
Reborn as a DRAGON (FANFIC)

Reborn as a DRAGON fanfic.

ElectricDragon · 作品衍生
5 Chs

You never know what comes next.

Aether woke up with a start, looking around. He looked at the smooth stone walls and the large stalactites above him.

'Is this.. A cave?' Aether was confused, to say the least. His body felt heavy as he got up, like it was made out of lead. He wondered how he got here, trying to remember anything that happened after that blast. He saw yellow at the edge of his vision.

He quickly turned towards it, staring at a bright yellow dragon dragging a large corpse. The dragon saw him, dropping the corpse before speaking.

"Finally. I thought you were dead." Their voice was loud, echoing throughout the cave. Aether hadn't been able to get a good look at the dragon before, he guessed they were a female based on their figure. Her eyes were the same color as him, and her scales were surprisingly shiny.

"You going to keep staring? Please tell me you didn't get brain damage."

"How did I get here?"

"I carried your fat ass." She looked annoyed when she said that, picking the corpse back up and dragging it farther into the cave. "You were harder to carry than this thing." Her voice was muffled due to dragging the corpse.

"Didn't I save you?"

"Never asked you to." She put the body down. "You're lucky I'm bringing you food."

Aether looked at the creature, then back at her.

"What's your name?"

"Aurum. Now shut up and eat." She curled up in the corner of the cave, closing her eyes. Aether looked at the creature, starting to eat. He didn't even realize how hungry he was until he bit into its flesh. After a few minutes, Aether's snout was dyed red from blood and there was little to no meat left on the creature.

Aether wished he had mana, he would be able to clean himself in seconds. But he knew it was gone, looking around for a way to get all this blood off him. He spotted a small stream in the cave, using his paws to splash some onto his snout and wash off the blood.

He looked towards Aurum. She looked peaceful despite being the polar opposite when awake. He noticed a strange mark on her forehead, which he swore wasn't there before.

Curious, he walked towards her, looking at the strange mark. He was only a few steps away when the mark began to glow a dark purple, illuminating the cave. Aether tried to get a good look at it, but when he got close, it flashed bright enough to blind him. When he was once again able to see, the mark was gone.


Aurum woke up after what Aether guessed was two or three hours, stretching like a cat as she got up and looked at him.

"You're still here?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go."

"I'm not going to let you stay here for free, that's extra work with no reward. Now get out before I kick your ass out." She growled at him, narrowing her eyes.

"It's not like I can't help. I'm not a helpless child."

"Sure fooled me." Aether didn't know how to deal with this dragon, she seemed to be looking for a way to insult him every time he spoke.

"If I'm a burden, I'll leave. Give me a chance."

Before Aether could even react, Aurum had already slammed her tail into Aether's side. He was sent flying into the nearest wall. He barely managed to register what was happening when he saw Aurum's paw swiping for his neck.

He stepped back, narrowly avoiding the strike.

"What are you-"

"If you're really useful, you'll be able to at least last against me."

Not waiting for any further questions, she lunges at him, swiping at his side. He stepped to the side, attempting to knock her away with his tail. She ducks under his tail, tackling him. They wrestled on the ground for a while before Aether managed to throw her off of him, quickly getting up.

As he prepares for her to attack, he notices something strange.

'She's… Glowing?'

And she was. Her entire body was glowing, her limbs especially. She disappears. Before Aether even realizes what happened, he's pinned to the ground with her snout almost touching his.

"Well, that's good enough." She said.

"What was that?"

"I thought you knew, considering you used your breath earlier. It's just strengthening your body with that energy."

She seemed a lot more friendly than before for some reason, actually answering his question without being an ass. She got off of him, walked towards the entrance of the cave, and looked at him. "Come on."

Aether got up, following her out of the cave.


Outside of the cave was a forest, with trees even bigger than the ones from before. Aurum moved slowly, sniffing the air and listening to the silence of the forest. Aether tried copying her but only managed to smell the trees and strange plants.

Suddenly, Aurum dashed in a certain direction. Aether rushed after her, barely able to keep up as she moved through the trees towards something. She stopped abruptly, Aether barely managed to stop without making any noise.

He looked towards the direction she was, spotting a large rhino-like creature. It was a few times his size, sleeping against a tree. Aurum inched towards it, her body dimly glowing. Aether watched as she inched towards it. When she was only a few steps away, she lunged at it, sinking her teeth deep into its throat.

It dies in seconds, unable to react before all life drains out of it. Aurum looks at him, her teeth stained red with blood.

"You said you can catch your own food, so go do it."

After saying that, Aurum begins dragging the corpse, leaving Aether behind.