
I will rid the world of you

" Sigh!!, Why must this happen during my reign" The commander rubbed his forehead in frustration, trying to push the truth of the matter out of his head.

Only if that was possible, all of our troubles would disappear with just a tap to the forehead.

Wouldn't that make life better?!.

" Ah, a mutant during my time... " The commander continued to grumble, frustrated at the turn of events.

He had lost so many men in one day and it wasn't even to the creature he tried to capture.

" Huh... Who is that" His gaze shifted to the glow at the far end of his table, a communication orb. " I'm not in the mood" He tried to ignore it, trying to wallow in his current predicament.

The orb seemingly trying to piss him off continued to glow, mimicking a heart beat as it's radiance increased then dimmed then increased then dimmed again. " Huh, ... Who the f*ck" Annoyed he grabbed the crystal.