
Reborn as a Dragon in Genshin Impact!?

Lin Yuan woke up to find himself surrounded by pitch darkness, and the sensations coming from around him told him something peculiar. It seemed like he had been reincarnated as an egg… By sheer coincidence, he was picked up by Hu Tao, who nearly buried him alive. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lin Yuan broke out of his shell! Looking at the scales on his body and his long frame, Lin Yuan became even more confused. What exactly had he turned into? Hu Tao: "Wow! A lizard this big?!" Lin Yuan: "???" After some twists and turns, Lin Yuan finally confirmed his... species! He had become a five-clawed golden dragon, a symbol of Huaxia civilization?! Not only did he possess innate dragon majesty, capable of intimidating all living beings, but he could also freely use the power of the seven elements! The people of Liyue even worshipped him as the new Emperor, bowing down to him! He trampled on the Sumeru Akademiya and fought the Fatui with his claws (and fists)! And what of the gods? In front of the divine dragon, they were no more than one-hit foes!

Ashborn6969 · 游戏衍生
35 Chs

Alright, I'll Call You....

"What is this...?"

When Hu Tao rushed into the designated room, she saw Lin Yuan delivering the final blow to the eggshell, causing a blinding golden light to burst forth, illuminating the entire room!

Under such brilliant light, ordinary people wouldn't see anything beyond the radiance itself. However, perhaps due to being a holder of the Vision, or perhaps from her unique experience working in the unusual setting of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao clearly perceived something within that dazzling light that others could not.

Specifically, she caught a glimpse of a towering shadow amidst the brilliance.

"What... what is this? How can breaking an egg make such a commotion? Could this be related to some immortal or demon? It's way too big!"

"Oh my, what on earth did the Parlor Head bring back? This is just..."

"I can't take it anymore, my eyes are completely blinded... I'd better step outside!"

The other Wangsheng Funeral Parlor employees didn't have Hu Tao's keen perception, but they quickly realized that the source of the golden light was the mysterious egg, confirming that it was anything but ordinary!

The dazzling light persisted for two to three minutes before gradually dissipating. Once it faded, the employees could finally see the small figure hatching from the giant egg—

"What is that...?"

The massive egg that had been surrounded by torches and candles had seemingly vanished, replaced by a small figure nestled in the thick cotton cloth, measuring about forty to fifty centimeters long and a few centimeters thick. Its form resembled that of a snake, albeit with relatively well-developed limbs and not yet fully formed horns atop its head.

Just after the golden light faded, the creature's surface still bore many shimmering golden patterns. However, once the light completely disappeared, most of its body had turned a dark yellow.

To the average person, it looked no different from a slightly larger lizard.

"Phew... I'm out? Wait, what am I...?"

While the employees of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor looked on in confusion, Lin Yuan, who had just broken free from the eggshell, was in a state of bewilderment. Just moments earlier, he had exerted himself to smash through the remaining shell and succeeded in escaping its confines!

After that, the shattered shell seemed to transform into a power that surged into Lin Yuan's body, leaving him feeling completely rejuvenated, devoid of the exhaustion that typically followed such effort. He felt invigorated throughout!

Yet, Lin Yuan's focus wasn't on this newfound energy or the antiquated decor of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. No, it was on himself!

Having confirmed that he had indeed crossed over into an egg, Lin Yuan had prepared himself psychologically. The very fact that he had been in an egg indicated that he couldn't possibly be in a human body anymore!

Thus, the first thing he did upon hatching was to thoroughly examine his body. Although he couldn't see his full form without a mirror, what he could see...

Seemed to resemble a quadrupedal reptile more than any ordinary bird!

"Oh man... It's one thing to not be human after crossing over, but to turn into a lizard? That's so unfair!"

After feeling out his elongated body and four relatively strong little limbs, Lin Yuan's mindset began to unravel.

In the countless crossover novels he had read, the protagonists often had either powerful systems, striking appearances, or incredible talent and strength!

But here he was, not only transformed but into a large lizard!

"Ugh, this is just too ridiculous! How can this be fair?!"

"Oh ho, this is truly amusing! My talent is indeed exceptional!"

As the others remained in a state of confusion, Hu Tao leisurely approached Lin Yuan. This was the moment Lin Yuan truly saw the Parlor Head, the one who had brought him back from the wilderness, leaving him on edge.

Dressed in black, with an official hat, her demeanor was open and her eyes sparkled with mischief. Despite being just a teenager, she exuded a combination of cleverness and carefree charm, making her a well-loved character in Genshin Impact.

However, at that moment, Lin Yuan instinctively felt a twinge of fear as she approached. After all, he wasn't just any creature—he was a large... no, he couldn't admit to being a large lizard!

Yet, despite his unwillingness to accept this reality, he couldn't help but feel uneasy under Hu Tao's keen gaze.

Then, she exclaimed, clearly captivated, "Hmm, with that silly look of yours, I'll call you Huan Huan!"


Lin Yuan was taken aback. Wait, Hu Tao, is your naming sense still within the realm of normal humans? You're naming me Huan Huan for this handsome, striking creature?

What do those two words have to do with the once towering figure I was (or used to be)?

After spending so much time with Zhongli, how have your artistic standards not improved?

With this thought, Lin Yuan couldn't help but voice his complaint—


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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