I was killed and reborn as a Saiyan in marvel? what? Follow the story of William Khorn Parker as he navigates an altered marvel timeline why was he reincarnated? why is he a Saiyan? and who the hell flicked my forehead?
William nearly jumps out of his skin in excitement the sheer joy at such a question radiated off of him like a sun, causing kitty to recoil for a moment!
"William - sorry about that, it just sounds so fun but I'd love to try it out!"
William bows his head in apology
"Kitty - no no it's fine follow me please."
They both enter the situation room and kitty enters the control room
"Kitty - let me know when you are ready, we will start slow!"
She presses a few buttons and sets up the scenario...
Suddenly the visuals of the room changed and William was standing in an ancient cemetery.
Fog begins to roll over the gravestones and the distinct sound of coffins being broken could be heard from within them.
The ground rose as moderately decayed corpses crawled their way to the surface, soon a small army of undead were all charging toward William hungrily!
"System ai - Quest activated: defeat undead horde"
"System ai - rewards: Weighted clothes - unitard, 250 lbs"
William grinned and clenches his fist before charging at the approaching undead horde
He throws a punch straight into the head of the closest undead sending it careening into another causing it to fall and hilariously knock those around it like bowling pins!
William can't help but laugh.. but then he is suddenly a zombie swipes at him from behind sending him flying forward..
"William thinks - ok so they arent tough but they are strong got it.."
He uses the momentum of his forward movements to roll and kick a zombie in his way sending it's torsos contents flying out behind it, the zombie collapses I'm into a pool of it's own smelly juices!
"System ai - 2/100 enemies slain!"
Before the zombies can swarm again William pulls out the power pole and sweeps a few close zombies by the legs before stabbing them one by one in quick succession!
"System ai - 5/100 slain!"
Spinning the staff in a flourish he looks foward at the horde with confidence, he doesn't notice the pale light beginning to form in the danger room
William - haaaaaaaaa!!"
He charges
In the control.
The door opens and Charles Xavier being pushed by Jean Grey
"Kitty Pryde - Professors? Did you need to use the room?"
Xavier rolled up to the viewing platform and began to watch.
"Charles Xavier - I've come to see how our new student is doing, I'm sure he could at least handle a 3 also... Turn the gravity up by 50%, we can't go too easy on him with these handicapped zombies!"
Jean pauses with mild concern.
Kitty gasps.
"Kitty Pryde - P.. Professor are you sure?"
Charles nods and kitty sighs before pressing the correct sequence of buttons..
Logan walks in and says
"Wolverine - hey kid do me a favor and turn on the moon.. I want to see something!"
Kitty is confused but nods seeing no harm in it
In the Danger Room William is sweating buckets as he moved through the wooded cemetery being chased by zombies who suddenly developed the ability to run as well as use abilities!
"William - what the fuck.. why am I so itchy?"
He smashes a zombie that was attempting to cut him off with his staff and soon he starts to hear the sound of running water
"William thinks - let's hope it slows them down."
He rushes toward the water while being chased by a horde of snapping teeth and broken limbs..
William soon sees a decently deep river and grins
"William - the gravity won't let me jump it so I'd better use the staff!"
He gets in to pole vault position and with a heavy crunch William launches himself across!
William breaks his fall with a roll and quickly looks back to see if the zombies were chasing.. they weren't for some reason!
"William - maybe they can't swim, maybe I can pick them off one at a time but it seems a little anticlimactic."
He approaches the water in order to abuse his power pole when he notices the pale light in the water... His eyes went blank momentarily, before fur begins to form over his body which was growing to the point he towered over the trees and thick obsidian claws replaced his nails!
Steam and heat escaped from Williams apish lips.
A shockwave causes the earth and trees to shake and the water to form waves that collapsed on top of the zombies closest to the water!
Xavier gasps as he was rebuffed from his attempts to see into the mind of the ape and he looks mover to Jean
"Charles Xavier - Jean id like you to step in if things get too aggressive at least until he transforms back."
He glances at wolverine
"Charles Xavier - he does detransform right?"
Wolverine shrugs
Charles sighs and looks back to Jean
"Charles Xavier - only if you don't mind of course Jean."
Jean nods but her eyes never left William in his ape form something within her stirring.
In the Danger Room William just finished roaring..
He notices the zombies trying to stand up across the still filling river and backs up for a running start!
The ground shattered with his first step and a tremor shook the ground when he kept in the air and did his best hulk smash impression...
Blood, Guts, Limbs and loose flesh flew seeming to become the shockwave
"System ai - 45/100 enemies slain"
William starts to regain his clarity within his apish form...
He can't help but smile which was pretty creepy in his ape form and soon he slashed at a group of zombies bisecting them from shoulder to waste.
"William - oh this will be fun!"
He amazes at his ape form but most specifically his claws.
He felt absolutely no resistance and some of the zombies were wearing armor!
He felt an itch in the back of his throat and soon light began to escape his serated teeth.
The pressure becomes too much and he has no choice to release!
A green beam of pure energy exploded outward as William did his best to turn his head!
The zombies seem to dissolve within the light.
The group upstairs are shocked.. the beam reminds them of their team mate except green!
"Charles Xavier - turn it up to 3, let's see how he handles the mutants."
Kitty gulps audibly before nodding
"System ai - 100/100 enemies slain"
"System ai - reward dispensed [will receive once battle has ended!] 250 lb unitard!"
William was confused..
"William - there are no zombies left so why didn't I receive it?"
He sighs but soon the sound of footsteps dominates his perception.
A giant made of metal soon stood across from William
"System ai - Quest activated: Defeat the mutant Colossus!
"System ai - reward: Battle manual - Goku"
The metal giant flexed his massive arms and three a pinch at the face of William who was somewhat stunned.
William took the punch to the jaw and only backed up a couple steps but the colossus grabbed William by his waist and suplexed him into the river causing an explosion of water!
William gets his breath knocked out for a moment but the colossus doesn't give him a break and soon a kick is sending William flying out of the river and back into the treeline!
Colossus is walking toward where he launched William when he sees a green light within the trees..
Colossus doesn't pay it any mind as he isnt the real colossus and soon it is landing directly on the giant man sending him cratering through the ground.
William emerges from the treeline with a pissed expression on his apish features, he is done holding back!
William reaches at his back for the power pole which was barely a toothpick at this point, grabbed it and yelled in his deep ape voice.