
Reborn As a Goblin With Simulation System

After Dick Grayson's untimely demise, he found himself reborn, not as a human, but as a goblin - frail in stature yet lustful and cunning by nature. A newfound life greeted him with an unusual twist: the Goblin Life Simulation System. This system, ethereal and mysterious, offered him a choice that would shape his new existence. "Congratulations, you have traversed the boundaries of a new worlds," a voice, as old as time itself, echoed in the void around him. "Before you start the simulation of rebirth. Please select your birth mother from these options: A. Saint of the Holy See of Light, a beacon of purity and grace. B. Daughter of an Imperial Noble, born into a life of privilege and power. C. A Seductive and Charismatic Succubus, whose allure is matched only by her cunning. D. A Pure Forest Elf, one with nature and the ancient magics of the forest. Choose wisely, for each brings its own destiny." The air around Dick seemed to shimmer with anticipation, the weight of his choice palpable in the stillness. "Now, select your place of birth," the voice continued, its tone imbued with an air of solemnity. A. The Large Goblin Lair, teeming with life and the harsh struggles of goblin society. B. The Giant Goblin Lair, a place of fierce warriors and unyielding survival. C. The Goblin King's Lair, where intrigue and power plays abound. D. An Ordinary Goblin Lair, humble yet filled with opportunities for the cunning. Each option seemed to unfold in his mind's eye, vivid and distinct, beckoning him to make a choice that would set the course of his new, otherworldly life. #Reborn #Goblin #Elf #+18 #Adult #Magic

Rqmk · 奇幻
154 Chs

New Simulation!

As Dick faced the the system interface, a sardonic message from his simulation system echoed in his mind, urging him to select his birth mother for his next journey:

A. Priest of the Holy See of Light

B. Evil and lustful succubus

C. Charming harpy

D. Ugly dwarf goblin

E. Vengeful Female Magician

"The Holy See must be the kingdom's church, right? Adventurers often seek their blessing," Dick mused, weighing his options. The succubus and other middle-level monster races like harpies and ugly goblins held no appeal to him; their reputations and characteristics didn't align with his plans.

His interest piqued at the option of the Vengeful Female Magician. "Revenge... against whom? Goblins, or someone else?" he pondered. Intrigued by the potential for conflict and the vital evolution points he could gain, Dick decisively chose her.

Next, the interface prompted him to select his birthplace:

A. Large Goblin Lair

B. Goblin Cavalry Lair

C. Goblin King Lair

D. Ordinary Goblin Lair

"Ordinary Goblin Lair," Dick chose without hesitation, considering his current strength and the need for a cautious approach.


Host: Dick

Type: Goblin Shaman

Status: Juvenile

Current Condition: Strong

Physical Attributes: Weight 50 kg, Height 150 cm

Combat Strength: F+

Skills: Life Transfer, Tool Making, Archery Specialization, Playing Dead, Plant Growth

Spells: Summon Goblin

Imp Evolution Points: 1390/1600 (acquired through hunting)

Birth Matrix: D-level Human Magician

The air was thick with a faint scent of moisture, not the familiar smell of blood Dick had expected. Surprised at the unchanged attribute panel, he looked around, discovering he was indeed in a goblin lair, but it was markedly different.

The lair was dimly lit by numerous torches, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Over fifty goblins huddled together, their faces twisted in excitement at the prospect of a collective assault.

A human female magician stood on a stone platform before the goblin horde. Her face was stern as she waved her staff, her voice resounding through the cavern, "Now! Your sole mission is to plunder and kill the village, seize all the women, and grow our tribe!"

Her voice turned venomous as she spat out the final words, "Until that damned woman appears!" Her face contorted with loathing for this mysterious woman.

Suddenly, a virtual page popped up in Dick's vision, [You have been reborn as a Goblin Shaman. Please select a skill randomly from your birth mother's race.]

Ignoring his surroundings, Dick focused on extracting a skill, knowing its importance in the success of this entire simulation.

[You have extracted the Human Magician skill: Double Copy]

In the dimly lit goblin lair, where shadows danced eerily on the rough stone walls, Dick was presented with a new set of challenging missions by the simulation interface:

1. Evil Goblin: Aid your birth mother, the human magician Kyle, in her quest for revenge. In a twisted turn, betray and enslave her, forcing her to relive the horrors of the Goblin lair, her revenge unfulfilled and her life plunged into darkness.

2. Goblin Slayer's Enemy: Protect Kyle and assist her in achieving her revenge. Strengthen and expand the Goblin lair to attract the attention of the a infamous Goblin Slayer, and ultimately achieve victory over him.

3. Great Magician: Abandon all before you, retreat into solitude, and dedicate yourself to the study of magic, aspiring to become a great magician.

Completing any of these tasks would grant Dick the skills from the simulation, an indefinite level inheritance based on his performance, 2,000 evolution points, and a Goblin breeding experimental base.

Dick pondered his options. The third task, while the safest, seemed an implausible choice given the lengthy commitment it required. The second mission brought with it the daunting prospect of facing the Goblin Slayer, a foe he had previously encountered with fatal consequences.

The first mission struck Dick as morally reprehensible. The idea of enslaving his own birth mother, forcing her into such a dismal fate, was beyond his moral compass.

But before he could delve deeper into these thoughts, his attention was drawn to Kylie, his towering mother, who stood at an imposing 1.7 meters amidst the goblin throng. Her command over the goblin army was evident, marking her as a powerful and formidable magician. This paradoxical figure, who had once been victimized by goblins yet now led them, puzzled Dick.

"Mother," Dick ventured cautiously, addressing Kylie with a respectful nod.

His greeting was met with a sudden, brutal backlash. Kylie struck him fiercely with her staff, knocking him to the ground. "Fool, I've warned you never to call me 'mother'! Never!!!" she spat venomously, her mood swinging wildly. She then began to trample him relentlessly, her sharp heels bruising his body mercilessly.

Stunned and overwhelmed by the unexpected aggression from Kylie, Dick's mind reeled. This was his first encounter with such hostility from the woman he was programmed to recognize as his mother.

Feeling his body bruise and bleed under the relentless assault, and fearing for his life, Dick quickly knelt and lowered his head in submission. "I'm sorry, Queen," he corrected himself, desperate to appease her.

Kylie ceased her attack, her long legs pausing ominously over Dick's head. She issued a cold command, "Now lead the Goblin army to raid the village. And never utter the word 'mother' again, or I'll kill you!" With these chilling words, Kylie ended the beating, leaving Dick to process the harsh reality of his situation and the daunting tasks ahead.