
Mentality of your children

They spent the day on vacation very happily. They returned to their respective homes in the afternoon and are now in the hotel again.

They did take a hotel room with an interconnecting door, so Lita could still monitor Qabel and Queen. She is the child currently taking turns bathing. So Lita let them have their private time. The woman returned to her room and sighed for a moment.

Zurich brought Ice coffee to a tired woman. Lita accepted the gift from the man beside her. They were silent for a while. Zurich briefly kissed his woman's cheek to ensure Lita was comfortable.

"You seemed to be thinking about something earlier," Zurich said in a low voice.

"About Qabel and Queen, they said they had no friends. Just because Edwards had no friends so far, the two children followed their father's behavior very well. But can that be said to be good?" Lita asked with a bit of frustration. After all, she already thinks Queen and Qabel are nephews who must be cared for and loved well.

"You should be worried because children are like a mirror reflecting an image of what is happening around them. In addition to sharing genetic similarities with their parents, children also reflect adults' movements, language, and interests in their lives. We may see things like what Qabel or Queen did earlier or repeat words often said by people around them. Remember that the behaviors and habits children are exposed to early can become behaviors and habits they carry into adulthood later. Yes. Maybe during these ten years, Edwards did show himself that he didn't have any close friends, so Qabel and Queen imitated that." Zurich said with a bit of thought about what he knew about a child's life process.

"That's what I'm afraid of. What if the lives of Qabel and Queen become limited? Because they don't have friends? Because, in fact, children start imitating adults when they are babies."

Zurich can only sigh softly. He is not very sensitive to things like this because Zurich has never had children.

"Calm down, don't panic. They are still ten years old, and we can still teach them good things. So starting tomorrow, we have to give some understanding about the pleasures of making friends. I know sometimes we are curious about the psychological condition of other people, especially those closest to us, when they change in their nature or behavior.

Because as social beings, of course, humans need other people. Their presence can sometimes have a significant impact on someone's life. But not infrequently, some people tend to hide their true feelings. So, for now, we focus on getting Qabel and Queen open with their thoughts and what they like. We have to calm down. That's the best way." Zurich hugged Lita, comforting the woman.

The man knew very well that Lita had liked to panic lately. For some reason, she became a more sensitive and strange woman, and Zurich became suspicious of one thing. Is Lita pregnant? Because he did throw his seed in the woman's womb, why? Because Zurich wants to build a serious relationship with the woman, it's challenging to convince Lita about it, so.. Zurich hopes the woman is pregnant.

Ah.. why did Zurich even think about things like this? he should not think of strange things when conditions are impossible.

"You know Zurich? Many say that behind a person's smile and jokes, they keep a deep sadness in their heart. We certainly never know what other people harbor in their hearts. When someone laughs easily, according to other people, it is expected. This is a sign that he really needs others. He covers his loneliness by laughing out loud to release the emotions in his soul. Feeling sad and crying is normal because you've lost something or someone. But some people are reluctant to cry and dictate to themselves that crying means weakness.

Yet quite the opposite.

Someone reluctant to cry can't release the emotions that he should release and express. He was the weakest person and was devastated because he could not call. And you know? As long as I know Qabel and Queen, the kid who never cries. They never even seemed to complain when Edwards was suddenly busy by himself, nor did they say anything wrong. Why is their father alive? Where is their father? Why should they go on vacation without their father? These things make me a little confused and weird. Do they have a very extreme feeling of sadness? Or have they been sad all this time, seeing their father's condition? Qabel and Queen look very strong and intelligent, but I'm not sure they have that attitude in the first place. I'm just afraid. Afraid to realize something too late from their perspective. I don't want to make a second mistake.

Long ago, I was too late to learn about Choon-Hee's disease. So now, I don't want to be late to learn essential things from them." Lita's words made a little sense. Zurich now began to understand why Lita was a little emotional. Because she read everything from different sides, so she could draw a common thread from all her thoughts when.


"How are things today?" Edwards asked. After nearly four weeks, he was busy with this and that only for his wife.

"She will wake up today. We have to wait. Everything is stable, and there are no shortages at all." Said the doctor, who is currently trusted to handle Choon-hee.

"I'm relieved to hear that." After saying this, Edwards chose to eat lunch first. Then he could meet Choon-hee.

His footsteps stopped slightly because he heard the phone's sound under his pants. He picked up the phone. It was from Lita.

