
New Friend

Bel never knew peace in her own home, peace she found in the forbidden forest which was meant to be her grave.

Despite the evil planned by others, fate also had her own plans.

" Where are you from?!" Seraphina asked again as Bel seemed to be lost in thought trying to remember the name of her village.

"I'm trying to remember... I remember a traveling merchant calling it Mosswood," she said, with her hand on her chin, acting like a detective pondering a case.

"What a cute girl," Seraphina thought, looking at the little girl, her wish to cuddle with her.

Her thoughts of cuteness disappeared when she heard the name Mosswood, a town near the edge of the forbidden forest. One of the many towns that specialize in selling weaponry and other items for warriors, mercenaries, and others who venture into the forbidden forest to hunt.

" Such a small town dares such a cruel thing," She thought, killing intent flashing in her eyes.