
All set

Yusheng after the tossing and turning night, didn't even feel him helping her wipe up. The morning had already come and she found herself in his arms like before.

Fearing that her servants may enter the room she tried to get up and dress her up. Because of her movements Pei Jin also woke up.

But he was hugging her more tightly and with sleepy voice he asks "Yu'er just a little bit more,"

Yusheng then in hushed voice snaps at him " Pei Jin we are in my villa, hurry let me go before my maids enter."

Placing his big hand on her struggling one he said" I know but I have done preparation, I had ordered tao not to let anyone enter as we are having an important discussion right now. Hence unless you call for them they won't be coming."

Feeling a bit relieved she stops struggling hard, then seeing as how he wanted to laze around frees herself from his grasp quickly dressing herself.

Seeing how his side had felt cold Pei Jin too no longer had mood to sleep so he too gets dressed grumpily. While Yusheng was preparing to enter the bath connected to her room.

She had just mixed her bath oil when Pei Jin also came shamelessly to share the bath knowing that she would not be able to drive him away they took nice bath. He took out fresh clothes from his spatial ring while Yusheng was dressing on fresh cloth. After helping each other to dry their hair they went to have breakfast.

She remained as calm as possible as if a grown man coming together with a blooming lady from her boudoir was normal while on their way to breakfast. For some reason servants didn't look at them strangely. How would she know that Pei Jin had weaved a nice story for them... qinwang came before early dawn to discuss important issue.

Only Xiaoqing and Bei were crystal clear of the situation. Though they were aware still were forced to go along with the farce as their master seemed to be willing.

After having the breakfast they moved to the pavilion do have their real discussion while the fooled servants were lamenting how their master had worked so hard.

"I have placed tight security on main gates to not let anyone exit. One may come but not leave. I have send tao with another person to keep an eye on the ones that are digging the information related to servants.

The people under house arrest have royal guards and newly selected servants tracking their movements.Seems like prime minister and his party are behaving well after their meeting in the tea house." explains Pei Jin.

Tapping the table Yusheng replies "well he is the one with good head, he must have promised and assured those clowns as to settle them. He will be trying his best to somehow cool the situation but don't worry soon he will be very busy with saving his own hide.

He won't have time to think about other matters. I have prepared two big shows to keep the capital lively. Gods eye is digging for the person, soon we will have results. There is nothing in this world that doesn't leaves it trace, just a matter of how far you go to find it."

I am thinking about selecting the li from the imperial censor cabinet as the first chicken to fall under my blade. Heard that he preparing to impeach on the matter of house arrest..explains Pei Jin.

"Uhmm.. though insignificant but still a pawn. Zhou and mu though obedient on surface wants both consort mu and third prince to be released as to not have any negative impressions among common people and the court.

You can do as you want, for consort mu... let her be but for her son though not ready yet, still have some thoughts.." answers Yusheng.

After sharing their thoughts soon Pei Jin went his way avoiding the spying eyes and ears, to kill the chicken.