I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
William hands the woman the seed which she holds with almost what could be mistaken as reverence!
Cecilia stands there for a moment before she comes to her senses and nods before promptly walking away to do her thing!
Will gets up and leaves the room he notices a man waiting for him outside wearing some crazy red glasses.
The man offers his hand as greetings
"Scott - My names Scott, I've been assigned as one of your mentors!"
Will takes his hand and shakes, when they release their hands Scott gestures for Will to follow him back to the danger room.
Scott set up some targets and proceeded to put on his combat visor!
"Scott - I'd like to see your ability to project energy, but first let me show you mine!"
He set his visors output to the lowest level and sent out 6 beams that hit each target perfectly in the center and gave William a confident thumbs up!
William was impressed with Scott's accuracy, he knows very well he lacks such discipline with his abilities.
"Scott - you give it a try, nothing crazy just let me get a baseline on what you can do casually!"
William nods and walks in front of Scott so he isn't in the way and begins to charge a ki blast with a single unit of his ki.
Verdant green light began flowing around and within Williams hand, the gentle light made Scott wonder as to it's origin however that was a question for late.
William held out his palm and sent out the ball of energy!
The ball coursed through da her room and when it hit the target..
The target which was slightly melted before seemed to both explode and disintegrate at the same time!
Scott nodded as he confirmed the reports from Wolverine and Xavier.
"Scott thinks - his attack seems less accurate but the explosive property could come in handy!"
He notes this in a clipboard.
"Scott - okay according to the professor you have a beam as well.. show me that if you don't mind!"
He pushes a button and a new target appears.
William nods and gets into position, he takes a moment to collect himself before putting his hands together and saying the words!
The green light returns with crackle as the energy begins swirling between my wills fingers.
The green light seems to explode from Williams hands causing Scott to gasp!
"Scott - such force!"
Scott presses a button on the side of his visor and activated an energy scanning function..
...energy type: Primary - Unknown
Secondary - Gamma
...force exerted: three thousand lbs
The beam collides with the armored metal target but the sound it made sounded different than expected
The sound seemed to indicate a rotation of sorts and finally Scott's saw what was happening.
The brilliant green beam seemed to be drilled straight through the other side of the target and continued on till it hit the shielded walls of the danger room..
In the control room Jean Grey was watching the video monitor of the two inside the danger room.
She couldn't get over the bad feeling she got from the boy so she went to go check him out as he trained!
"Jean grey - I'm not sure but that green light reminds me of Banner, however it feels less angry and more focused!"
She presses a few buttons to run some scans on the boy and his body as he uses energy!
"Jean grey - these scans are weird, even humans have some reactions as they have small amounts of the x-gene.. what are you?"
She shakes her head and puts it aside to continue her observation.
Scott stands across from William.
"William - Are you sure you want me to fire it in your direction?"
He can't help but be nervous about it for obvious reasons
"Scott - Yeah yeah I'll fire my own to meet it i wanna see what happens, I've never had a beam struggle before!"
Scott sets his device to medium power and gets ready to fire!
"William - alright I'll do my best to keep it from exploding..."
William gets into position and the familiar green light started forming between his hands as he charges his attack...
The green beam blasted foward, and Scott fired off his optic laser in response
When the beans collide with the sound of thunder and the beams seem to mix and merge as they pushed against eachother, soon however yellow light started escaping as the mixture soon reached critical mass!
The mixture collapsed and exploded sending both men flying several feat before they could stabilize themselves.
Jean grey in the control room stood up suddenly as she saw the beams created a flash and the cameras went out.
"Jean grey - what the hell just happened!"
She goes up to the window and sees both men attempting to rise from the ground as the dust finally settle.
"Scott - ok that was cool but let's never do that again!"
His legs wobbled as he walked towards the door.
"William - yeah that was intense let's put that one in reserve!"
He walks toward the exit and Scott pats his back as he walks through the door nearly making will trip.
Will States at Scott with a don't try it again look and continued walking while Scott walked into the control room to flirt.. I mean go over the data!
