
When Su Jin walked out of the dimension, feeling refreshed, Lu Hao had finished preparing the food. He had made three dishes and a soup. Although it was not as tasty as Lin Yunguo's cooking, it was still very decent.

Su Jin did not even know that Lu Hao could cook. Then again, they had barely been married for a few days in the past life before she had to leave for work. After that, they were separated for a long time.

Lu Hao looked at Su Jin, whose mind had wandered halfway through the meal. He could not help but pinch her face.

"Hurry up and eat."

Lu Hao pinched her again.

"Lu Hao, I suddenly have an idea," Su Jin said as she ate the beer-braised duck.

"What is it?"

"Why don't we keep some poultry in the dimension too? And some fish too. That way we get to keep up the supply."