An uproar shook the very foundation of the Epistemic Tower, causing Abraxus to bitterly smile. A secret he had kept for billions of years was suddenly known to everyone. It really wasn't a good thing to piss off a woman. You'd think he'd know this by now with his trillions of years of life.
"Lady Sacharro, I'm only doing my job. Had that man attacked, I would have stopped him as well. These are the celestial floors. It's meant for youths. Don't believe you or anyone else can do as they please."
Abraxus' voice sounded just as cheerful and lighthearted as it always did, but now, it suddenly carried an all-new weight to it.
This matter seemed simple now, maybe like a small comedic joke. However, just how would the outer quadrants react to knowing the Epistemic Towers they looked down on and felt they didn't need were actually the creations of Transcendents?...