
Torture to soul

While listening zhou xuan felt sad for her family. Cursed her sister in laws for trying to save their skin and abandon her brothers. She cried from her heart for her dear mother.

But as she was listening on the things related to songs she was at disbelief, heartbroken and enraged. As if have gone mad she laughed and cried at the same time.

She cursed the dead bai lan while questioning song hui for not loving her. She wanted to run and ask him why was he not satisfied. Why so cruel to her?

She also wanted to smash that temple honoring bai lan. She also wanted to dig and destroy bai lans grave. The more she thought the more hysteric she became greatly pleasing Yusheng.

All the things she told to Xuan was true. The songs being sly cleverly dumped the dirty water on the fallen Zhou house. While presenting themselves as a victim raising bai lan prestige high along with their. The not marrying and leaving the main wife position was the last nail.

Now song hui was praised as an upright man who dearly loved his wife. He just had bad luck of marrying a viscious consort. Though unable to take exam he had managed to secure his image on public as a good man very quickly.

Yusheng took out a vial from her pouch then moving forward just a step away from Zhou Xuan speaks "Now..now.. you will have more than enough time to be in your imaginary world of revenge and curses for now it's time to pay your first interest."

She grabs zhou xuan's jaws opening it wide with her engery while pouring the content of vial. Zhou Xuan was scared as if it was a ghost who had grabbed her not feeling the skin on her face.

After forecully made to drink something she struggels and even tried to vomit afterwards but none were succeeded. Before she could ask the cold voice explains.

"Umm... good.. so this is a very special drug. It will help your wounds to fester and rot. You will feel pain that is obvious. Your flesh will fall from rotting slowly moving to your bones.

Your bones will not rot fast as your flesh. It will take its sweet time. But don't worry you won't die, this drug also has the nutritional stuffs which will keep your life even with all the pain and hunger.

Three days and the flesh in your wounded area will fall. Then I will visit you again to take the next interest. Till then do not miss me and enjoy this sensation."

Zhou Xuan struggled and begged till her voice was gone but the steps were moving farther and soon like before only the coldness and deadly silent remained.

After few more seconds her wounds which had somewhat scabed opened as if being sliced by a knife. She could smell the blood and something sour like vinegar. Soon she could hear the sizzling sounds giving more severe pain.

She clawed the ground until her finger nails broke but the pain was so high that she didn't feel the pain of broken nails. Many times she came in and out of consciousness.

She could feel the pain seeping into her soul, her mind hazy from pain and the things she heard. Her lips were moving if went to listen closely she was saying "sorry.. I am sorry... Hui.. don't abandon me.. mother.. pain.. sorry.. I am sorry"

Like this and worse each day she was tortured until the next visit of Yusheng.