
Rebirth of a Business Tycoon

The story centers around Zhou Ming, a shrewd and insightful financier, who successfully navigates a major stock market crash in Hong Kong. Set against the backdrop of a financial crisis, the novel details Zhou Ming’s strategic foresight and financial acumen.

Ahmed_Helmy11111 · 都市
1223 Chs

Chapter 30: I'll come find Her Majesty

Zhou Ming and Caitlyn took a flight from Harrodsburg to London, England. As they walked out of the airport with the crowd, Zhou Ming couldn't help but feel that this was truly the busiest airport in the world. The flow of people was as dense as that at a domestic train station during the Spring Festival travel rush.

'Last time we came from Bermuda, we didn't stay long here because we had to transfer in London. I don't know if we'll have the chance to take you for a walk around Greater London this time,' Zhou Ming said to Caitlin.

Caitlin shook her head gently to indicate that it didn't matter. Ming took Caitlin to Buckingham Palace in a taxi. The driver looked back in surprise: 'Are you here on holiday, my friend? If it were me, I'd say you'd better find somewhere to stay first. The view from Buckingham Palace is nice, but the cost of sleeping nearby is also very high.'

'Thank you for your concern, I just think that maybe a friend will pay the bill for me,' Ming said to him.

Since Ming had said that, the driver didn't say anything more and concentrated on driving. At that moment, Caitlin asked Ming in a low voice, 'Do we really have to go straight to Buckingham Palace? Wouldn't that be a bit reckless?'

Caitlyn's worries were not without reason. After all, Buckingham Palace was not open to the public, and as the Queen's main residence, how could they just go in? To go there without even saying hello or asking for an appointment would be considered reckless.

Zhou Ming spread his hands: 'But we have no other choice. Your aunt is not willing to help us, so we have to find a way ourselves. However, from the mainland to Bermuda, I have always been reckless, so it doesn't matter if I'm reckless again now. Besides, this is the key to whether we can punish Jefferson!'

Zhou Ming always acts decisively and without delay. After receiving news from Louise, he set off for England at once and went straight to Buckingham Palace.

'In as the old Chinese saying goes, you can't get the tiger cub without entering the tiger's den. Since we are going up against Jefferson, the illegitimate son of the archbishop, we must think of some extraordinary methods. The British royal family, which is not of the same denomination as Jefferson, is a good target to win over,' said Zhou Ming.

Facing Zhou Ming's statement, Caitlin did not say anything more. Besides, they were already in London, could they change their minds? They could only pray for a miracle.

After a half-hour drive later, Ming and Caitlin finally arrived at Buckingham Palace. As parking is not allowed at the main entrance of Buckingham Palace, Ming and Caitlin got off the bus at the side and, after paying the fare, walked directly towards the main entrance.

As an iconic London building, there were still quite a few tourists at the entrance, despite the fact that Buckingham Palace was not open to the public. They saw Zhou Ming walking towards the entrance and couldn't help but remind him, 'Hey, Chinese guy, this Buckingham Palace is not open. Just take a few photos at the entrance.'

Zhou Ming turned to him and said, 'Thank you very much for your reminder, but maybe I can go in?'

The man was stunned in surprise, as if he had not expected Zhou Ming to be so persistent. He could not help but warn Zhou Ming, 'Friend, maybe you are very powerful in your country, but this is not a place where you can behave recklessly!'

Zhou Ming ignored him and walked towards the door with Caitlyn, only to be stopped by the royal guards at the door. These royal guards were dressed in the British tradition, in scarlet short jackets and tall bearskin hats. They politely told Zhou Ming, 'We're very sorry, but this is a restricted area of the palace. You can take photos at the entrance, but you are not

(this This chapter is incomplete, please turn the page) are not allowed to enter for a visit.'

'See, I knew this would be the result, so Hua Xia people, you'd better get out of here!' someone behind him sneered.

But Zhou Zhou Ming was not at all moved, and still said to the guard at the door, 'Of course I know, but I'm not here for a visit. In fact, I have an appointment to see Her Majesty the Queen.'

The guard was stunned. He had been on duty at Buckingham Palace for three years and was considered a veteran. He had received many foreign guests, but they had basically entered through the side door. If they had entered through the front door, they would have been greeted at the door, as a sign of respect for the guests. How could you let a guest walk over by themselves? This was is an unforgivable mistake for the royal family, which places great importance on etiquette.

Looking at his expression, Zhou Ming knew what he was surprised about, so he continued, 'I know this is strange, but there is a reason for it. Because I sold the British pound before, which caused your queen to lose a large sum of money, so she did it on purpose.'

'Look It seems you don't believe me,' said Zhou Ming. 'I advise you to better call your queen, otherwise if there is another Bank of England incident, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it.'

Zhou Ming When he said this, he was actually very unsure. Although what he said was true, if you put yourself in the other person's shoes, it's complete nonsense. Whoever believes it is stupid!

However I don't know if it's because Zhou Ming's acting is really that good or what, but the royal guard said, 'I'm sorry, I don't have the authority to speak to Her Majesty the Queen.'

'Then you should notify your superior first, I'm sure he knows,' Zhou Ming said.