"Jean - that boy, he is quite strong and I can't get an accurate scan on him with the danger room."
Scott nods and begins to pull up what his visor could sense to compare notes and afterwards the two had dinner.
William was tired from the effort of using most of his ki and he wanted to see professor Xavier however he Kitty Pryde told him he was currently with a class so she gave him his key watch so he could enter the guest room on the first 3rd floor.
He waved goodbye to the young lady and went to go rest and recharge in his room
Back in Queens it was a few hours after May got a phone call from a school looking to recruit William and her eyes were both beaming with pride and burning with motherly fury!
Peter was out as spiderman as his spidey senses were going crazy when he saw Aunt May
He swung effortlessly through the buildings after long hours of practice.
"Peter - I hope William is okay, but I should keep myself busy as well..."
The sound of something moving fast caught Spider-Mans attention and he saw what appears to be a man on a glider attacking oscorp tower!
"Spider-Man - What the hell is going on.. there are innocent people in there!"
He speeds up his swinging moving toward the building, once he got close enough he could hear the screams of pedestrians below and within the building.
An explosive shook the building and people started falling out of windows causing Spider-Man to have to rescue the poor people!
Spider-Man webbed these people pulling them toward himself and starts to descend so he can let them down...
"Civilian #1: thanks Spider-Man I thought I was a goner..."
"Civilian #2: yeah we owe you one definitely!"
Spider-Man waves before Swinging off to meet his enemy.
He lands on the side of the building closest to the flying man and he yells
"Spider-Man - Ah yoo-hoo Jolly Green douchebag!"
The green man turned his head.
"Green goblin - it's green goblin.. remember I!
He throws a bomb that looked weirdly like a pumpkin and Spider-Man jumps to dodge roll in the air!
Spider-Man threw a web that blinded the green man who struggled to remove the webbing and flew closer to the flying green man to throw a punch!
Spider-Man punches the green man who goes flying into the burning building he created.
Green goblin starts chuckling which then evolves into an evil cackle before throwing his remaining explosives toward a group of civilians and a nearby wall so he can fly away..
"GG - Make your choice Spider-Man save the people or catch me hahahahahahahaha!"
It's not even a choice
Spider-Man webs the pumpkin bombs midair and tosses them into the sky outside
"BOOOOOOM" the evening sky lit up causing a collective gasp from civilians throughout the city
Spider-Man tries to follow the Green goblin but he lost the trail..
Back in the X-Men mansion..
William is going through his system menu while he charges his ki..
"William - I should do finish my daily mission, I already finished the running the rest should be easy!"
William puts on his weighted training clothes and begins doing squats, soon a pool of thick sweat formed a puddle underneath will because of the extra weight..
"William - it's so freaking heavy but I can practically feel myself becoming stronger even as I grow weaker through exertion!"
"System ai - quest complete: 1000/1000 squats complete."
"System ai - reward 1: moderate stamina recovery!"
"System ai - reward 2: random item token!"
William eyes squint as he focuses on the second item before putting his mind past it.
"William - it's time for pushups.. after that I'll see what I get."
After a few minutes of rest he begins doing pushups, he was knocking the first few hundred out quickly but began to struggle around the 700 mark..
"William - this weight definitely isn't helping but...the challenge excites me!"
A green and yellow light flashed in wills eyes as he pushed harder for the final stretch, his veins were pulsing, his joints were creaking!
"William - LAST... ONE... HAAAAAAAAA!"
"System ai - Quest complete, pushups 1000/1000"
"System ai - reward 1: Stamina and energy moderately recovered!"
"System ai- reward 2: Elite great ape mental training book!"
This was definitely worth it
He sits there still exhausted from the struggle of the exercise but he still sits there with a satisfied smile!
A knock on the door gets his attention..
"Kitty Pryde - mr William the professor set up a meeting first thing in the morning after I let him know you were looking to talk!"
She walks away.with hurried steps.
William sigh's and prepares to check out his gains.
"William - I hope I'm lucky at least, it would be a shame if I got copies.
He rips the ticket with excitement in his eyes!