
Rebirth of a Tyrant: The student's vengeance

In "Rebirth of a Tyrant: The student's vengeance," the lives of two vastly different women, Amelia Brown and Serena Blackwood, collide in a twist of fate that defies comprehension. Amelia Brown is a timid high school student, perpetually overshadowed by the cruelty of her siblings and classmates. Bullied and abused, Amelia struggles to find solace in a world that seems determined to crush her spirit. But when tragedy strikes and she is killed by those she trusted. Serena Blackwood, on the other hand, is a force to be reckoned within the business world. As the head of a powerful corporation, she rules with an iron fist, crushing anyone who dares to challenge her authority. But beneath her cold exterior lies a secret vulnerability, a darkness that threatens to consume her from within. As Serena strives to come to terms with her altered existence, she finds herself entangled in a labyrinth of power struggles and deceit. With peril lurking at every turn, she must tread carefully, lest she fall victim to the machinations of her enemies. Yet, as hidden truths come to light and loyalties are put to the test, Serena discovers that her destiny is intertwined with that of others in ways she never anticipated.

NoisyGhost_99 · 青春言情
7 Chs

Shadows of Envy

My eyes fluttered open groggily as a insistent rapping echoed on my door. Throwing the covers aside with a groan, I shuffled towards the sound, peering through a sliver of opened door. My mom's cheerful face greeted me.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" she chirped. "Want to join me, Charlotte, and Olivia for a shopping spree?"

"Ugh, shopping?" I grimaced internally, the thought of spending the day with my sisters sending shivers down my spine. "Actually, Mom, I have a ton of homework to catch up on," I lied, forcing a polite smile despite the guilt gnawing at me for the untruth.

Mom's smile faltered slightly. "But honey," she pleaded, her eyes wide and hopeful, "it's been a while since we've all hung out together. And hey, I'll even treat you to ice cream afterwards!"

The promise of ice cream was tempting, but the idea of navigating a mall with Charlotte and Olivia was enough to make me want to crawl back under the covers. With a heavy sigh, I conceded, "Alright, Mom. Let's do this."

Upstairs in my room, I rummaged through my wardrobe, searching for an outfit that wouldn't scream "invisible" amidst my sisters' likely dazzling displays. Finally dressed, I trudged downstairs to find Mom already waiting impatiently by the car.

"Come on, honey! We've got a fun day ahead!" she chirped as I climbed into the back seat, wedged between Charlotte and Olivia. Mom seemed oblivious to the frosty tension in the air, humming along to the radio while Charlotte shot me a venomous glare and Olivia remained stoic, her jaw clenched tight.

The car ride was filled with an awkward silence, punctuated only by Mom's cheerful chatter. As we pulled into the mall parking lot, Mom asked, "Alright girls, what are we shopping for today?"

Olivia, ever the fashionista, piped up immediately. "There's this new Chanel bag I've been eyeing..."

"Ooh, that sounds divine! Let's go check it out!" Mom exclaimed, her enthusiasm bubbling over. She then turned to me, her smile expectant. "What about you, Amelia? Anything you'd like to get?"

Feeling the weight of Olivia's stare burning into my back, I stammered, "No, I'm good, Mom. I'll just look around."

Inside the mall, a wave of loneliness washed over me as I trailed behind the trio, their animated conversation a constant reminder of the outsider I felt like. I bit my lip, desperately wishing I could melt into the background.

Everywhere I looked, happy families and groups of friends walked hand-in-hand, their laughter echoing through the halls. A pang of envy twisted in my gut. As we passed store windows displaying beautiful clothes and accessories, I felt a growing sense of inadequacy. I didn't belong here, amidst the vibrancy and confidence I saw reflected in my sisters.

Forcing a smile whenever Mom glanced back at me, I tried to hide the turmoil churning within. But with each passing moment, the weight of isolation pressed down on me, suffocating and heavy.

"How about some lunch, girls?" Mom suggested, her eyes flitting between us. When she looked at me, she asked, "What are you in the mood for, Amelia?"

My mind went blank under the sudden attention. Stuttering, I struggled to form a coherent response. Olivia, sensing my hesitation, took the opportunity to interject with a sly smile, "Why don't I choose for her, Mom? She seems a bit indecisive today."

Mom seemed hesitant for a moment, but before I could voice my own opinion, Charlotte chimed in, echoing Olivia's sentiment. "It's okay, Mom. Amelia probably doesn't even know what she wants."

Frustration bubbled up inside me, but I clamped it down, a forced smile plastered on my face. It seemed easier to let them decide for me, once again.

Olivia led us towards a fancy restaurant, its chic ambiance a stark contrast to my usual haunts. As we settled into our booth, I couldn't help but steal a glance at my mom, a question nagging at the back of my mind. My parents had always been a bit secretive about their work, and their recent, unexplained job change only added to the mystery.

The urge to escape the suffocating tension between me and my sisters momentarily overshadowed my rumbling stomach. "Excuse me for a minute," I mumbled, rising from the booth.


Mom offered a distracted smile, already engrossed in conversation with Olivia about the latest designer trends. Charlotte didn't even acknowledge my departure, her gaze glued to her phone.

With a defeated sigh, I retreated to the restroom, the cool air a welcome change from the stifling atmosphere of the restaurant. As I splashed water on my face, trying to wash away the feeling of invisibility, I overheard snippets of my family's conversation through the restroom door. Their laughter and animated chatter only amplified the loneliness gnawing at me.

Just then, the restroom door creaked open, momentarily breaking my train of thought. A woman with hair as white as winter snow and eyes like burning embers strode into the room. Her tailored power suit clung to her form, radiating an aura of unwavering self-assuredness that filled the space.


As I exited the restroom moments later, I caught another glimpse of the woman's retreating figure, her head held high like a queen surveying her domain. A peculiar yearning tugged at my heart. If only I could possess a sliver of that unwavering confidence, that quiet power that seemed to emanate from her very being.