
Reborn as Ash’s Pikachu

Abused and left for dead, MC eventually dies and is reborn into the world of Pokémon as Pikachu. Forgetting his name, but keeping his emotional scars during the reincarnation. See how MC lives his new life in Pokémon, and if he can find joy in this new life as a small electric mouse. Not to mention a danger seeking, problematic trainer. He may just have to battle an Onix or something, but at least he has past knowledge of moves he can learn as a Pikachu. As much as he hates having to rely and trust someone, he knows what kind of person Ash is from the show, so this will be a trust progression. MC will obviously be OP because Pikachu was pretty OP, but now MC can think for himself and act on Ash’s commands. Ash freezes up when a big attack is coming for MC? MC dodges on his own sort of stuff. MC will also train moves that he knows to make himself stronger, but he will outwardly appear lazy to Ash. Anyways enough of that, lets get into the story. Don’t expect regular uploads because I’m very bad about catching an itch for a story, writing a few days, and then disappearing so sorry in advance. I also can’t promise perfect grammar or spelling because I’ll just be writing with no proofreading, if you see something that just doesn’t make any sense I’ll try to fix it, no promises though. Enjoy.

SomberSummer · 漫画同人
12 Chs

I’ve been reincarnated?

AUTHOR's NOTE: quick FYI this story will heavily follow the main story with slight variations here and there. I'm writing this mostly for me and I've always wanted to write like I was in the show, and I know not many people care for that. I'll skip unimportant episodes, and I may add in my own scenes if I feel like it. I may even make Ash slightly more competent, haven't decided.



I woke up to a piercing headache, as well as my whole body feeling like it was burning up. I struggle to open my and then looking around the room to grass and trees in every direction. That's when I also started to notice various calls, along with the familiar voice of a man.

I started to panic as all I could remember before being knocked out was someone beating me, someone I knew but I can't seem to remember their name or face. The name was on the tip of my tongue and their face was blurred out in my mental image.

No matter how hard I tried to focus though, neither the name nor the face came clearly to mind. I did know that if this voice was familiar then it surely wasn't a good sign.

I rolled to my side and went to stand up, but I finally realized how big this forest actually was. The trees were at least 5 time if not 10 times taller than any trees I've ever seen before. Deciding to worry about that later, I take my first step only to trip over my feet. They didn't reach as far as I expected and caused me to stumble while also making me cry out in pain.

"Chaaaa!" (Owwww!) My whole body wracked with pain, and it was almost enough for me to miss something very important. While I had said 'Ow' in my head, my ears picked up something completely different. The possibility of it being what immediately popped into my head was too absurd, so I decided to look around and hope it wasn't the case.

I pulled what I hoped to be my hands out in front of my face, ignoring the pain that my body used to protest any movement. I think I must have a terrible flu or worse because my head hasn't stopped hurting, my body feels like it's on fire and my entire body aches with the slightest movements.

My hand finally reached my vision only for me to not be greeted by human hand, but tiny yellow paws. My heart started to race faster than it was before and I began looking all over my body and my heart began to sink. I was met with a yellow fur covered body, long ears that could drop into my vision, and most noticeable a tail in the shape of a Lightning bolt.

Relying on instincts this time I started to run. It felt wrong but natural at the same time, and I was surprised I hadn't tripped yet. I also realized I had been running with my eyes closed and I as I opened them I found that I was running on all four limbs like a Pikachu. I shook my head which only further aggravated my headache and making me dizzy. That's when I heard the voice again.

"It looks like a Pikachu has wandered into the ranch, it must be what the Pokémon were trying to tell me."

That voice. It sounds so familiar. If I wasn't so dazed by the delirium of sickness and pain I'm sure I could figure out, but I can't let him get me. I won't let anyone hurt me again now that I can truly fight back. Staggering I turn to face the male voice and I can feel the sparks of electricity pouring into my cheeks. I try to growl to warn him off, but he keeps approaching.

"Chuu..." my growl did not come out as scary as I wanted it to, but this still caused the man to pause.

"Ah, it seems this Pikachu is in quite a lot of pain. Don't worry little one I won't hurt you, I'm Professor Oak and this is my ranch that I study Pokémon on."

I now know his name is Professor Oak, and I do know that name, but it wouldn't be the first time someone has lied in order to hurt me. I growl again in warning when he continued his approach, and I took stumbling steps back. My eyes still hadn't fully cleared up, everything felt like it was spinning and not in its proper place.

