
Reborn as a Dragon in Genshin Impact!?

Lin Yuan woke up to find himself surrounded by pitch darkness, and the sensations coming from around him told him something peculiar. It seemed like he had been reincarnated as an egg… By sheer coincidence, he was picked up by Hu Tao, who nearly buried him alive. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lin Yuan broke out of his shell! Looking at the scales on his body and his long frame, Lin Yuan became even more confused. What exactly had he turned into? Hu Tao: "Wow! A lizard this big?!" Lin Yuan: "???" After some twists and turns, Lin Yuan finally confirmed his... species! He had become a five-clawed golden dragon, a symbol of Huaxia civilization?! Not only did he possess innate dragon majesty, capable of intimidating all living beings, but he could also freely use the power of the seven elements! The people of Liyue even worshipped him as the new Emperor, bowing down to him! He trampled on the Sumeru Akademiya and fought the Fatui with his claws (and fists)! And what of the gods? In front of the divine dragon, they were no more than one-hit foes!

Ashborn6969 · 游戏衍生
35 Chs

Encountering the Black Mist of Karma, Dragon Might Subdues!

The ghostly figure seemed to regard Lin Yuan as its prey.

Lin Yuan's gaze turned cold. The specter, bolstered by the black mist, had the audacity to make a move against him.

He examined the mist swirling around the specter and felt an overwhelming sense of revulsion.

It puzzled him—why did this black mist evoke such strong disgust?

After observing it closely, Lin Yuan realized what this black mist was: remnants of a fallen god, or perhaps the karmic burdens of a Yaksha.

Such entities were inherently evil, thriving by provoking malicious thoughts in living beings and driving them to commit terrible acts.

If one were possessed by this remnant, they could temporarily gain a surge in combat power.

To an ordinary person, this would be a terrifying existence.

But to Lin Yuan, it was just another nuisance.

The power of a god's remnant was still far inferior to his own.

Still, it was strange to encounter something like this in Wuwang Hill.

As Lin Yuan processed that the unsettling aura he had felt was from a fallen god's residue, the ghostly figure, which had been stationary, suddenly blurred and in a few flashes appeared right before him, raising its hand to strike.

Lin Yuan was slightly startled—the specter's speed was far greater than its apparent strength. Was it because it lacked a physical form?

But this level of attack? You dare challenge me?

Just as Lin Yuan prepared to retaliate, a spark flashed nearby.

He quickly ducked lower as a white spirit swept over his head.

"Hey! Who gave you the nerve to try and harm my little buddy?"

Hu Tao's voice rang out.

She brandished the white spirit infused with fire elements, slashing toward the specter.

The ghost, clearly wary of Hu Tao's attack, flickered and reappeared several paces away, dodging her strike.

Noticing her miss, Hu Tao pulled out her Staff of Homa, positioning herself between Lin Yuan and the ghost. She declared confidently, "Don't be afraid, little buddy! As the head of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, I can handle this ghost no problem—piece of cake!"

Lin Yuan mentally retorted, If I hadn't ducked, your attack would've hit me first.

Although he had developed some elemental resistance in his scales thanks to his recent growth, getting struck by one of Hu Tao's special attacks would still hurt.

At that moment, the specter launched another assault.

It darted around rapidly, making it difficult to pinpoint its exact location. Suddenly, it appeared behind Hu Tao, its clawed hand aiming for her back.

Lin Yuan moved to intercept, but Hu Tao swiftly rotated her Staff of Homa, sweeping the specter's claws away with the staff's shaft.

The specter, having missed its strike, quickly retreated, putting more distance between itself and them.

Hu Tao tilted her head nonchalantly. "Whoa, this ghost is the fastest I've ever seen! But trying to ambush me? Not gonna happen."

Lin Yuan, standing nearby, was also surprised. He hadn't expected Hu Tao to so effortlessly deflect the specter's attack.

It was clear that Hu Tao had a lot of experience fighting ghosts—she seemed to know their combat style inside out.

The specter continued to flicker through the forest, appearing at the base of a tree one moment and at the top of another the next. Its eerie speed would have overwhelmed most Vision holders.

But Hu Tao, being used to fighting such enemies, handled it with ease.

Still, Hu Tao was beginning to grow frustrated. "This ghost may not be strong, but its speed is ridiculous. I can't seem to land a hit."

She could feel that if she landed just one solid strike, she'd be able to defeat it, but the specter kept dodging her attacks. It was starting to get on her nerves.

Lin Yuan silently agreed. An enemy that put all its points into speed was indeed annoying.

They didn't want to let the specter go, as it could harm the living if left unchecked.

The specter suddenly found another opening, appearing above Hu Tao and diving down to attack.

Although Hu Tao had been complaining non-stop, she remained on high alert.

Almost the moment the ghost moved, she thrust her Staff of Homa toward it.

The specter, unwilling to face her head-on, flickered away again.

Hu Tao clicked her tongue in annoyance. "This ghost is too sly! I finally baited it into attacking, and it chickened out at the last second."

She had deliberately left an opening, hoping the speed demon would rush in so she could finish it off. But this specter wasn't like the usual ones—it didn't mindlessly fight based on a single obsession. It knew when to advance and retreat.

Even Hu Tao was starting to find this ghost tricky.

A fast but otherwise weak enemy was as bothersome as a persistent fly.

The specter stood in place, staring at Hu Tao as if mocking them, before resuming its frantic movements between the trees.

"Whine whine!"

Just as the ghost flashed again, Lin Yuan's body suddenly emitted a faint golden light.

Letting out a baby dragon's roar, Lin Yuan unleashed his Dragon Might.

The Dragon Might instantly enveloped the entire forest, causing the previously still trees to sway, their leaves rustling as though moved by an unseen wind.

Hu Tao felt nothing, but the specter, who had been darting through the trees, was suddenly crushed by an overwhelming pressure, as if a mountain had descended on it.

It fell from the treetops and slammed into the ground.

Hu Tao's eyes lit up with excitement. "Nice one, little buddy!"

She gripped her Staff of Homa but didn't rush.

Remaining cautious, she slowly approached the ghost lying on the ground.

The specter, now subjected to the divine Dragon Might, found its once astonishing speed completely suppressed. It struggled to even move.

A dragon's innate aura was one of the most feared abilities by spectral entities like this ghost.

And Lin Yuan's Dragon Might had specifically targeted the ghost.

Watching the once-speedy specter tremble under his aura, Lin Yuan was a little surprised himself. It seemed his Dragon Might was even more effective than he'd imagined.

Hu Tao approached the ghost. Despite its trembling, it still wanted to move.

But under the weight of the Dragon Might, it could only watch as Hu Tao pointed her Staff of Homa at it.

Seeing the black mist swirling around the specter, Hu Tao frowned slightly. Then, without hesitation, she drove the staff through the ghost's blue-black form, transferring her fire element into its body.

The ghost's dark figure began to glow red as the fire element exploded within, causing it to writhe in agony.



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