
Coaxed and seduced

Yusheng went for a nice bath to calm her heart and anger. She knew she was jeolous but she didn't like this felling a bit. She wanted to gouge that girls eyes and cut her to tongue.

Everyone was silent when Yusheng took her seat at the dinner table. Having heard all the earlier events they dare not annoy her. The atmosphere was heavy and awkward till Pei Jin came.

He very calmly sit besides Yusheng then picks some dishes for her. Yusheng side eyes him and very calmly pushes the bowl where he had placed the food. A new bowl is placed infront of her by Xiaoqing.

Everyone just ate and chatted if they hadn't seen anything. Emperor was very happy enjoying his sons plight while empress was worried. Prime minister and duke zhongyong lips were twitching as if wanting to laugh.

It must be first time for Pei Jin to be snubbed so badly. They too wanted to see how he would get control over his plight.

Meanwhile Pei Jin who was being snubbed was not least worried or angry. Instead he was happy for strong emotions of Yusheng for him. He didn't try to serve the food again worried that she might not eat well.

He was thinking of coaxing her after dinner but Yusheng invited duke for a game of Qi, thwarting his plans. If other times he definetly have found excuses ti stop this game but today he just went along helplessly.

Two games and thoroughly killing duke Taiwen's pieces she was feeling much better while the people surrounding them looked at her in awe. The badly lost duke wanted to play another round when he was stared by his grandson.

Being pressured by his granson's staring he humbly requests Yusheng to take rest. Everyone scattered to their nests while Pei Jin became tail of Yusheng. Yusheng had no intention of letting him in her room thus when 5 steps away from door. She bolts in using her flash steps and quickly closes the door leaving a stumped Pei Jin outside.

Yusheng felt more good after having Pei Jin locked out. She had just laid in her bed and pulled the blankets when she was grabbed by Pei Jin. Her movements were restricted as Pei Jin had her grabbed with the blanket.

"Why are you here?... Go to your room.. I am tired and in need of sleep..go trouble that girl from earlier" snarls Yusheng struggling her best to free her limbs.

Pei Jin presses his body above hers. His arms and legs clutching on her like a crab. Smiling he start to give pecks on her face and neck. "Love.. I was wrong..I should have gouged her eyes the first moment.. but love my attention was only on you..next time.. will definetly react faster" coaxes Pei Jin.

"Oh.. so you want next time.. get lost" shouts Yusheng. Pei Jin feeling that his words were not right immediately changes the tune "I mean to say if.. if there is.. definetly not having such desires"

Yusheng snorts and looks to the wall refusing to talk with him. Pei Jin loved her adorable look right now unable to handle himself he starts to peck her face and lick her neck. Giving a light bite on her earlobes he then gently sucks on them.

With his own lust rising with a hoarse voice he whispers "only you can make me have this emotions.." Yusheng tried her best to struggle but with time she too enticed with his pecks and licks.

Pei Jin took advantage of her settling down and slowly kneads her mound from above the blanket while attacking her mouth. He sucks her lips and pries open them forcefully latching her tongue with his.

Yusheng was now lost in their battle of tongues. The blanket was taken off cleverly by Pei Jin who was now kneading her mounds above her cloths. He slowly caresses her body and unties her robe, feeling her soft and smoothe skin both bodies tremble slightly.

Leaving a breathless Yusheng he takes off her robes and his in swift motion. Yusheng felt warm wherever he touched she could also feel his rod poking her below.