

Yusheng had no intention to bet neither did Pei Zhang thus they just entertained themselves by watching the fight and eating. The dishes were indeed good and well matched with wine.

The fight between the slaves was peaking as both had techniques and physique. As the battle continued with neither side backing down one of the owners became anxious and angry starting to curse his own slave. Though his sound was lost with the cheering and hooting of the crowd the people on the same area heard loud and clear.

While the other party had yet to comment the man began to give more viscious curses even cursing his challenger with filthy words. "Hah.. waste of money.. come on give some good kick to his balls... I will reward you with other party's wife or daughter to mount later... if not then will have some nice beauties to ride on...I also have knowledge of a family with sufficient busty ladies of noble backgrounds... think how wonderful it would be ride on them..." shouted the man.

The other party who was silent unable to listen his pointing and vulgar words also started his own curses "hah.. my warrior have that person pinned down.. make sure you destroy his roots... I will reward you heavily... I have a women in mind who will give you ride to heaven.. though used she still have that busty body to entertain.. she must be in need of fresh cock for her hole as she must be tired and disgusted by the same puny cock and flabby body mounting on her... if not there's also that seductive daughter whose looks are inviting as the prostitutes of flower house.. her techniques also must be top notch as rumors are her riding skills and moans are the best.."

The man who was shouting first had his face red as the colour of blood as it was his concubine and daughter from her that the man was talking about. Furious at the pointed finger he gulps down the wine and prepare himself to engage in direct battle with the man.

While the other party who had just finished cursing also drinks the wine to ease his throat and rolls up his sleeve as he knew the nature of other party. Between the curses Pei Zhang was laughing and explaining to Yusheng "sister in law.. if my guess is correct then the first person belong to the side branch of imperial clan... enjoying free money from being connected to royal line even though very distant.... while other one is relative of the of the side imperial branch connected through marriage...

I heard that when we were in Jing there was a clash among these two related to the land.... it seems both wanted to own the land... the owner is a distant nephew of imperial uncle... with each having ties to imperial branch the matter was put on hold without a clear answer.. thus they ended up having battles... one day it would be other party attacking on others property and people circling and escalating the situation...

With our return they dare not attack upfront from fear of being punished by father thus they decided to battle out here to decide on the victor"

Yusheng raises her eyebrow after learning of the conflict and the persons behind "the words spilling do match their status.... any way why haven't the imperial uncle decided on this factor?... though you are in charge of the imperial clan...during your absence it should have been him to slove such minor issues.."

Pei Zhang gives a mocking smirk "well... he isn't happy with me on top... he wants the situation to escalate to make it known of how incapable I am.. so that he can snatch the position from me... though he doesn't have guts enough to vie for throne yet he still wants a position to flaunt and benefit from...though uncle he still is a step brother birthed from concubine which lands him in direct suspicion.. after father sweeper the court with blood along with our di uncle this step uncle turned to being a turtle acting all aloof and detached from the worldly matters... but now seems to have unrest may be for his future generation.."