"Hi, Lita.. are you guys having fun?" Edwards asked. For now, he could only ask that for a while.

"Today, your two children and I will return to the mansion. Are you not busy already?" Lita asked without further ado.

"Yeah, I guess. The doctor said that Choon-hee would wake up today. What's the matter? Are you guys tired of vacationing?" Edwards asked back.

"We've had quite a bit of vacation. I think your two kids need your attention again." Lita's words made Edwards speechless. He chose to sit at the dining table while ordering several servers to bring lunch.

"What's wrong? Do they feel bad when I'm not around? Did they do anything bad?" Edwards asked, a little worried.

"No... No... They are well-behaved. They don't even ask anything about where you are and what you are busy with. Do you think this is a good thing? They are too ordinary when you are not around. I don't think this is something to say good." Lita sounded a little bit coded to Edwards. Unfortunately, Edwards doesn't know what Lita means and only assumes that his two children are old enough to understand that his father is busy.

"I think they're like that because they understand I'm busy. What's wrong? After all, they are smart kids, so it's only natural to do something like that. They understand what happened and know that everything has a reason. Want to ask me something? I think you're a little panicked." Edwards said quietly. Several servers came to bring food.

Edwards glanced briefly at the food in front of him and began to wait for Lita's following words.

"You both demand that you always understand and mature, don't you?" Lita asked again. Edwards, who heard this, immediately nodded.

"Yes, because it is their responsibility. Because in this world, no one can help them other than themselves. That's why I told them to be independent and understand whatever the situation is." Edwards said quietly. He took the plate and started to get some food if he wanted.

On the other side of the phone, Lita sighed softly.

"They need more than just a father. They need a mother who can understand their feelings. Are you not aware of that? A mother figure who understands that children their age need love and warm hugs, not things that adults always demand. Edwards? Your kids are still ten years old, not even ten years old yet. Don't you think kids their age should be busy playing with their moms? Their dads? Friends their age? Laughing around and doing things. Like children their age in general?" All of Lita's questions made Edward stop moving his hands.

Lita's conversation started to get serious. Of course, Edwards wondered.

"What do you mean? Say it clearly. I don't understand." said Edwards, slightly offended by Lita's expression.

"They need attention, more than just time with you. They need you, Edwards, a father who hears all their complaints, not just there but not feeling. Do you understand what I mean?" Lita asked once again.

"I've fought so hard to look after and care for them. Now, what are you talking about? I really don't understand." Edwards had no appetite.

"You know how lonely it feels? When did your mother leave you? Then your father remarried. You were alone, right?" Lita's question again confused Edwards.

"Yes.. then why? Are you saying my children are lonely right now? Lonely in what way? I have always been by their side for almost 24 hours straight. I always give my best, being both father and mother. Is that still lacking?" Edwards said with a bit of emotion. He felt disapproved of Lita's words earlier.

"You are by their side, but you are busy thinking about Choon-hee! You are busy daydreaming! You are decorated with your own thoughts! You are busy with your own heart! Those who have feelings are restless whenever they are near you. Why? Because they are demanded to be adults before their time, they are required to understand that you are sad, and they must understand. They must always understand and say yes. Until you never ask, how are they feeling? are they okay? Are they feeling sad too? Isn't that right..?

Edwards, every time you're with them. You are busy venting sadness and loneliness. Have you ever felt that way? Or you're just selfish enough not to understand. Do your kids never ask why you are busy? Why are you sad? Why are you silent But all these questions are etched in their brains, destroying their confidence and mentality! Mentally!! You heard Edwards! Your children could have a mental illness because of you. This afternoon I will take them to a psychiatrist. I want to know what they keep in their deepest hearts!" said Lita, who was already emotional when talking to Edwards.

Edwards, who heard all this, was immediately silent. He knew that he had indeed made a fatal mistake that he never knew. Yes, Edwards was always busy alone with his world of sadness when he played with his two children. Even when they vacation together, Edwards only teaches about a few things. Then his children are required to be able to do that. Then..? Edwards left them to do everything themselves.

Why? Why was Edwards oblivious to all the things he had done?

"Lita... me?" Edwards didn't know what to say. He was silent for a long time. There was a deep sigh from the other end of the phone.

"I'll let you know immediately if anything happens to the mentality of your two kids. I'll turn off Edwards' phone." After saying this, Lita hung up the phone and ended up with Edwards being silent.

"What wrong have I done all this time?" Edwards said to himself.