
Rebirth of a Tongue Curser

Was not born in jealousy but greedy toward affection made her uneasy. Dwell with a monster they don't know where they come from just adviced to get too close. But one day, she saw her sister talked to one of those things and somehow made her into something else. She is certain. Tinted by those blood only leads to death. Somehow that luck was meant for her sister. Not her. She run away from that place hoping to die with grief. Somehow, she learnt they weren't the only species around thus those things had nit been around since she met a man called Jones. Jones had secrets but he promised to let her know her place and where she belongs. He told her, this place is where humans lived and they are the things they hunt down. Through Jones she learned it's not bad to be envy by so one can overcome their weaknesses. She follow everything he does, stealing, lying, manipulating or disguises for fun. Nevertheless, Jones never teaches her either treason or murder.

39 Chs

scarlet witch:the grasp of noir

Noirs were supposed to cleanse a tamed soul of naekai. Every new born will have a noir guiding them to be a good fairy.

Even so, Noir was not a human soul like Jara. They officially a fairy tribe that serves Naekai tribe. As a result for sheltering them, Noir will eliminate bad feelings, emotions and incidents so that the tribe they favoverd would not become a demon.

However, Petrus played with their cores transforming noirs into a playful dementia wicked fairy by instructing them to kill Naekai tribe for Petrus hypontizing them into believing,

"Those bodies in a pale skin, charcoal eyes and plump lips were your original bodies, if you want it back, kill them" it is easy to said than be done,

out of the blue, when Catalina tribe magis power were drained by something unknown, Niran stood upon them and sheltering Naekai under their region forbiding Noirs massacre their mother's family.

That was the last thing they do to repay Catalina even though they were enemies.

Even so, Naekai did not informed such situation and still despise Niran as they thought they were the one draining their power.

"Catalina died after turning those creature into a copycat she's a traitor! " Catalina was rumored to make Niran into a cursed eye which enable them to copy a certain power they desire with only one condition

'for you had cried, you saw destruction in your eyes, you understood emotions which you never had before, and jealousy you never knew will devour you into madness, so abandoned your immortality to be my monster you will recieved a scar under your eyes, to show you let go of your nature'

Niran swore to make catalina and her descendant to be their master once she's reborn. But they never knew they have to choose between two, and what consequences of their hierarchy later for not all agreed to such rules. Even Arsh started to abandoned Catalina and stored the anklet she gave him in the past.

since morning lailita had not touched a single food. She just sit on the chair and staring at the table. She was not responsive as she used to be.

Lailita sat next to her, patted her shoulder so that Lailita look at her.

Slowly, Lailita stare at her twin and smiled.

"How was your day?" asked lailita.

"it's not even a day yet but it's been great" she answered.

"you sleep well?" Her mother came from the kitchen bringing out the dishes for lunch.

"yes, how about you?"

"was not that nice but not bad either. but I want to tell you something" She whispered to Laila throughout their whole conversation. But Laila had a hard time to believe what she said.

"You told me, the bad thing outside..is a good thing? even if it tried to eat you?" she remind Lailita of all tricks noirs display to approach their victim. However, Lailita disagreed with her.

"you good? Did something happen yesterday? Did it came to you?" Laila was worried that she raises her voice. She grabbed Lailita's hand but her sister pull it back.

"Nothing happend" she lied.

"hey, you sure my sister right?" those weird question made Laila frowned.

"Why I'm so different to you?" Laila felt uncomfortable with her sister than she distancing herself.

Lailita kept follow her movement with no expression. Laila stomped the table. In a split second she pulled Lailita's hair and stared directly into her eyes.

The mark on Lailiya grew bigger imitating a thorn crown on her neck.

"Get out from her" she mumbled. Lailita giggled.

she snatched Laila's hair and returned Laila's gaze. The thing which reside insise Lailita won't give up and Laila could sense it.

To why is that? she made a contract with it before and she won. She hid the truth from everyone. As a result, she became powerful in early age as noir returned her power once they collided.