"Looks like it has a high fever as well, it's completely delirious. I'll need to use dragonite and then capture so I can get it the help it needs or it may not last. "

Dragonite and capture were the main words that stuck out in my mind. I knew both words but I was scared of capture more, capture was like kidnap and that usually meant you couldn't escape. I need to run now.

With a brief shock sent his way, though it went wide of the mark, I turned and attempted to run. In my stress I discharged bits of electricity as I ran, and stumbled multiple times before I finally ran right into a tree and was stunned.

I tried to stand, but felt something hard hit me and suck me into it. This caused even more panic as I felt the confines of the object and feeing of being trapped associated with it. I struggled with all my might when I was finally able to escape it.

I tried to run once again, but could only stumble and breathe heavily, my breaths coming out in short quick pants. Electricity dancing across my cheeks, if this world would just stop spinning I'm sure I could escape.

"You're a stubborn little one aren't you? Dragonite please knock it out gently, it's already in a lot of pain." With that I heard the same sound that was made when I felt that confining trap like place. I shook my head and charged my electricity for my biggest attack yet in the direction I heard the voice, not even bothering to try to focus with my eyes.

"Piikachuuuu!" The thunderbolt exploded off my entire body towards them and hit the new towering mass that was standing by the man. I seemed to stun it for a second so I tried to run again, only to fall over. Before I could get up I felt a quick pain to the back of my neck before everything went dark.

When I came to next I was laying on a soft table with lots of cables connected to me running to screens and different machines. I noticed my body didn't hurt as bad, and my headache was completely gone. That's when the door on the far side opened and in came someone I knew, not that I should have been able to see them, but it was Professor Oak.

It seems I've really been brought to the Pokémon world and now I'm his Pokémon. Hopefully it's not like the dangerous world I read about in the fanfics, I've dealt enough with the bad society has to offer.

"Ah Pikachu you're awake. Lets look at your vitals. Hmm everything seems to be normal. Here let's get you out of there."

Oak walls toward me and begins undoing all the cables and straps he had on my tiny body, before stepping back and waiting. I guess to see what I would do. I sat up on my back legs, flipping my ears back forth and turning my head to take in the whole room.

He then brought out a Pokéball and I immediately ran behind the table in fear of being confined in there again.

"Terrified of Pokéballs, that could be troublesome. Though I can work around it. Pikachu I put up the Pokéball you can come out."

I peeked out from around the table to see he had nothing in his hands, but still remained cautious. It was Professor Oak, but it's hard to suddenly trust people after so long. I slowly backed up and away from him, which caused him to give a slight frown.

"Trust issues as well, I'm sure if I'll be able to give him to a trainer or not. When you're ready come find me, I know you Pikachu have great sense of smell. Just follow the tea."

He left the room after he said that with the automatic door closing behind him. I felt a wave of relief wash over my body, all the pent up stress that I hadn't realized I'd been holding in. My body and mind felt lighter with it all washing away. There was still a tiny feeling in the back of my mind to keep up my guard, but that was it.

I hopped back up on the table and curled up into a ball, and began to think about my current predicament.

I'm a Pikachu in the world of Pokémon.

I've been caught by Professor Oak, and while there's definitely worse places to be. Why did I have to come here as Pokémon? Why couldn't I come here as Ash, or some other Pokémon trainer?

Does this mean I'm the Pikachu that Ash is destined to get? Is this how Pikachu felt about the Pokéball as well? Did it go through something similar to me before ending up in Oak's before ultimately Ash's? I know how Ash is with his Pokémon from what I watched on the show. Pikachu and him become best pals after a very rocky start.

That could be me. I could have that companionship. That feeling of belonging for the first time. I have to, even if we don't have the same compatibility as the original Ash and Pikachu, I at least won't be stuck here at Oak's lab.

It's decided I'll leave this room, find Oak and if he tries to put me in a Pokéball again I'll allow it if it puts me in Ash's care. Hopefully it's like going to sleep when you go into the Pokéball and not whatever I felt when Oak first tried to capture me.


End first chapter.

Author's Note: might have went a little heavy and it probably didn't feel too realistic with Pikachu deciding the Pokéball is okay as long as he ends up with Ash. But I also wasn't sure how I was going to write him slowly warming up to Oak, and I didn't really want too honestly. This way we got the intro out of the way. We know a little bit of MC's mindset and how his last life trauma still effects him. It now sets us up to meet Ash next chapter and begin our Pokémon journey.

I'll say it now and also in the next chapter, but a few months will have passed I'm between chapters.

Hope you enjoyed. -SS