
Rebirth of Milf Empress

This is a story about the journey of a modern woman named Sophia, who dies heroically during an accident while trying to save a baby's life. She meets God and receive some op boons from him. She transmigrates in the body of a queen of a small kingdom with a system. Follow Sophia on her journey in another world. Tags- kingdom-building, system, war, yuri, incest, orgy

Ekatra · 奇幻
21 Chs

A Kingdom in Flux

After the execution of Dorian, the royal court proceeded as usual, albeit under a lingering shadow of disbelief. The recent events had left everyone stunned, but their emotions remained largely suppressed as they grappled with the shocking revelations that had unfolded.

The decrees I had issued—the distribution of food, the reduction in taxes, and the exemption granted to the drought-stricken farmers and former slaves—were swiftly set into motion, much to the relief of the suffering citizens. I stood there, in the midst of the royal court, observing the consequences of my recent decisions playing out before my eyes. The swift implementation of these decrees brought relief and happiness to the people, but it came at a significant cost to our kingdom's finances, which were already strained by the massive recruitment of soldiers.

Francis, our diligent royal treasurer, could not ignore the dire financial situation any longer and voiced his concerns in the court. I responded with a reassuring smile; my resolve unwavering. "Don't worry," I assured him, "I have a solution for this." My gaze shifted to Seraph, my loyal personal guard, as I issued a directive. "Seraph, go to the Maldrick's estate and take Maldric's entire estate into your custody."

My gaze shifted to Lady Gwendolyn Harrington, a rotund noblewoman occupying a prominent position on the far left of the court. She had been one of the key benefactors of the oppressive taxation system. Her greed was evident, and it was time to address it.

"Lady Gwendolyn Harrington," I began, my voice measured and stern, "it has come to my attention that you have amassed considerable wealth from the hardworking citizens of this kingdom. Do you not believe it is your duty to utilize this wealth to enhance the lives of the very people who have suffered to line your coffers?"

Gwendolyn's initial inclination was to protest vehemently, but a glance at the imposing figure standing beside her, Seraph, prompted her to reconsider. She recognized the futility of resistance against both the court and the queen's authority.

She had already witnessed the death of her two accomplices and did want to join them. She was greedy for money, but she was even more greedy for her life. What is the use of immense wealth if she is not alive to spend them.

With a sigh of resignation, she conceded, her voice carrying an undertone of defeat, "You are correct, Your Majesty. It is only just that civilian funds be reinvested in the welfare of the civilians. I shall arrange to transfer the necessary funds to the royal treasury by tomorrow."

While Gwendolyn's words conveyed compliance, her thoughts were far from noble. She had already begun plotting how to transfer only a portion of her ill-gotten riches while secretly safeguarding the majority. Little did she know that her schemes would soon be thwarted.

In response to her declaration, I continued, "You need not trouble yourself, Lady Gwendolyn. Seraphine, my loyal maid," I gestured toward the capable young woman, "shall visit Lady Gwendolyn's estate and retrieve 'some' funds from her treasury to augment the royal treasury."

Gwendolyn slumped further into her seat, her dreams of wealth and opulence fading away. The fruits of her exploitation were slipping from her grasp, returning to the rightful hands of the citizens she had wronged.

With the immediate financial crisis averted, a collective sigh of relief swept through the courtiers. However, Francis, our diligent treasurer, still bore a gloomy countenance, his concerns regarding the long-term sustainability of our financial measures left unaddressed. He ventured to voice his worries, saying, "My queen, though your actions have brought us much-needed respite, this remains but a temporary solution. The wealth siphoned by these unscrupulous nobles eventually run out, leading us back to the brink of financial instability."

I nodded, acknowledging the gravity of our situation. "I understand, Francis, that this is merely a stopgap measure. Rest assured; I shall explore avenues to secure a lasting solution to our kingdom's financial woes."

Even though everyone agreed with Eleanor's decision on surface they were not expecting much as this kingdom did not have any mines, any speciality or any business prospects. Since Solstoria is always under the threat of war, merchants rarely passed through the kingdom. All the income source was farming and due to drought, the only source of income was thwarted. So, no one took queen's words seriously.

As the court session concluded, I retreated to the solitude of my chambers, pondering over strategies to generate a sustainable income for our kingdom. Drawing upon my past life's knowledge, I wracked my brain for solutions, but my experiences as a nurse had left me ill-prepared for matters of economics and finance.

Frustration gnawed at me as I contemplated the challenge ahead. My mind raced, but solutions remained elusive. In my previous life, I had devoted my time to tending to the sick and infirm, not navigating the complexities of economic revival.

In a moment of desperation, I called upon Sylph, my ever-present system, for guidance. "Sylph," I implored, "are you aware of the happenings in the courtroom?"

"Yes," Sylph's melodious voice resonated within my mind, "I am intricately connected, so I am aware of everything happening around you.""

"Given your pledge to assist me in becoming the strongest empress," I pressed, "could you suggest some money-making ideas to rescue our kingdom from Solstoria the clutches of this financial crisis?"

"Why don't you explore the system shop? you might find something helpful" she proposed.

Excitement surged within me as I accessed the system interface once more. The shop unveiled a plethora of items: martial arts techniques, potent magic spells, strength-enhancing elixirs, and more, each accompanied by a substantial price tag. Sorting the offerings by cost, I initially encountered miscellaneous and seemingly inconsequential items, such as clothing, miscellaneous magic spells, etc. I kept scrolling the list.

My attention, however, was abruptly arrested when I came across an item priced at 200 SP—a detailed technique for papermaking. In a world where parchment was the standard medium for writing, paper was a luxury item, cherished for its lightweight and cost-effective nature. In this medieval world animal parchment are being used for keeping records. These were yellowish, very expensive and heavy, which made it laborious to transport which increased its price even more. So only nobles and rich businessmen can purchase these. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning: introducing paper in this world could be the revolutionary solution to our financial woes.

But a bitter truth followed closely behind my epiphany—I lacked the necessary points to acquire this game-changing technique. Desperation welled up within me as I sought answers from Sylph. "Sylph," I pleaded, "how can I swiftly earn the remaining points required for this purchase?"

Sylph responded with pragmatism, "There is no shortcut; you must complete the mission."

Without delay, I demanded, "Show me my mission progress."

Sylph, obedient as ever, displayed the mission progress on the system interface:

[Make the public opinion favourable; Progress: 69/100]

[Reward: 50 SP at 50% progress] [Claim]

[Next reward at 80% completion: 100 SP]

[Make the kingdom prosperous; Progress: 0/100]

[Solve the civilians' plight; Progress: 45/100]

[Reward: 150 SP at 50% completion]

Seeing the mission progress, I said "Why didn't you informed me when my popularity exceeded 50%]

At this, Sylph just replied in a stoic voice "There is no need to inform, since the mission is only halfway cleared."

"From the next time, inform me every time when there is reward to claim." I ordered


Getting the conformation, I clicked on claim.

"Open my status window"

[Host: Eleanor Sinclair]

[Age: 28]

[Race: Human]

[Kingdom: Solstoria]

[Title: Queen]

[Strength: 7 (Normal:5)]

[Charm: 14 (Normal 5)]

[Stage: None (can be upgraded)]

[Skills: All Seeing Eye | Foresight | Dimensional Storage]

*Dimensional Storage is assimilated with the system and [Skill: Inventory] is created.

[Affinity: Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Time, Space (All)]

[System points: 100]

Seeing my remaining SP and my mission progress, eager anticipation coursed through me. The journey to transform Solstoria's fortune had only just begun, and with each step forward, the weight of my responsibility grew.