She knew from the elder that their Magis were splitted, given to their identical demon called Noirs. To get it back they must let noirs reside. If they can control noirs temptation they won and Noirs will vanished.

if they lose, noir will eat their souls and use their body.

Indeed Laila looked like a good person only she alone knew the hidden evil of the twins.

But why do people still admire the girl and hate her when she is not doing anything wrong?

In fact most of the creations in the village were her creations but it was believed to be Laila's.

"You don't steal my power don't you?" Merliah saw the fight so she called out for her husband.

If not for the line one Lailita's neck she will calm down her daughter. But she scared her daughter is controlled by noirs. Just like her son many years ago.

Only a couple of seconds Merliah called out for Jasom, they both heard a tremor from inside of the house as if something was collapsing.

It turns out, Lailita flipped the table to hit her elder sister while she was on the ground.

Lailita rushed to Laila to chocked her, so Jasom had to pushed her second daughter away.

"see, nobody loves me! every one hates me!"

Jasom shooked Lailita while she was crying.

"you harmed your sister it's a logic I pushed you away!" He exlpained.

"have you see what she did to me?" She gazed at her father.

"she tried to kill me." Everyone in the room were speechless.

"She's the one who lured in the creature to eat me! she hates me! she sing to attrack those bloody demons inside!!!" she kneeled on the ground and cried.

"It was my invention, I knew how it works, the second fortress would not easily breaks apart." She was tortured inside thinking her sister was the one responsible to things happened to her.

"what do you mean? there's nothing wrong with the stones" Said Jasom. Even the villagers have no idea how the hell the noirs crawled inside.

"Laila knows how to unsealed it. The person who stomped my hands definitely you am I wrong?" she shouted.- Her sister shooked her head.

"a voice telling me you did." Jasom hugged her daughter but she struggled to let herslef out of his grasp.

"Why am I so different? I was able to use magis back then why am I so useless now? that thing was not supposed to eat me if i'm ordinary. which mean I carries magis?"

lailita grabbed Jasom with her nails until he bled.

"hahahaha..you played a game towards me" chill run down their spines. It was not her voice. Jasom pushed Lailita when he saw her entire eyes were blackend.

"how can I become you? I must kill you to get my magis back" she approached Laila. The mark on her neck getting thicker surrounding her chin until her cheeks. Scales started to appear on her arms, her backbones were cracking to let go of her buried wings.

She smiled while Laila trembled in front if her. Lailita raised her palm, to raise laila up in the air. Jasom hit her head so she will faint. Unfortunately she won't budge.

Merliah rushed to save Laila, causing her mother to be the one crushed on to the pine wall.

she was coughing blood. -It's no surprise she can use her magis, It seems the teeth of Noirs had removed the sealed from Lailita's body and it went revoked.

She knew her daughter is invincible judging her blood summoned Noirs though he magis were sealed.

Sadly her daughter could not uses it to the extend. - splitted to her own cleansing fairy Noir.

Jasom quickly hugged Lailita from behind but he got reflected by something and thrown away as well.

Jasom recalled the day he destroy the rocks by the river. So she's the chosen one Jasom gasped.

"I've sealed the wrong one" he accidentally spit it out.

Lailita's screams deafened the ears as if sobbing with tears. she also stamped her foot several times while cupping her ears

"Go ..." Lailita said.

The girl sat down in front of her sister.

"Laila help me" cried Lailita. Laila approached while holding back tears though her sister's face was now clearly different from how she looks like.

green veins could be seen emerging inside her darkened eyes. Naekai did have a large eyeball, but not as big enough to fill the entire white eyes.

Before she could comfort Lailita, the girl ran outside and bumped on to Jenny.

Jenny pull her arm but let ot go after she saw her eyes.

laila saw Jenny confused face but she did not care and went for her sister.

Two same figure flashing in front her eyes, Jenny was clueless. How did she cannot figured which one was them?