have you ever woken up in an Anime world in the body of an Andragynous genocidal Child. Well That happened to me and now i am neither man or woman, Folliw me as i rage my way through the Multiverse. Ps:i won’t abandon this one…Maybe

Ender_Child · 漫画同人
6 Chs

MHA:Building a Maid cafe on the first day

"It's been like two days in the Anti-void and also i look good in this maid dress, Also stop being shy frisk, the Skirt isn't even that short, if you are uncertain you can change" Saying that i changed back to my normal clothes.

Frisk looked at me with annoyance, she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet. "You forced me to where this…aren't you ashamed"

I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide a smirk. "Hey, you looked great, and it was all in good fun. Besides, you're still looking sharp. It's not every day you get to see someone in such an interesting outfit."

Frisk crossed her arms, clearly still upset. "Well, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind for a relaxing break. It's not just about the outfit. It's about feeling like I have a choice."

I gave her a big hug. "Come on as your big brother i have ti make sure you look cute"

She sighed, the corners of her mouth twitching upward. "I suppose there's no getting around your antics, is there?"

I chuckled and let go, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Not when it comes to making memories. But I promise, next time we'll stick to outfits you pick."

Frisk's expression brightened a little. "Alright, deal. But only if we can avoid any more surprises."

"Now onward to My Hero" I said with a slight smirk. Frisk tilted her head,confused.

*Mhm sure , you have no quirks but the moment you enter Mha, you both have a chance to awaken a quirk.

"Cool, now come to me stupid sabre" i said as flowy came towards my hand, the chaos saber is more powerful with the six human souls.

A door appeared in front of us. "Now which young soul should i plunder away from this world, Maybe another sister Eri seems easier to find. Though that could be invalid, i could just commit mass genocide.".

Frisk looked alarmed, her eyes widening at the mention of mass genocide. "Wait a minute! We're not doing anything like that. This is supposed to be an adventure, not a disaster."

I raised my hands in mock surrender, a grin on my face. "Alright, alright. No genocide. We'll focus on the adventure part and avoid any catastrophic plans. Eri might be a good starting point if we're looking for a new ally. But we'll keep it friendly."

Frisk sighed with relief, nodding cautiously. "Fine. Just…let's make sure we don't go overboard. I'd like to actually enjoy this."

The door opened, and the world beyond shimmered with possibilities. I gestured for Frisk to step through first. "After you, partner. Let's see where this takes us."

With a deep breath, Frisk stepped into the new world and i followed. The moment we did in we were in a house that looked decent.

*By the way, you two are in japan, this is an apartment i made the world think belongs to you. Chara?

Who am i again?, oh wait my identity got corroded for a moment, yeah sorry about that.

*No problems, also what are you going to do?.

Maybe, cause chaos everywhere.


Just joking, Ok did i get a quirk UI.

*Yes i immediately converted it to an ability, it is called Burn.


*Wait before you get annoyed at me, basically it's like a curse that continuously burns the flesh or life or any physical or energy properties of a person even capable of burning uder abilities from the users.

"hehehheheh" I suddenly laughed creepily suddenly startling frisk, she looked at me as if i committed a crime, How rude i haven't done anything Yet. Anyway's whats her quirk.

*Freeze, roughly the same as yours but different effect.

"…Ok, So i am just going to say she is my twin sister now" Welp i have already gone too far and there is no going back. I sat on the couch and explained her quirk to her.

"Oh that's nice, but what if someone attack us because of that" She asked curiously.

"Well guess i'll just drop a second sun on Japan"



"…What?" I asked confused.

*Isnt what you said a bit offensive to some people.

I raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress a grin. "What? I was just joking. The second sun thing is just an exaggeration to make a point."

Frisk looked unimpressed. "Well, it's still a bit over the top. Let's try to keep things under control, alright?"

"Fine, fine," I said, throwing my hands up in mock surrender. "No second suns. We'll stick to exploring and figuring things out."

Frisk nodded, seeming satisfied. "Good. Now, let's get a sense of this world. Maybe we can find some useful information or allies without causing too much trouble."

"I could kiss you right now and you can lose all your senses" I said with a smirk.

"Wow, Isn't that incest?" She asked curiously, i wasn't talking about that kind of kiss…

"You have a dirty mind, maybe i should punish you" I said while thinking about it.

Frisk's eyes widened in shock. "Punish me? What are you even talking about?"

I smiled and then showed her a blue colored maid outfit. "Dont worry, i'll be joining you too"




"If you don't i will strip you naked and make you put it on myself, i won't shy away from seeing you because yes i am shameless and also it doesn't really matter because i am genderless so you won't be embarrassed" i said with an expression showing that refusal isn't an option.

Frisk's eyes narrowed, but she seemed to be weighing her options. After a moment of silence, she sighed heavily. "Fine, fine. I'll put it on. But only because I don't want to deal with the alternative."

I grinned triumphantly. "Great! It'll be fun. And don't worry, I'll make sure you look fabulous."

Frisk shook her head in resignation, taking the blue maid outfit from my hands. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"I prefer to think of it as enthusiastic," I said with a wink.

As Frisk went to change, I took a moment to enjoy the peaceful apartment, considering our next steps. The world of MHA had its challenges, but with our quirks and a touch of mischief, there was bound to be excitement. And if Frisk needed a little extra convincing to join in on the fun, I was more than happy to provide it.

After that we both went out and paraded the streets. "You actually don't look that bad"

Frisk said as she held my hand as we walked together, Some people mistakened us for twins…but that is what i was expecting.

Why am i exactly wearing a dress, well i plan to stay here for a while, UI already said we are three years before canon. So i plan to establish a maid cafe, simple right.

Well no, I don't plan to sever any fate in thos world, The maids cafe will be a ruse for an organization i will create but where would i get money?.

*Money is just paper, i can make infinite.

Ah yes i am cheating, but i am only going to use her money to create and decorate the cafe, First i would have to find a suitable abandoned building to buy. and then find the owner of that said building.

As we continued down the streets, I started scanning the area for any potential buildings. It wasn't just any old building we needed — it had to be the perfect front for our future plans. Frisk walked beside me, looking skeptical.

"You really think this maid café thing will work?" Frisk asked, glancing at the people around us. "Won't people get suspicious when they realize we're more than just café owners?"

I shrugged. "Suspicion is only dangerous if you don't know how to manage it. Besides, we're going to make the best café in the city. People will come for the coffee and stay for the secrets they don't know exist."

Frisk smirked. "And what about all the heroes running around? If you cause too much chaos, they'll come knocking."

I chuckled darkly. "Let them try. By the time they realize what's going on, it'll be too late. We're not here to cause destruction — just to play the game our way."

As we passed an alleyway, I noticed a building that caught my eye. It was old, a bit run-down, and in desperate need of renovation. Perfect.

"That one," I said, pointing at it. "It's close enough to the main street to get traffic, but tucked away enough for us to operate under the radar."

Frisk followed my gaze, then nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll admit it's got potential. But are you sure this plan won't backfire?"

I smiled and gave her a confident look. "Trust me, by the time we're done, we'll have our own little empire. And no one will know what's really going on — until it's too late."

"Fine" She reluctantly agreed.