The royal guard frowned and looked hesitant. Then Zhou Ming said, 'I think you'd better make up your mind quickly, because we're already becoming part of the landscape at the gates of Buckingham Palace.'

The royal guard then came to his senses: 'Yes, sir, please wait a moment in the passageway while I contact our superiors.'

After saying the guard made a gesture inviting Ming and Caitlin to follow. Ming naturally led Caitlin into the world-famous Buckingham Palace. famous Buckingham Palace. This situation made the people behind them drop their glasses on the ground, and those who had just mocked Zhou Ming for not knowing the rules were all confused. They had no idea how this unattractive Chinese man could break through the restrictions and enter Buckingham Palace.

Outside were baffled, and Caitlin, who had already entered the Buckingham Palace communication room, was even more apprehensive. After all, Zhou Ming had entered completely by chance, so she held Zhou Ming's hand tightly, looking very nervous. Zhou Ming patted the back of her hand to reassure her.

In fact Zhou Ming was also very anxious at the door, but when he walked in, his heart calmed down.

After all, he was just going to try recklessly. It would be a miracle if he could get in, and it would be normal if he couldn't. As long as he tried, that would be fine.

Zhou Ming made up his mind, and sat calmly on the sofa watching the guard opposite him call his superior.

After a a while, the royal guard returned and said to Zhou Ming, 'I'm very sorry, sir, but my superior says you're not on the visitor list. However, he says that if you really are the gentleman, he would be more than happy to come and confirm it.'

'It's better to obey than to be respectful,' Zhou Ming said.

So Zhou Ming and Caitlin waited here. Seeing that the guard seemed a little nervous, Zhou Ming said to him, 'Don't be so nervous. I'm not going to run away, and I have no intention of breaking into Buckingham Palace and carrying out some terrorist attack.'

However, it was fortunate that Zhou Ming didn't say it, because the guard got even more nervous when he heard

(this This chapter is not finished yet, please turn the page) He said this and the guards became even more nervous, which made Zhou Ming feel very helpless.

After another ten minutes, an officer-like man walked out, and Zhou Ming knew that he must be the commander of this royal guard.

He walked into the communication room, looked Zhou Ming up and down, then took the initiative to extend his hand, but his expression was very arrogant, and he even said to Zhou Ming with his nose up: 'Hello, I am Andrew, the commander of the Buckingham Palace Royal Guard. I heard that you are the one who defeated the Bank of England, right?'

Zhou Ming nodded in acknowledgement, Andrew then laughed disdainfully: 'But if I remember correctly, the one who defeated the Bank of England should have been a talent named Joe Roth.'

'Since if you know George Soros, then you should also know that George Soros is backed by the Quantum Fund. And before the Bank of England incident, a Chinese person acquired shares in the Quantum Fund, and that was me,' explained Zhou Ming.

'So So that's how it is.' Andrew then sat down and asked, but still didn't look at Zhou Ming with interest, as if he were a very bad portrait. 'So, Mr. Hua Xia, what is your purpose for barging into Buckingham Palace?'

'I came at the Queen's summons to solve the problem of Buckingham Palace's increasing maintenance costs,' Zhou Ming replied.

'I'm sorry, but the maintenance of Buckingham Palace has always been the responsibility of the royal family, and the Queen's purse can still afford the maintenance of this palace,' Andrew said.

Zhou Ming smiled. 'Honourable Mr. Andrew, if that were the case, I would not be sitting here today. As a matter of fact, as far as I know, even your royal guards have not replaced their bearskin hats for two years, right? And some of the facilities in the palace are showing signs of aging...'

Zhou Ming had not finished speaking when he was rudely interrupted by Andrew: 'This is all your fault, you shameless merchants! are like demons from hell, slowly draining our wealth. I should have you hanged from the flagpole at the back of the palace!'

'This would be a good way to let off steam, but you'd better not do it, because I didn't come to the queen to get money, but to give her money, and the money I gave her was not just 100 million or 200 million. 'Zhou Ming said.

'Then you put the money down and you can go,' Andrew said.

Zhou Ming laughed even more happily: 'This joke is not funny at all. Where do you think I could hide more than 100 million pounds?'

Andrew Andrew asked again, 'Isn't there something like a cheque?'

Zhou Ming shook his head helplessly: 'Mr Andrew, if it were you, could you just leave the cheque and leave immediately? Let's face the reality, shall we?'

'But I cannot guarantee that you will not pose a threat to Her Majesty the Queen,' Andrew said, changing tack.

'In fact, I am not asking you to make a decision. You can simply tell Her Majesty the Queen exactly what I have just said, and let her decide whether or not to meet with me,' Zhou Ming said.

' what makes you think I'm qualified to speak to the Queen? And what makes you think I'll pass on the message?' Andrew asked again.

Zhou Ming spread his hands: 'I don't know, maybe it's a hunch, or maybe you've already been hypnotised by me.'

Zhou Ming 's cold humour made the guard soldiers unable to stop laughing, which made Andrew feel embarrassed. He said angrily to Zhou Ming, 'I will help you, but if the result is not as you said, I promise to strip you naked and throw you out into the street, I swear!'

Zhou Ming replied with a smile, 'But I don't think you'll get that chance.'