
Shadows Intervention


< Boss, let's help him out >

As the events transpired, the pack of shadow wolves that Ossa was looking for had become an audience, staying in the shadows, observing the one-sided battle.


< Why should we, he is an outsider >

The alpha snickered at the thought of helping Ossa.

As mentioned earlier I can understand and speak the language of all creatures as they are all my children and to make the journey more understandable, I will translate the thoughts and language of the shadow wolves, at least for now. The shadow wolves are communicating softly in order not to attract the attention of the angry Vulkey or any other creature.

Wolf!!! Whimper!!!

< But boss, we like the little human pup, if he dies, no more roasted meat >

One of the many shadow wolves hiding with him said, the rest nodding in agreement.

Woof!!! Wolf!!

< All you think about is food, let's get out of here, the night is still young >