
Rebirth of the Blind Young Master

BL/ REBIRTH/DANMEI /M-PREG Deprived of a time he could see and perceive the world in front of him, Qi Ru returns to his old days where he was blind and was also very naive. The time he first felt the pain of losing his loved ones. However after being rebirthed he vows to take very good care of those who wronged him and also to protect his loved ones to never feel the pain they once encountered. ------ HIE LOVELIES THANK YOU FOR GIVING THIS NOVEL A CHANCE. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. YOUR SUPPORT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME. SEEING THE LOVELY VOTES AND COLLECTIONS GIVES ME COURAGE AND CHEERS ME UP. PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS AND ALSO LEAVE SOME ADVICE. (BOOK COVER ISN'T MINE. )

Lamelle · LGBT+
4 Chs

Yan Zushi

"Pardon my manners, I haven't introduced my name yet. I am Jiang Qiru." The injured man looked at the blind young man beside him and couldn't help himself but smile. With each passing day he felt like he had gotten himself a younger brother. Or maybe two younger brothers.

"It's okay. I haven't introduced myself either. I am Yan Zushi." He told the other. So far the only name he knew was DouDou. The little boy was very cheerful and friendly. Sometimes he wished to have a little brother like that. It's a pity that he was an only child. He watched as Jiang Qiru smiled at him. It's unfortunate that he didn't know that the blind young man knew him all along. Well why would he forget his first love from his previous life. He had followed this man to his town only to know that he already had a partner. To think of it Jiang Qiru was too naive then. He fell in love with someone he only knew for a few days, and also didn't know what he looked like.

Sigh. Jiang Qiru sighed not knowing that Yan Zushi was still looking at him. He was intrigued by the various expressions that had just been on this person in the past five minutes. Yan Zushi couldn't stop himself from chuckling because of this person's behaviour.

"So after you leave tomorrow, where are you planning to go?" Jiang Qiru asked. Last time he didn't even ask him this. All he knew, was the manor this man lived in. Nothing else. Now he wanted to put in effort to be good friends with this person. He is the first person he met after coming back. At least except from his family.

"Go back home. Ah Ru is waiting for me. I guess I worried him a lot." Yan Zushi replied looking up at the sky as if he could picture the face of his beloved. That chubby face littered with pretty freckles, his pure doll-like silver eyes paired with curved eye brows, a pointy nose and full rosy lips, and also that pink mole below his right eye. It was his favourite.

"Ah Ru? Your partner?" Jiang Qiru asked curiosity getting the better of him. He was getting excited, he wanted to hear some gossip. He loved listening to love stories of other people. More like he used to. That's because after a terrible heartbreak he swore to never tolerate anything related to love but who knew later on he would die because of it. "Kian." He murmured in his heart.

"Yes, he is my husband. We got married a year ago." He spoke his voice filled with a tinge of pride. Jiang Qiru guessed that the man beside him was smiling beautifully.

"Was it a love marriage or arranged?" He asked. The blind young master knew very well that most marriages in this world were arranged. Some couples ended up falling in love and some learnt to live for the sake of reputation and some children. Lucky enough his parents managed to love each other as time went on. He wondered if his new friend had a love marriage or not. Personally, he preferred to marry someone he loved. Hopefully, if things work out in this life he wished to...

"Of course it was arranged. But I fell in love with him the moment I laid my eyes on him. Gradually, the two of us understood each other and here we are." Yan Zushi explained missing his husband. He regretted to have taken that job. If not for these two benefactors he wouldn't be here or see his beloved again. He was very thankful to these two.

Jiang Qiru felt happy knowing that these two were happy. They were not like him, he just hoped that this time he would be able to beat his fate. He will get rid of everything that would come in his way. Nothing could stop him from getting what he wants.

"That's very nice. I am happy for you two. I wish you more happiness in your life. From experience I can only advise you to never let go of him. Not many people are lucky enough to get a second chance."

Yan Zushi was surprised. He could feel the depressing atmosphere around him. He wondered if something bad happened to his friend. He was too young to have come across the viscitudes of life. "Never, I will keep him until my last breath." He defended himself while also making a promise to himself. He couldn't imagine a life without his husband.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked after hesitating for a moment. He didn't know if he should or shouldn't ask. He had just met this man and not even a week has passed.

"Go on?" Jiang Qiru encouraged with a light smile on his face. He was prepared to answer anything. Well except his past life. He didn't want to scare his friend away.

"Ah, were you born blind?" His friend asked in a whisper, fearing that he would be offending the other man. He was just curious that's all.

"Hmm, .. no. An accident happened when I was just a few months old. For the details well.."

"I understand." Yan Zushi chirped in.

The two got into an awkward silence before they heard DouDou shouting from a distance. They both spun their heads in the direction in which he was coming and waited for him to get close.

"Master! master!" The little boy ran and stopped in front of them while panting heavily. "I have some good news." The other two faced each other as if they could actually see each other. Jiang Qiru was the first one to turn and ask him what the news was.

"I heard that there is going to be a lantern festival in twelve days. Many people are going to light up some lanterns and release them in the air and some in water after making a wish." He informed them excitedly.

"Do you want to go?" Jiang Qiru asked knowing his answer due to the excitement dripping in his voice.

"Yes! Yes!"